X-Men 2

Question: When Professor X starts killing everyone, he and Jason remain unharmed. Does Cerebro protect them from it?

Answer: Anyone inside the Cerebro chamber would have to be immune to its effects. Otherwise, the professor wouldn't be able to use the machine.

Question: Instead of waiting for someone to inject liquid iron into themselves, could Magneto manipulate the small amounts of iron that are already present inside a person?


Chosen answer: It's unlikely. Most of the naturally occurring iron atoms in the human body are tied up as part of the hemoglobin molecule - it's unclear whether Magneto could affect it under those circumstances. The amount of iron is also extremely small, at most a couple of grams, which really isn't much to work with. Mystique's escape plan gives him a lot more to work with, in a much purer form.


Answer: It's because their characters Toad and Sabretooth both got killed during the final fight of X-Men 1 (Toad was hit by Storm's lightning, Sabretooth fell off the statue of liberty).


Question: Where did Colossus and the other students go after they escaped from the school?

Answer: It's never shown in the movie. We only know they escape through the hidden tunnels. Since the students obviously knew about the tunnels, there was likely a predetermined location for them to meet at in an emergency.

Question: When Storm is talking to Nightcrawler about his scar art, and the conversation is led up to anger, why did she walk out of the room just after he asked her how she could be so angry and beautiful at the same time? Did she have to do something, or was she just leaving for the sake of leaving? (Although if a guy told me I was beautiful, I would stay around...).

Answer: Well, I don't know what version of the film you're watching, but, in my one, she doesn't walk out - there's a couple more lines of dialogue (about anger helping you survive and about faith). Jean then calls Storm, telling her that she's picked up a comm beacon, and only then does Storm leave - which is to be expected, as she's heading back to the controls.


Question: What's the extent of 'Blink's' powers? I know he/she(comic) never sleeps so he doesn't get knocked out by the 'tranquilizer' but what else can he do?

Answer: There's nothing to link the character seen in the film to Blink the comic character - the fact that he's seen using his powers by blinking is tenuous to say the least, particularly as the comic Blink doesn't do that. Blink the comic character has the ability to open teleport gates, and seems to able to use those gates to physically disrupt solid objects. She has lilac coloured skin and does sleep. The character seen in the film bears no resemblance to any X-man seen in the comics - he appears to be entirely an invention of the film makers.


Question: Why didn't Nightcrawler just teleport into the White House grounds to kill the President, instead of sneaking in with the group, putting on makeup to hide his skin, etc? Why did Stryker have him do all of that?

Answer: Having Nightcrawler teleport in and out of the White House would have been too discreet, and Stryker wanted to put on a show. He wanted the spectacle of one (scary-looking) mutant invading the White House, taking out all the security and successfully assassinating the President single-handedly. This would have stirred the public enough to justify his would-be war on mutants. Even though the attempt on his life failed, the President was still shaken enough for Stryker to weasel out permission to raid Xavier's mansion. This would give Stryker what he needed to complete Cerebro 2 and bring his so-called "war on mutants" to a close.

Question: I was watching this movie last night, and it got to the part where Nightcrawler/Storm are looking down at the kids in the cell. On the back wall there looks to be an image of Nightcrawler in the place where he teleports later on. What is this doing there?

Answer: This is mentioned in a mistake for the film. It is in fact Nightcrawler himself just before he steps forward, appearing to have just teleported into the cell. For some unknown reason, the editors used this shot before he was to have teleported.

Question: Why didn't wolverine simply retract his claws when the cops showed up at the front of bobby's house? Might have saved him from being shot.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: They're ordering him to drop them, to put them somewhere where he doesn't have access to them. Obviously he can't do that, however, retracting them isn't going to satisfy them - indeed, if he suddenly retracted them, the shock might actually prompt them to shoot. His best bet is to keep them in view, but make it plain that he's not taking any hostile action with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.


Question: How do the police officers survive the blast that Pyro, sends knocking them off of the porch? They would have extensive burns to their entire body if this were to really happen and not just look like they were rolling around in dirt.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Chosen answer: Pyro probably didn't want to hurt them, just scare them. Pyro controls fire, remember? That's how they didn't get burned by the blasts.


Pyro most likely superheated the oxygen atoms just in front of the officers causing them to explode. He made sure the officers were just far enough away from the blast that the shockwave would only throw them but not kill or burn them.

Question: At one point in the movie, Rogue flies the X-Jet. I noticed that this appears to put her in a state of heightened emotion, just like when she is draining a person's energy, and she has to be pulled off the controls almost like she is unable to let go. Is this a clue to how she gains her flying ability in the context of the movies? I see similarities between this the comic where she permanently gained the ability to fly from another mutant when, for some reason, she was unable to let go of them whilst draining their power.

