Best X-Men movie questions of all time

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X-Men picture

Question: Are Scott and Jean engaged? In the scene where Jean's reading Logan's mind, she appears to be wearing an engagement ring.

Answer: The ring she is wearing is not an engagement ring because they are not officially engaged until X2.


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X-Men 2 picture

Question: Is there a reason for Storm creating a storm when the X-Men talk to the president or is it just to make the scene more "spooky"?

Answer: The president is delivering a live address on television. The storm would make an excuse for the break in the signal.

Nick N.

More X-Men 2 questions
X-Men 3 picture

Question: I have three questions regarding the end scene. 1. How come Jean can't crush Wolverine's body? I ask this because we can see her easily kill all people who walk too close to her. 2. Why didn't Wolverine inject Jean with the cure instead of killing her? 3. What would happen if Jean got injected with the cure?


Chosen answer: 1) Apparently the combination of Logan's unbreakable skeleton and healing factor was enough to keep Jean from shredding him - it's possible to see his body getting damaged and repairing itself in a few shots. 2) Because, while he's capable of getting close to her mostly intact, the same isn't really true of anything he might be wearing or holding, so any cure syringe he carried with him would be destroyed. 3) Who knows? Given her extreme power level, the cure might or might not have worked, and, considering the final shot of the movie, which suggests that the cure isn't permanent anyway, her powers would likely return before long.


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Deadpool 2 picture

Question: Why is the man's groin blurred out in the fight-scene at the Japanese sauna? It's an R-rated movie (or unrated, depending on the cut of the film you watch), so it's not like they couldn't have shown it. The best I can figure is that it's a reference to the fact that genitals are blurred out in Japanese media due to "decency" laws. Is that what the joke was?


Answer: It is a possibility. In Japan, the showing of a person's genital area and/or pubic hair is considered obscene.

More Deadpool 2 questions

Answer: Yes that would be how she most likely was able to tell.

More Deadpool questions

Answer: Technopathy which is the ability to control certain electrical devices and Electrokinesis which is the ability to generate, manipulate and/or conduct electricity.

More X-Men Origins: Wolverine questions
X-Men: Days of Future Past picture

Question: Were the headphones that Evan Peters wore in the Pentagon escape scene available in 1973?

Answer: If you're referring to the behind-the-head headphones, NO! They were introduced in 1997:

More X-Men: Days of Future Past questions

Answer: It is shown in X-Men: Days of Future Past that Hank made a serum that can help him walk.

Chosen answer: The short answer is events in this film negate what happened in X-Men 3 as well as Origins: Wolverine or one could say this film essentially became a reboot. Since no real answer seems to be given, and since the X-Men 3 film makers didn't know Charles would later be shown to become paralyzed prior to visiting Jean, they had no need to explain why he's walking. One can only speculate on the possible ways Charles walks in these 2 previous movies (and this isn't taking into account the timeline shift from X-Men Days of Future Past). We do know from DOFP that Hank/Beast created a serum for Charles that allowed him to walk, albeit without his powers. Hank could have kept working on this serum which would allow Charles to walk and still maintain some of his powers. Then at some point Charles stopped taking the serum, confining him to the wheelchair once again. Either because they ran out of the serum or because Charles came to the realization he needs to accept what happened and not hide it, especially if he's teaching children to accept who they are. Charles also has the power of "astral projection" and the power to appear in the minds of others, so Charles could simply not be there at Jean's house, but is back home, in his wheelchair.


More X-Men: First Class questions
X-Men: Apocalypse picture

Question: What happened to Psylocke after the movie? Would you say this indicates an appearance in another upcoming X-Men film?

Answer: Psylocke is purposefully shown literally just walking away after the dust has settled. She could very well show up in another film somewhere along the line but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.


More X-Men: Apocalypse questions
Logan picture

Question: This question and answer may contain spoilers. The film made it seem like once the mutant children cross the Canadian border, they would be safe. Dr. Rice (I believe it was him) even says they (the Reavers) need to hurry or they'll lose the children if they cross. My question is why? Did I miss something? Who was suppose to meet the children in Canada? Or is Dr. Rice saying they can't follow the children into Canada, and if so, why not? Alkali Lake was in Canada and it doesn't seem they have any regards for laws and borders. And surely if the children were that valuable, or the need to destroy them so important, why would Dr. Rice not send his army of Reavers to battle whoever was helping the children?


Chosen answer: It is subtly shown that Rice has a deal with the US government to conduct his business without conflict, something he won't have in Canada. There is also a strong theory that the people helping the children is Department H. The Canadian organization that started the super team, Alpha Flight.


More Logan questions

Answer: Your guess is correct. Lawrence stated she was done with the franchise after "X-Men: Apocalypse." She jokingly told Simon Kinberg she would return for this film if he directed it, and to her surprise, he was serious about it and held her to it. Fans weren't very keen on her appearances either, because she was definitely phoning it in for the third film, so that may have factored into killing her off early as well.


More than one actress had played Mystique. Just because Jennifer Lawrence did not want to continue playing that role is not a reason the character would be killed off. They could easily recast another notable actress in the part. I would not be surprised if Mystique is miraculously "resurrected" in a future X-Men film with a new actress.


Aside from Deadpool, any new X-Men film would be a complete overhaul of the franchise since the characters will be part of the MCU now. You're not wrong about an actor wanting out to not really be a reason to kill off a character, but it doesn't preclude them from doing so either. They might have decided it wouldn't be worth the hassle of recasting the role with all the negative baggage that would come with it.


Here are some candidates I think could do it: Amanda Seyfried, Shailene Woodley, Chloe Grace Moretz. Heck maybe even Milla Jovovich-Anderson should be given an audition, what say you guys?


More Dark Phoenix questions
The Wolverine picture

Question: The scene with the bear, the hunter in the bar, and the poisoned arrows was taken from a particular comic book. Anyone know which one?


Chosen answer: It was the first issue of the Wolverine comic, the 1982 limited series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller.


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