Star Wars

Corrected entry: Original theatrical version: After Han, Luke and Leia get out the giant trash compactor, at the bit where they are overlooking the Falcon from the bay, Han says "There she is" and a second after, Chewbacca runs by him and becomes transparent.

Correction: He does not become transparent. It's a glare from lights off to the side of the shot. If you watch a little further, the shot changes to the droids, then the ship, then back to the main group. When Leia says "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought," you can see the same glare pattern on the back wall, next to Chewie.


Corrected entry: When Luke has rescued Leia on the Death Star and stormtroopers have prevented them from going back out the way they came, Han says that there is no other way out when there is an exit on the other end of the corridor. (01:13:00)

Correction: He means there is no "safe" way out now that their planned exit is blocked, as he realizes more stormtroopers are likely not far from catching up with them. It's a "Death Star" the size of a small moon. He obviously isn't implying that on the whole station, that was the "only" exit point.


Corrected entry: When Luke and the 'droids are in Obi-Wan's, C-3PO says he's going to shut down. In one shot he is slightly bent, but in another noticeably straighter backed. (00:32:50)

Correction: Already listed. See mistake 64262.


Corrected entry: When Obi Wan is struck down we see Vader strike through his neck then Obi Wan's body disappears. But his cloak is still totally intact. Surely the saber would have cut through it?

gandolfs dad

Correction: When the robe falls on the floor, it's all crumpled up. Perhaps there WAS damage, but we just didn't see it from this one angle.

Corrected entry: Han Solo uses the word "parsec" as if it would be a temporal unit, like "second", but "parsec" describes distances.

Correction: Kessel is surrounded by a maze of black holes and other astronomical hazards. The challenge for smugglers is to fly fast enough and precisely enough to bypass as many of these obstacles as possible without being destroyed, thus saving time. Han's bragging that he found an extremely short route and that the Falcon was fast enough to get through unscathed.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Uncle Owen is speaking to C-3PO about whether or not he can talk to the machinery on the farm (I think they were called evaporators) there is an interesting nod to the first films. C-3PO replies that his first job was working with machines quite similar to Owens. Indeed it was, in fact they were probably identical given Owen was his first employer also. Nice little touch with about twenty years of foresight from George Lucas.

Correction: C-3PO tells Owen his first job was programming "binary load-lifters, very similar to vaporators in most respects". This is not a reference to any of the prequels. He has never worked with vaporators (as far as he knows). C-3PO is trying to get Owen to buy him, and he's embellishing.

Corrected entry: In A New Hope, hologram Leia says that Obi-Wan fought with her father (Bail Organa) 30 years ago, when in reality it was 20 years earlier.

Correction: All that's said in the hologram message is "Years ago". No precise timeframe is ever stated.


Corrected entry: When Vader swings to kill Obi-Wan during the duel, obviously Obi-Wan has disappeared. However, shouldn't the robe that he left behind have sustained some damage from Vader's lightsaber going directly through it? (01:32:20)

Correction: When the robe falls on the floor, it's all crumpled up. Perhaps there WAS damage, but we just didn't see it from this one angle.


Corrected entry: Right at the end of the film, after Leia has given Luke and Han their medals, they all turn to face the audience. A man appears behind Leia for one shot then disappears.

Correction: Actually, no. He earlier handed the medals to the white-haired man who passed them to Leia. He is visible when stated only because the camera is level to Leia's face and we see him behind her, but the prior and later shots are from much lower angles, so his face is hidden behind her, yet his legs are still visible. No error here.

Corrected entry: When Luke walks over to the Jawa sandcrawler, the distance between the black hemisphere droid and the two astromech droids (R2-D2 and the droid with a bad motivator) changes between shots twice. (01:16:50)

Correction: Again, these are no mistakes but optical illusions caused by changes in camera angles and changes in the placements of cameras (in distance) not the placement of the droids or other characters.


Corrected entry: When C-3PO lowers himself into the oil tub, Luke says, "It just isn't fair.", but his lips don't move. (00:19:00)

Correction: His lips absolutely move without question. If you run the scene on slow motion or frame by frame you can see that Luke's mouth opens and closes, especially clear right before he turns and walks towards C3PO.


But if you're only able to see it in slow motion, it doesn't count, according to this site.

True of mistakes, not corrections - if something looks like a mistake, but closer examination with slow-mo shows that it isn't, no point leaving it online as a false claim.

Jon Sandys

Corrected entry: When Luke and his uncle are buying the droids from the Jawas, the uncle is relatively clean shaven. Later at dinner, he is suddenly sporting a very noticeable beard and mustache.

Correction: Totally incorrect. He may appear more clean shaven in the harsh light of the sun, but if you take careful note in close-ups, for example, when he tells C3PO that he needs a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators he is sporting the same beard and mustache that he has at dinner.


Corrected entry: After Owen buys C-3PO from the Jawas, Luke says, "All Right. Come on," and R2-D2 turns his head/dome. In the next shot, he repeats this movement. (00:17:45)

Correction: This is not true, it is a continuation of the same movement from a different camera angle.


Corrected entry: When Owen talks to Beru in the morning, she says, "I think so.", but her lips hardly move. (00:26:30)

Correction: Actually, when one says the words "I think so" it is unnecessary for the lips to "hardly move" at all.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene when Luke and Leia are going to swing across the chasm, Luke looks down at his belt for the grappling hook, and pulls the line out. Over the next 3-4 scenes, Luke starts pulling the line out at different times. This is in both the standard and special edition releases.

