Jason Bourne: We don't have a choice.
Marie: Yes you do.
Pamela Landy: You wanna to go home? Find Jason Bourne.
Jarda: Word in the ether was you'd lost your memory.
Jason Bourne: You still should have moved.
Marie: Because sooner or later, you remember something good.
Jason Bourne: I do remember something good. All the time.
Kirill: You told me I had one month off.
Gretkov: You told me Jason Bourne was dead.
Nicky: They know you were there.
Jason Bourne: Stop, stop! A weeek ago, I was 4,000 miles away, in India, watching Marie die. They came for me, and they killed her instead. This ends now.
Answer: Picot from The Bourne Identity is not in The Bourne Supremacy. The one Jason Bourne pays a visit is called Jardo (director Paul Greengrass mentions this on the commentary track) and lives in Munich (visible on screen), ie. South Germany.