The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the film, Sam and Frodo are climbing down a hill. You can see that Frodo is at the bottom of the hill and Sam is near the top right handside of the hill. The shot changes and Sam is at the bottom of the hill with Frodo. That means Sam climbed down the hill in about 2 seconds.

Correction: The scenes in the Emyn Muil are not supposed to be in real time - we are shown selected pieces of action and conversation, not everything as it happens.


Corrected entry: When Sam is cooking the rabbits, Gollum goes mad and shouts 'What's it doing? Stupid fat hobbit. You ruins it.' - to cook the rabbits, Sam must have skinned them, cut them up, made a fire and found water to cook the meat in. All that must have taken a fairly long time to do, so why is Gollum asking what Sam is doing with the rabbits NOW insted of before?

Correction: In the book, Sam sends Gollum away to fetch water, and it is only when he returns that he sees that Sam has lit a fire. Even then, he is surprised when Sam says that he is going to stew the rabbits - he has assumed that they will eat them raw, as he, Gollum, would do if alone. Although we are not shown the water-fetching scene, that doesn't mean that it hasn't occurred, or even that Gollum hasn't been off on his own for some other reason and has just come back.


Corrected entry: Legolas can kill a giant thick skinned Warg with one arrow but cannot kill the berserker Uruk-Hai with several arrows.

Correction: The berserker Orc is supposed to be a bit like a suicide bomber - he's so psyched up, that even though he's hit, the adrenaline carries him on for the few more steps needed to complete his task.


Corrected entry: When hiding behind the rocks and looking at Mordor, Frodo and Sam are more than willing to make a run through the black gate behind the entering column of soldiers. How on earth might they get in unnoticed, even assuming they somehow would manage to make it as far as to the gate despite the guards (which simply must exist) watching above?


Correction: That's part of the point of the scene - there IS virtually no hope, but they have to do something. In the book, Frodo puts it this way: 'I am commanded to go to the land of Mordor, and therefore I shall go. If there is only one way, then I must take it. What comes after must come after.' Until Gollum tells them otherwise, both hobbits only know of the one entrance.


Corrected entry: During the defense of Helm's Deep, as King Theoden barricades the main door, he is stabbed through the breastplate by a massive Urak-Hai spear. In later scenes, his breastplate is shown undamaged. This is definitely Theoden both times - he goes down to help barricade the door, and a few moments later directs the soldiers doing this, just after telling Aragorn he can use 'as much time as you can give me'. He is seen shortly after looking at Aragorn and Gimli through the shattered gate just before the last piece of wood is put in place, yelling 'get out of there.'


Correction: This is difficult to see - it seems as if the spear hits him in the shoulder, beside the breastplate, but later on he has no difficulty to swing the sword when he rides out of that hall. If this shot really should be seen as if the spear hit the breastplate, then it is difficult to judge anyway, as he holds his clenched fist against his breast for the rest of the scene.


Corrected entry: The stew pot that Sam cooks the conies in is much bigger than the one he has been carrying around on his back.

Correction: No it isn't - it's the same one. Perhaps the pot looks much smaller on Sam's back next to the huge pack of gear he's carrying.

Corrected entry: Peter Jackson turns in a cameo as one of the men running toward the camera after Saruman's big speech.

Correction: Jackson said in an interview with the official Fan Club Magazine that although he wished he had, he never filmed a cameo as a Wild Man.

Corrected entry: In Edoras, when Wormtongue is 'charming' Eowyn, his hand is clearly on her face and his person is only inches away. When Eowyn retaliates with words and gets Wormtongue's hand away from her, the next shot shows that they are over 6 feet apart from each other.

Correction: LOTR is not necessarily shot in consistent real-time. If you look more closely, you'll see that, not only is Eowyn some six feet away, she's much closer to the door than she was. A brief moment was cut out to give the scene a little pick-up in pace for the next shot.

Corrected entry: When it starts raining in the battle, all of the torches are still lit, and it seems to be raining very hard.

Correction: Toches usually are covered in tar or another such matter so the fire doesn't burn the wood directly. It would take a while before rain would put them out.


Correction: Saruman is telepathically talking to Sauron through the palantir.

Corrected entry: When Aragorn tells the King they should ride out and meet the Urk ki where did they get all those horses? They show the King putting on his armor for like two seconds and then they are on horses. Where did they come from?


Correction: When they arrived at Helm's Deep, all the horses were boarded within the walls of the fortress. There very well could have been another entrance in that room that they brought the horses through.

Jack's Revenge

Corrected entry: In the scene in Helms Deep, when Aragorn yells ladders in Elvish, the archer to the right of him has no string on his bow and his arrow's moving all over the place. (02:14:44)

Correction: You can see that right under the elf's middle finger that there is a bow string that leads down.

