Predator 2
Predator 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning of the film when the police car explodes and flips over, you can blatantly see stunt wires used to aid in flipping the car. (00:02:45)


Predator 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the Predator is attacking the Jamaicans in the penthouse, you will see the guy who gets pinned to the wall with the net propelled backwards. We are led to believe that it is the force of the Predator's weapon - not so - it is the bungie cable attached to his trousers. (00:24:55)

Visible crew/equipment: When Jerry is fighting the Predator in the subway car, watch closely behind him when he runs out of ammo. He bends over to pick up a knife, and you can see two distinct shadows on the wall in the strobing light. One is his, and the other belongs to the camera man standing a few feet to the side. (00:57:45)

Visible crew/equipment: Towards the end of the movie, the Predator is climbing up the side of a tall building. Danny Glover jumps in his car to take off after it. As he starts to drive away, towards the left you can see the shadow of an elevated cameraman/equipment. (01:03:55)

Continuity mistake: As Harrigan is walking away from King Willie in the alley, Willie turns toward him to say, "Prepare yourself." His face is well-lit. In the next shot, Willie is facing away in the background and his head is entirely in shadow. He's turned and lit again for his next line. (00:47:00)


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Predator: Shit happens.

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Trivia: As of 2004, almost everything that is used by the Predator in this movie has been reported stolen.

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Question: Right after the Jamaicans kill Ramon Vega and the predator slaughters all of them, Jerry Lambert says, "she (Ramon's girlfriend) never made it". What could she have died of? She was seen walking with Leona Cantrell and didn't seem wounded, and the predator would not have hurt her because she was unarmed. If she were wounded, she would have been checked out by paramedics right away. (00:31:20)

Chosen answer: Jerry means she never made it to the hospital. Keyes' goon squad intercepted the ambulance and snatched her to interrogate her about the Predator.

Grumpy Scot

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