Trivia: The font used for Live With Murray Franklin is identical to the Batman animated series titles. The name of the font is "Plaza," for those that might be curious.

Trivia: In the comics, Falcon has taken on the mantle of Captain America before.

Trivia: Music composer John Williams has a cameo as a bartender on the planet Kijimi.

Trivia: Samuel Jackson spotted that the eye patch his character wears in the movie switched eyes in the promotional posters announcing the movie in Los Angeles.

Trivia: Although they play mother and son in this film, Bryce Dallas Howard is only eight years older than Taron Egerton.

Trivia: During the feast in which Christian finds a pubic hair inside of his food, look closely at the drinks on the table. While the camera never calls direct attention to this, if you look closely, Christian's drink is very slightly darker than everyone else's. Earlier in the film, the camera briefly passes over a mural that depicts a woman collecting menstrual blood in a cup. (Along with the image of a woman cutting off pubic hairs, like the one Christian found in his food.) It seems Christian's drink has been laced with something he didn't expect.

Trivia: The "old gangster movie" that's on the TV in Harry's apartment is the fictional movie "Angels with Filthy Souls," which was seen in the movie "Home Alone." The director wanted a detective movie for the scene, and said: "We needed something and I hadn’t figured out what I was going to put on that TV yet...Just as a laugh, we got the movie that they shot for Home Alone off of YouTube...We could never beat it!"

Trivia: John's request for "guns...lots of guns" mirrors a line Keanu Reeves has in The Matrix.

Trivia: Imelda Staunton, the actress who plays Lady Maude Bagshaw, is married in real life to Jim Carter, who portrays Mr. Carson, the Downton butler.

Trivia: In the talk show dream sequence, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are introduced, and there is a shot of their two pairs of feet, one of which is barefoot. This is a reference to the cover of the album Abbey Road in which Paul is the only Beatle barefoot.

Trivia: This is the first non-English language film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Trivia: The first Marvel film released after Stan Lee's death. In tribute, the usual opening ident, which has the comic book characters in the Marvel Studios logo, instead shows multiple images of Stan Lee.

Trivia: Jim Carrey was the first choice for the role of the Genie, but had to decline due to his recent involvement in a civil lawsuit.