The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Corrected entry: Just after Gollum is captured by Faramir's men and has had a hood placed over his head, there's a shot where 3 archers have their bows trained on him and Frodo. The archer on the upper right is illustrating the proper way to hold a bow. The archer on the lower left has his index finger wrapped around the arrow to steady it. If he released the string, the feathers would tear his finger to shreds like a monstrous papercut, and the arrow's flight would be completely screwed up. (Submitted by an archer who has learned the hard way.) (01:33:10)

Correction: While you don't want to fire the arrow with your finger on it, you can still have your finger on it before you shoot. I will often use my finger to steady the arrow, and take it off right before I fire.

Correction: The chain and ring are under Frodo's shirt, but when Frodo says,"Gollum" and when Sam asks, "Mr Frodo, are you all right?," you can see a glimpse of the chain, under the Lorien brooch.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Frodo calls Gollum 'Smeagol' for the first time in The Dead Marshes, Gollum gets upset. Look around the two - the sky is quite dark, but in the next shot when they hear the winged Nazgul approaching, the sky is much lighter.

Correction: Just before that shot, Gollum says, "master should be resting," and all around Gollum is thick fog. When Frodo gets up and stands near Gollum, he asks, "who are you?," behind Frodo the sky is becoming lighter on the horizon. It is dawn. Because it's foggy, in the close up shots, you can't see the sky. Only when the camera pans out, as the Nazgul screams, you can see the sky.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The length of Gandalf's hair changes fairly regularly throughout. This is particularly noticeable in the throne room sequence in Rohan. The length ranges from a significant way down his back to close to his shoulders.

Correction: In the throne room, Gandalf's hair is initially inside his grey cloak. It falls out, and looks longer, when he removes the cloak and reveals himself as Gandalf the White.

Bob Blumenfeld

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sam and Frodo make a run to the Black Gate, Gollum grabs both of them by their elvish cloaks, but Gollum isn't hurt from touching it. (00:51:05)

Correction: Gollum is frantic to stop the hobbits from entering the Gate - he would most likely have accepted any pain from touching the cloaks in order to stop them. Anyway, watch the rope sequence again - it does seem that Gollum is seriously exaggerating (if not completely lying about) the rope's effects, presumably in the hope that it will be removed. Once it becomes clear that that's not going to work, he becomes quite calm and changes tack to "swearing to serve". He never mentions anything about the rope causing him pain after that, nor does he seem to be in any great discomfort merely from touching the rope - his subsequent discomfort is from Sam nearly throttling him with it when he pulls Gollum off the rocks. The whole elf-related pain may have been a total falsehood, or, at the very least, a severe overstatement of the truth.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Eomer of Rohan gives Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli two horses it seems they have appeared out of thin air. When you get a birdseye view of the riders you can see no free horses and when Aragorn calls them back there are no free horses. It can't be that other riders volunteered them, as Eomer states that he hopes that Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are more fortunate than their original owners, indicating that they perished in the battle with the Uruk-hai.

Correction: There are no shots of the entire group from a sufficiently high angle to prove that there were no loose horses among the group. In all the birdseye shots, some part of the group is obscured, usually the rear section where it would make sense for riderless horses to be kept.


Corrected entry: In the scene at the end of the extended edition where Legolas and Gimli are comparing their battle scores, Legolas is wearing a long sword in a sheath hanging from his belt. At no other time in the movie does Legolas have a sword, even after he dons armour for the Battle of Helm's Deep. He has his bow, and his two knives which he occasionally whips out of the sheath on his back.

Correction: Legolas can be seen using this longsword throughout the "riding forth" sequence. His usual blades are far too short to be of any use while on horseback, so he must have borrowed the longsword (it's a Rohan sword, from the look of it) for the final charge.


Corrected entry: When Frodo has the top of his shirt unbuttoned his mithril armor is missing. (02:50:23)

Correction: When Frodo's top two buttons of his shirt are open throughout FotR and TTT, there are moments when you can easily see the Mithril, then moments where you can only catch a glimpse of it and sometimes you can't see it at all, depending on the position of his collar. The Mithril hangs down low on his chest, so it wouldn't always be discernible.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the Warg battle scene, Gimli is being charged by a creature and Legolas shoots it for him. He yells out, "That one was mine." and is surprised by another behind him. He strikes it, and it falls on him. Look at the axe in the shot where they fall - the handle is facing the wrong direction.

Correction: No it is not. Gimli hacked at the Warg, swinging from his right shoulder into the top of the Warg's head and that's where the ax stays.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the battle with the warg riders where Aragorn goes over the cliff, his sword is not in its sheath when he tumbles. Yet later, as he drifts up on the shore, his sword is sheathed and safe. Did he return it to the scabbard as he fell?

Correction: Just after Aragorn stabs a warg rider, and gets knocked off his horse, he puts his sword back into its sheath off camera, just before he jumps onto the warg with the other warg rider. When he jumps onto that warg, do still frame and you can see the sword is sheathed. You can also see the sword in its scabbard after he stabs the orc with his knife (Lorien gift, see handle) just before he goes over the cliff.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After Pippin has spit out the elven brooch for his friends to find it, what is holding his cloak? First I thought it was the scarf, but this can not be. Especially when he is in Treebeards hands you can see that the scarf is UNDER the cloak.