Correction: Luke is not starting to pull out the grappling line each time, he is pulling out several loops of line.

Corrected entry: When Luke and C-3PO are searching for R2-D2 in the morning, as Luke says, "Lookit, there's a droid on the scanner. Dead ahead. It might be our little R2 unit. Hit the accelerator.", Threepio is gesturing as if he's answering him, but nothing is heard. (00:26:40)

Correction: C-3PO could have just been pointing and nodding, requiring no speech at all.

Mark English

Corrected entry: In the first few scenes where we see C3PO and R2D2 on the rebel blockade runner in the beginning of the movie, C3PO says "There'll be no escape for the Princess this time." implying he is familiar with the princess. However, on Tatooine when R2D2 is playing back Princess Leia's hologram for Luke and Luke asks who she is, C3PO replies, "I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. A person of some importance, sir - I believe."

Correction: Even C-3PO, in his always talking ways, knew not to mention the Princess and her connection to the rebellion to strangers. He did not know Luke very well yet and he was trying to keep the identity of the Princess a secret from him. Later as he learns to trust Luke and meets Obi-Wan "again" for the first time, he reveals his relationship with the Princess.

Mark English

Corrected entry: Jek Porkinsin Red 6 is the first pilot killed during the Battle of Yavin, however when Luke gets chased by a Tie fighter, a voice over the radio says "Red 6 do you see Red 5?" To add further insult to injury a voice answers.

Correction: This has already been corrected. The person who asks if Red 6 is there probably doesn't realize Porkins has been shot down, and someone else probably responded without thinking.

Corrected entry: While they are escaping from the detention block, Leia says something like "Into the garbage chute, flyboy," but Han is still wearing the stormtrooper uniform, so there's no way that she could have known he was a pilot.

Dr Wilson

Correction: She could have also been using "Flyboy" sarcastically in the sense that Han was attempting to rescue her without a good plan (on the fly, so to speak).

Corrected entry: When the Death star blows up, it surprisingly has no debris, even though two proton torpedoes went down the exhaust port, there still should have been at least a little debris, the blast wouldn't have completely atomised the whole Death star.

Correction: We don't know the physics of the explosion created by a photon torpedo detonating in the main reactor of a Death Star. Perhaps it's an anti-matter/matter conversion, and it creates a fireball of pure energy which vaporises any solid matter instantly. Bottom line, neither proton torpedoes nor Death Stars exist, so the fictional explosion looks like what the film director wants it to look like.

Continuity mistake: When the Gold Leader says to the Red Leader, "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader," at the start of the Battle of Yavin, the two Y-Wing fighters outside his cockpit suddenly disappear. This was fixed in the 2004 version. (01:46:05)

More mistakes in Star Wars

[Princess Leia gets her first look at the Millenium Falcon.]
Princess Leia: You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

More quotes from Star Wars

Trivia: When Alec Guinness was offered the part of Obi-Wan Kenobi he was offered about $25,000 to play the part. After reading the script he was one of the few cast members who believed that the film would be a box office hit; he negotiated a deal for 2% of the gross royalties paid to the director, George Lucas, who received one fifth of the box office takings. Guinness made over $3,000,000, making him very wealthy in his later life.

More trivia for Star Wars

Question: There's a HUGE rumor that's been going around since Return of the Jedi came out: There's actually three more scripts (besides the prequels). Is there, in fact, a Star Wars: Episode VII, Episode VIII, and Episode IX? If so, what are they about?

Answer: While planning Star Wars, Lucas had a vague notion of doing a long series of movies inspired by old serials, then dropped that idea in favor of just one. When Star Wars became a phenomenon and sequels became feasible, Lucas revisited the idea. He thought of three trilogies along with some stand-alone "in-between" stories for a total of 12 films. By the time of The Empire Strikes Back's release, this was pared down to the 9 mainline films, going by interviews with Lucas and the cast at the time. By Return of the Jedi, Lucas had decided to end the saga there, with the option that he could revisit the first three at some later point. It's unclear if Lucas ever had any specific story ideas for the proposed sequel trilogy, and they never had any scripts. Producer Gary Kurtz suggested in an interview they would've been about Luke's twin sister (not Leia), though many fans are skeptical about just how much he would know about them. Of course since this question was asked a sequel trilogy was written and released.


Answer: This was long a long-standing rumour, but George Lucas always denied it. He allowed various authors to cover the history of that time period in book form - if he'd had any serious intention of doing films set in that timeframe, he wouldn't have done that. Since that time of course Disney took over the franchise and has announced new films, but entirely separate from the previous "expanded universe" of the novels, and not involving any ideas George Lucas may have had in the past.


Answer: I'm not sure how old this question is but it is a sequel trilogy. Episode VII : The Force Awakens is about a scavenger and former stormtrooper teaming up the Resistance to attempt to defeat the new First Order and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). Episode VIII : The Last Jedi is about Rey finding Luke Skywalker who is in exile hoping that he would be left alone, and he tells the story of how he tried to murder his nephew who in retaliation, turned to the dark side. Episode IX : Rise of Skywalker is about the return of Emperor Palpatine and recovering Sith Wayfinders that will lead them to Exegol and kill him, with Billy Dee Williams returning as Lando Calrissian.

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