Corrected entry: Right after the death of Haldir, Aragorn pushes and rides one of the ladders down into the Uruk army. Then we cut to the Uruks breaking through the main gate. Then when Aragorn is shown again, he has magically made it back through the breach, up the stairs to the other door, before it was shut and barricaded. (02:24:16)

Correction: Aragorn doesn't ride the ladder into the army, he rides it down to the defenders' side of the wall. You can tell this because the orc's siege ladders are all on the other side of the wall when you look at the background and there is a staircase right next to the ladder he uses.

Correction: If you watch this scene frame by frame, his eyes are actually blue. It is the light in which the scene is filmed that makes them look darker, as well as possibly rather large pupils on Orlando's part. But they ARE blue. This is actually true to the books and the Tolkien world as whole. Legolas is desperate, and when elves despair, their eyes get darker, even almost brown. You see them then change back to normal blue when Legolas is again confident and meets Aragorn in the armory.

Corrected entry: When Merry and Pippin first meet Treebeard, the Ent is uncertain whether or not the hobbits are Orcs. He says the White Wizard will know and then they meet up with Gandalf. But later at the Ent Gathering it takes them forever to decide that they are not Orcs. Wouldn't have Gandalf already confirmed this for Treebeard and perhaps inform the Ents about the destruction at Isengard as well?

Correction: Gandalf told treebeard that Merry and Pippin aren't Orcs, but not the other Ents. And even if he told ALL the Ents, Ents always talk very long to decide something.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Urks are breaking into the castle, Aragorn is seen to be coming through a door with the dwarf, however none of the Urks thought to use the side door as well.

Correction: That door is a secret exit. The enemy isn't supposed to know that it's there. Also, it appears to only open from the inside, so the Uruks wouldn't be able to use it.

Corrected entry: When Aragorn and company first encounter the Riders of Rohan, we see that there are only about 50 men at most in the group. Before Theoden leads his people to Helms Deep, Gandalf leaves to find Eomer and his riders to aid in its defense. During the final battle, Gandalf returns with the Riders of Rohan, but now there are hundreds, if not thousands of men with him. Where did all of these "extra" men come from?

Correction: Aragorn and company only encounter a small group of Riders (advanced scouts), not the entire army. Gandalf went and got all of the Riders.

Bruce Minnick

Corrected entry: When Legolas is getting onto the horse with one hand during the small battle with the wolves, Legolas is behind Gimli. In the next shot with the two, Legolas is in front of Gimli. (01:28:00)

Correction: If you look closely with the scene in slow-motion you can see that a part of Legolas' body passes in-front of Gimli meaning that Legolas lands at the front.

Corrected entry: When Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli enter the King of Rohan's chamber, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli start knocking down soldiers to protect Gandalf. When they have finished, there is a shot taken from behind and one of the beaten soldiers is lying on the floor playing with his hair, curling it around his finger.

Correction: I watched this carefully. He is only slightly moving a couple of fingers up and down, as if he is trying to muster the strength to get up but can't.

Corrected entry: It's the scene where the mother is telling her kids to get on the horse. Towards the beginning of the scene there is a guy standing there holding the horse still but when the mother is putting her little kid on the horse, he disappears.

Correction: Frame-by-frame advance shows that the man holding the horse is still there just after the woman calls "Eothain. Eothain." Immediately after, Eothain climbs onto the horse, after which there would be no need for the man to remain. He would naturally have gotten out as quickly as possible.

Phil C.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Merry and Pippin were bound when taken by the Uruk-hai, and the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not bound, even though they weren't cut until later. In the next shot, his hands are bound again. (00:31:15)

More mistakes in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Pippin: They think we have the Ring!
Merry: Shhhh! As soon as they find out we don't we're dead!

More quotes from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Trivia: John Rhys-Davies is missing the end of his middle finger on his left hand due to a farming accident as a child. The make-up artists made artificial, gelatin fingertips for him to wear in the movies. Davies one day, cut the tip in half, put 'blood' in it and closed it up. He went over to Peter Jackson (unaware of the gelatin tip) and said, "Boss, I've had an accident, look what happened". Jackson saw a small cut, but Davies bent the tip back and it split open, gushing.

Super Grover

More trivia for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Answer: Most likely to emphasize the power of the ring to corrupt men. It shows that Faramir was actually the stronger brother, because he was able to resist its power.

You mean that Faramir should have joined the Fellowship? Because I think if he joins the Fellowship, he would be corrupted. Or Is Faramir more stronger than Boromir?


Boromir is most motivated by glory for Gondor, whereas Faramir is most motivated by honor. Boromir was therefore more susceptible to the Ring's corruptive influence than Faramir was as the Ring has great power which Boromir believes Gondor could use to defeat Sauron. Faramir understands that the Ring must be destroyed at all costs, any other course of action is futile, and therefore dishonorable. Hence, he is able to resist the Ring's influence.


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