Correction: At the 'gift giving' in the FotR, zoom in as the leaves of Lorien are being pinned onto the cloak. There is some kind of a 'tab' between the corners of the cloak, for a button perhaps, right behind the brooch. You can see this 'tab' during any number of closeups on Pippin in TTT.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where the uruks plant the bombs in the culvert at Helm's Deep and then proceed to blow it up. You see in one shot that the culvert has not been dammed/blocked in any way and in another shot you see a small stream of water flowing freely through it. Why then do we see such a torrent of water flowing trough the gap once a hole is blasted in the wall? (02:12:45 - 02:13:50)

Correction: The ground level is much lower outside the wall than inside - the culvert allows a small amount of water to spill over the top from the pool inside and flow out. When the wall is blown up, all the water in the pool can flow out at once.


Corrected entry: During the fight in Gondor (before Frodo and Sam were released), the camera gives us a bit of a view of the archers. One archer that is crouched behind a stone piece is seen dodging arrows that aren't there. Then all of a sudden he collapses onto the rock, although he was never actually hit by anything.

Correction: This is incorrect. The defenders can frequently be seen ducking behind cover, that's true, but that is common sense - they would only expose themselves when they were returning fire. The only defenders who actually collapse and don't move again are the ones who are visibly struck by arrows.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: Because the title of the film is very similar to a nickname of the World Trade Center towers ("Twin Towers") and their connection to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, director Peter Jackson considered changing it, but quickly decided against it because of fan opposition.


Correction: This was only a rumor. Jackson and everyone else involved with the production have stated numerous times that they never even considered changing the title.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the film, the two towers in the title refer to the fortress of Barad-dur, and the tower of Orthanc. In the book, the two towers being referred to were the towers of Orthanc and Cirith Ungol, but since the film makers cut the half of the story which tells of Cirith Ungol to add into Return of the King, they had to have the second tower refer to Barad-dur.

Correction: Tolkien always said that he had never had a clear idea about which two towers were being referred to in the title, so it is as ambiguous now as it was when the books were first published.


Correction: Given that 98% of the sound in the LOTR films was redone later, and most of this pursuing sequence is without natural sound at all (ie. we just hear music etc) most likely the sound is something else which just sounds like a helicopter.


Corrected entry: In the battle of Helm's Deep, why would the Uruk-Hai try so hard to storm the fortress gates when a huge section of the wall had just been blown up? That particular area wasn't being heavily defended.

Correction: Elementary strategy - divide and conquer. The more different places your enemy has to defend, the thinner he must spread his defenses and the less effective the defense will be at any of those points.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: Just a small strategic moan, why would they have a long straight bridge/causeway up to the only weak point in the Hornburg's walls, i.e. the Gate, this just invites your foe to get a good run up with a battering ram, if they had either used a sharp turn or curve as they came up for a final approach to the gate, the orcs wouldn't be able to get the ram up to speed.

Correction: The design of Helm's Deep comes straight from the book and conceptual art. Why would the crew alter the style of the ramp just because it's easy for the enemy to ram it? That's like putting Meduseld on flat ground because it's too hard to walk up the hill.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Aragorn is fighting the goblin on a warg, he stabs the goblin in his neck. Later when Legolas and Gimli are talking to the goblin there is no blood on his neck and he is still able to talk.

Correction: Aragorn stabs the goblin in the chest not in his throat. If you look where the blade and handle are, he couldn't have stabbed his throat.

Corrected entry: The Wargs attack and kill quickly but when Gimli is the target (under the dead Warg), the living Warg just stands there roaring at him until Aragorn rushes to Gimli's aid.

Correction: I think this falls under the rule of "Don't ask 'why'" (Number 2 on the submission page). Yeah, it's a stretch, but I'd have to call it artistic license.

Bob Blumenfeld

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Merry and Pippin were bound when taken by the Uruk-hai, and the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not bound, even though they weren't cut until later. In the next shot, his hands are bound again. (00:31:15)

More mistakes in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Gimli: Oh come on, we can take 'em.
Aragorn: It's a long way.
Gimli: Toss me.
Aragorn: What?
Gimli: I cannot jump the distance you'll have to toss me!...don't tell the elf.
Aragorn: Not a word.

More quotes from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Trivia: John Rhys-Davies is missing the end of his middle finger on his left hand due to a farming accident as a child. The make-up artists made artificial, gelatin fingertips for him to wear in the movies. Davies one day, cut the tip in half, put 'blood' in it and closed it up. He went over to Peter Jackson (unaware of the gelatin tip) and said, "Boss, I've had an accident, look what happened". Jackson saw a small cut, but Davies bent the tip back and it split open, gushing.

Super Grover

More trivia for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Question: Maybe I missed something, but why didn't Gandalf notice that Sam was not there? He acts surprised when Aragorn says that Frodo didn't go to Mordor alone, Sam went with him. Yet, he has already seen Merry and Pippin, and Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn are with him, and he knows that Frodo went on alone, so where does he think Sam is? Please excuse me if I missed something.

Answer: The movie makes it clear that Gandalf has lost some of his memory and his personality has changed. Gandalf actually did die and pass over to the "other side", as it were but was sent back to complete his task. However, he was sent back as a similar, but different entity. Gandalf the White does not have all the memories of Gandalf the Grey, at least at first. He doesn't even remember that he used to be called Gandalf the Grey until someone points this out to him. It is implied that Gandalf doesn't even remember Sam until Aragorn mentions him. Gandalf then searches his memories and remembers who Sam is and his eventual importance to Frodo's quest. When he finally remembers this, he is pleased that Sam went with Frodo, as he will play a crucial role near the end of the journey.

More questions & answers from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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