Avengers: Endgame

Trivia: In 1970 Steve wears a uniform with the name Roscoe on it. In the comics Roscoe Simons was a soldier who took up the mantle of Captain America and was killed by Red Skull.


Trivia: The last war machine armour Rhodes wears has the colors of the Iron Patriot suit.


Trivia: Nebula says to Rhodes "I wasn't always like this" and he replies "Me either." Could be referring to his legs, equally a nod to the fact that he's one of the few main characters who's been played by a different actor in the films.

Trivia: The film took inspiration from the Star Trek saga - the last episode of Star Trek Voyager was named Endgame as well and involved time travel.


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Suggested correction: It should also be pointed out that "Endgame" as a term has been around a long time. It's a chess term and refers to the final stage of a process or event. "Voyager" might have taken inspiration from Marvel themselves since Marvel Comics have had at least 16 stories titled "Endgame", starting in the 60's. Stories involving The Mighty Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Thanos.


Suggested correction: Not to be confrontational, but has this actually been confirmed? As in, did any of the filmmakers say that they were inspired by "Star Trek: Voyager"? The fact that the word "Endgame" appears in both titles doesn't mean that one was inspired by the other.


It was confirmed by the producers.

Kevin Feige confirmed that Star Trek: The Next Generation inspired elements of the film. At no time did he mention Star Trek: Voyager.

The episode is also about time travel. Caption Janeway goes back in time to get her ship home faster and save member of her crew.

The fact that 2 things involving time travel also involve the term "endgame" does not mean that one inspired the other.

Trivia: Prior to the film's release, there was a tongue-in-cheek fan theory that speculated the Avengers would defeat Thanos by having Ant-Man shrink down, crawl into Thanos' anus, and then expand. This theory became so widespread that the Russo brothers and even Neil deGrasse Tyson commented on it and why it wouldn't work. Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly also briefly discussed the theory in character as Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne, respectively.


Trivia: Thanos breaks Cap's shield just like in the Infinity Gauntlet comic.


Trivia: "New Asgard" is based in Tonsberg, Norway, but the filming location is in Scotland. As nods to that, the beer Thor's drinking is a Scottish brand and there's a bottle of Irn Bru on the windowsill.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Captain America, Thor and Iron Man each have a scene featuring a cameo by directors of their most critically acclaimed solo movies - Cap talking at the support group to Joe Russo (director of Winter Soldier and Civil War), Thor hanging out with Korg (Taika Waititi, director of Ragnarok), and Iron Man with Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau, director of Iron Man 1 and 2).

Trivia: At 181 minutes, "Avengers: Endgame" is the longest theatrical-released superhero movie of all time. (Not counting extended home-video releases).


Trivia: The movie was so anticipated, that the day tickets went on sale, a number of websites selling tickets for the film crashed or experienced delays. It became the top-selling title for first-day online ticket sales, beating the previous record in only six hours.


Trivia: While Nat talks with Steve in the Avengers base on the chair there is a pair of ballet shoes - that's a reference to her background where she was a ballet dancer.


Trivia: In the opening sequence on Marvel's logo all the avengers that disappeared with the snap in Infinity War are not included.


Trivia: Just after Tony gets the tesseract in 1970 in the far background on the aisle the is a monitor with the green face of Arnim Zola, similar to the one seen in The Winter Soldier.


Trivia: Ava Russo, the daughter of director Joe Russo, plays Lila Barton.


Trivia: When Tony is struggling to prevent Thanos from snapping, if you listen closely, you can hear the nanotech in Tony's suit transferring the Infinity Stones from the gauntlet over to Tony's gauntlet.


Trivia: Before settling on saying "And I am Iron Man," the writers toyed with having Tony Stark simply telling Thanos to fuck off, even filming multiple variations of it. Aside from the former line being more poetic, they felt ending the moment on a curse word wasn't the best option, and Disney may have vetoed it anyway.


Trivia: The kids who asked Hulk for a pic are related to the directors Anthony and Joe Russo.


Trivia: Is the tenth entry in "Phase Three" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the overall 22nd film in the franchise.


Factual error: New Asgard is in Tonsberg, Norway, but was filmed in Scotland. The truck Hulk and Rocket use to get there has a UK licence plate (SW61 5PN), whereas Norwegian plates use two letters followed by 4 or 5 numbers. Plus the pizza boxes in Thor's house have a phone number in UK format (01632 960776) not Norwegian. In fact, the 01632 area code is specifically designated for fictional use in the UK. Norwegian telephone numbers use fewer digits. (00:48:50)

Jon Sandys

More mistakes in Avengers: Endgame

Korg: Thor, he's back. That kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again.
Thor: Noobmaster.
Korg: Yeah, Noobmaster69.
Thor: Noobmaster, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father, you little weasel!
Korg: Thank you, Thor.
Thor: Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?
Korg: Thank you very much, I will.

More quotes from Avengers: Endgame

Question: If Captain America had to go back to return the infinity stones to balance the timeline, would he not have to go back to before Black Widow died to return the Soul Stone?

Answer: Well since he wouldn't know the exact moment she sacrificed herself, he might have shown up before then and then just had to wait for everything to play itself out before returning the stone.


Answer: No before Black Widow died the soul stone was still there, he had to get it back after it was taken, so after Black Widow died.


I think the poster meant he would go back to the time he knew Black Widow and Hawkeye were aiming for, or a bit before for safety, then go there and wait until Black Widow died and Hawkeye got the stone, and then return it. It would be hard for him to watch, but then he would know when the right time was.

Right. But you also have to think that, having witnessed the events, and then seeing that the Red Skull is the guardian, that would have been a damn interesting scene to watch. Does Cap try bargaining with the Red Skull to return Black Widow to life after giving the stone back? On the other hand, the Ancient One's explanation was that the flow of time occurs simply because the stones are in the universe. I don't think it mattered where they are. She only wanted the time stone back because of how it was tied to the Sanctum. So really, Cap probably could have just thrown the stone in a ditch somewhere and been done with it. It also raises a question about the nature of Vormir as the home of the stone. We see the other stones were more or less fashioned into artifacts and out and about. This implies that they too were in some sort of temple in their raw stone form before being found, seized and manipulated into a real-world application. So does Vormir even have a mechanism for receiving the stone back once it's been claimed? And what is the soul stone's solo power, anyway? Reading people's fates like a crystal ball?


I don't think the red skull is really the red skull anymore, just some kind of ghost of whats left of him. However the stone gets returned is irrelevant, yes he could even just leave it in a ditch somewhere. He didn't return other stones in their original form either, except the time stone. These timelines don't continue on as the original one. According to the comics the soul stone is sentient and everyone sacrificed to obtain is has their soul trapped inside the gem. Cap and the others of course don't know that (although Hulk must theoretically know having used it) or in the MCU this does not apply. When possessing it you can control any life and read their souls (their feelings and desires). One can also revert living things back their original state (like Nebula for example).


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