Answer: Rogue doesn't know how to fly the jet. She's screaming because it is out of control and she is frightened by the spinning, which is forcing her body to one side. She can't let go because to do so would release the jet from any control whatsoever, a conscious choice not related to her powers. Rogue can't draw energy from things that aren't alive.


Answer: It wasn't another mutant, it was the original Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers.

Answer: Rogue attained the ability to fly from another mutant. She accidentally drained too much and the powers became permanent. It gave her the streak of grey in her hair and put the mutant in a coma.

Question: I am confused as to the time difference between X-Men and X2. I heard it is 3 weeks and it was 3 years. Some say its 3 years because of Cyclops' new car, but then I realize that it doesn't take Logan 3 years to reach Alkali Lake. So, what is the time difference?

Answer: 3 weeks would be more than enough time to get to Canada and back. Further, we never know for sure if Cyclops had 2 or more cars to start with. Also, as Rogue is only 17-18, she would have changed dramatically in 3 years. 3 weeks, or a similar relatively short period of time, is far more likely.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: I've been wondering that too. 3 weeks definitely makes more sense to me, but that actually made me think of another question. Since the first movie came out in 2000 and the second in 2003, it made me wonder what year it is. I suppose either are possible.

Question: When I used to collect Essential X-men, someone wrote in saying that they had seen the Mutant Leech somewhere in the film, but I can't find him, has anyone spotted him and can anyone tell me where he is?

Answer: Leech does not appear in the film. The boy with the discoloured tongue is Artie Maddicks, a different character (though one who was a good friend of Leech's in the comics).

Answer: Leech is not in this movie, but he does have a significant role in X-Men: The Last Stand.


Question: If Stryker hates and wants to kill all mutants, then why does he let Deathstrike work for him?

Answer: That was temporary. He later tries to kill all mutants with Dr. Xavier's power, so that would have included Deathstrike.

Answer: As we see in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Stryker has a long history of working with mutants. So, although he grew to hate them, he recognizes that they can serve a purpose for him, as he tells Xavier when giving Lady Deathstrike another dose of the mind control serum.


Answer: When Mystic broke into Stryker's offices, by changes into Lady Deathstryke, she got into his computer files. There were decades of top secret and covert op files. Besides, Magneto himself had decades to gather intelligence on any government officials, who were against mutants.

Answer: He didn't know specifically it was Colonel Stryker who experimented on Logan, but he knew the answers were at the secret military base hidden within the dam.

Question: We never see Scott finding out the fact that Logan used his car, stuck his adamantium claws in the steering wheel, and left it at Bobby Drake's house in Boston. How did this likely play out?

Answer: Considering the circumstances Scott would most certainly overlook the loss of his car. The love of his life has just been killed. Even if he didn't overlook it, Logan only took the car because of an emergency. Nothing that happens to the car is remotely Logan's fault.


Question: When Mystique was disguised as a girl named "Grace" was this supposed to be her normal human side (except with a different name), or was she just transforming into someone else?

Answer: Just a random transformation.


Question: What was the whole purpose of Nightcrawler trying to assassinate the president?

Answer: In the first X-Men movie, the proposed "Mutant Registration Act" was called off. William Stryker, who was anti-mutant, wanted to force the issue by having a mutant kill the president, to show how dangerous mutants are. Nightcrawler was brainwashed by Stryker to attempt this.


Question: Could someone please tell me where I can find a good quality picture of the back of Jean Grey's coat? I want to copy the Phoenix symbol that you see on the back of her coat (it's when Jean and Storm enter the church looking for Nightcrawler). I can't get anything resembling a decent picture on my TV (I even went frame by frame), and various Google image searches haven't even yielded a crappy picture. For something that should be simple, it's sure driving me up a wall. If anyone can help me out I will be extremely grateful.

Answer: I don't know if this is exactly because I can't see it very good in the movie, but give a try: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AnPqTL-MV8I/SWgBkLw-GWI/AAAAAAAABIU/7Bfy-T3svkw/s400/Phoenix.bmp. Or try this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3nijF7x6U6U/Tlf3DATcm4I/AAAAAAAAJKE/fuaw3BXPHRY/s1600/Phoenix+Tattoo+Pattern56.jpg.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: In the ending scene, how come Jean couldn't control the plane, and stop the flood from the inside? Would've been a whole lot easier.


Chosen answer: Because, as we see earlier in the film, Jean's increasing power levels cause problems with electrical equipment. She has to be clear of the plane for it to fly under its own power. From the outside, she can control it without risking it losing power and crashing into the water below.


X-Men 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the end, when the President is visited by the X-Men, he receives a blue binder, which is laid in front of him on the table. When they have left, you see a shot including the President's desk, and you can see that the only thing he has on the table are some sheets of paper, stapled in the upper left corner, opened up. Then the shot changes to a close-up of the President, and then back again, and you see the blue binder in front of him, closed, and the papers have disappeared. (02:01:40)

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Pyro: You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about in the news? I'm the worst one.

More quotes from X-Men 2
X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

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