Corrected entry: This is only on the new DVD. When the 4 Tie Fighters are attacking the Millennium Falcon, there are shots of the Tie Fighters with a faded red box that surrounds them.

Corrected entry: One of the Hansen bros. trips a player at the blue line, within About 2 seconds the player slams headfirst into the end boards. Since the distance from the blue line to the red goal line is 60 feet this is a speed the Concorde would be impressed by.
Correction: A film doesn't necessarily show everything. It was probably condensed for time.

Corrected entry: In the Gobi Desert scene the camels are Dromedarys (one humped) from Arabia not Bactrian (two humped) from the Gobi Desert region.
Correction: It is surely possible for nomadic tribes to have camels from other regions. There are Arabian horses nowhere near Arabia, German Shepherds nowhere near Germany, etc. Domesticated animals tend to move around and be sold a lot.

Corrected entry: The premise of Smokey & The Bandit was going to Texarkana to acquire Coors beer, which was not available east of Texas. Texarkana, Arkansas is "wet", but Texarkana, Texas is "dry" - there was no Coors in Texarkana, Arkansas, and no beer of any kind in Texarkana, Texas.
Correction: Coors beer, at the time, was not available east of the Mississippi River (because of licensing) for sale. Coors beer was certainly available in Arkansas as the entire state is west of the Mississippi River. Also, there is no reason Coors could not have a warehouse/distribution center in Texarkana, Texas.

Corrected entry: Just before Bond overtakes the white lorry, there is nothing coming the other way. In the shot of him overtaking it, there is a blue lorry. After Bond has passed the white lorry, the blue one disappears.
Correction: The blue lorry was driving in the opposite direction, as it was frantically honking its horn at Bond. By the time Bond passes the white lorry, barely avoids a collision with the blue lorry, and then the white lorry explodes after being hit by the sidecar of the pursuing motorcycle, the blue lorry has already covered some distance. It would be unlikely that you would see the blue lorry in the next few shots.

Corrected entry: Connie...the girl that asks Tony if he's "as good in bed as on the dance floor" was played by a then-unknown Fran Drescher, who later became famous on the TV comedy "The Nanny."
Correction: How is this trivia? She's in the credits. All actors got the start somewhere.

Corrected entry: When 'The Car' charges at two oncoming police cars, it leaps up and barrel-rolls sideways over the top of the squad cars. One of the front wheels falls off, but when the Car lands and drives off, all four wheels are fine. (00:56:30)
Correction: The car also has no dents or scratches from doing that. It's a supernatural car, with no driver, no effect from being shot at with revolvers or shotguns, or broken glass when it should have shattered many times over. It's not too much of a stretch, if we accept all that, to have the car replace its' wheel in midair.

Corrected entry: When the three Astronauts crash the Lear jet in the desert, on the outside shots of them walking in their separate directions, there are no marks behind the jet to show that it skidded across the surface where it stopped.
Correction: The fine desert dust would have been easily capable of settling back down and covering such tracks. Also a possibility, is that the surface was too hard to make tracks in in the first place.

Corrected entry: The British PIAT anti-tank weapon could not be readied for the first shot as quickly as shown in the movie. It was not a rocket launcher like the US Bazooka, but rather a bomb launcher; the gunner had to use his entire strength, and his hands and legs, to cock it for the first shot, because the firing pin spring in the weapon was very strong. For subsequent shots, the force of the propellant charge would do the work.
Correction: PIAT (Projectile Infantry Anti Tank) had to be physically reset after each round was fired. As previously stated the launcher had to be reset by use of the whole body usually standing up. Therefore the firer in this scene would have cocked the weapon under cover from enemy fire/view (prior to the scene opening). Due to the chamber of this weapon being open topped the round/missile would not had been loaded until the firer was ready in his fire position if the weapon was moved whilst loaded the round could have fallen out. The projectile had no propellant so there was no gas to build up in the weapon to allow the working parts to reset. The launcher was simply a large spring that ejected the round/missile in to the air; the round flew so slowly it could be seen flying towards the target just like the scene suggests. Unlike a bazooka or modern launcher the projectile had no propellant (like a rocket) to power itself through the air therefore there was no firing pin in the launcher. The scene doesn't show the whole process of loading and firing a PIAT subsequently putting doubt into viewer's minds how accurate the scene is.

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie it is clear that a different set is being used from the TV show. Some of the counters and cabinets look different, and the lifts and entrances to the dressing rooms have changed. This movie was made after series 5 but when we return to the TV show in series 6 the set is back to how it was at the end of series 5.
Correction: I feel unclean defending this 'film', but the rules of this site make it clear that discrepancies between a film and its source material are invalid. Right, I'm off for a shower.

Corrected entry: When Michael and Dalia set off the dart machine in the barn, it puts 80,000 pinholes in the walls. But there are no spent darts visible anywhere on the floor or on the watchman killed in the barn.
Correction: The small "darts" mentioned are called flechettes. Typically they enter the body and remain embedded. When propelled by high explosives, as in this application, they travel at rifle bullet speeds. It would be highly unusual for any of the flechettes to be anywhere in the area after the explosion.

Corrected entry: Just after the rented car blows up Gus Mally tells Ben Shockley to drive 6 blocks, take a left. He actually takes a right. (00:20:30)
Correction: What she really says is "drive 6 blocks, hang a left, second house on the right". The next shot shows them turning into the driveway of the house which is on the right.

Corrected entry: The swords used by the knights are referred to as "broadswords" by characters in the movie. This term, however, was not used in the Middle Ages, a knight's weapon was simply referred to as an "arming sword". To use "broadsword" for a knight's sword is a 19th century invention, to distinguish them from smaller weapons.
Correction: They wouldn't have used 'arming sword' - they would have used words you or I would not have been able to understand. They use modern English so audiences can understand the film, and that is not an error. See similar corrections for Braveheart and Troy.

Corrected entry: In the opening scene, when Pete and his dragon arrive into town, the dragon causes mayhem, and the man carrying the stack of egg crates falls into the mayor and breaks eggs over him. The mayor acts annoyed, grabs the stack of crates half way up, to throw them away, showing that they were all attached together, for the effect to work as a leaning tower. (00:19:10)
Correction: Common misunderstanding by modern people who do not know that old wooden egg trays actually do attach together by sliding down a small rail. Not a mistake but a reality.

Corrected entry: During the Heffalumps and Woozles scene, we see two elephants dancing in a puddle of honey. Halfway through this scene, the animation is reversed, as the honey can be seen flying back onto their feet.
Correction: And this is part of a nightmare that Pooh is having. The reversed animation was likely intentional in order to have the nonsensical surreal feel of a nightmare.

Corrected entry: When Dr. Richard Thorndike sees his former professor Dr Lilloman right after first arriving at the institute, Dr Lilloman quizzes him by asking, "a patient comes into your office suffering from Belldon's Hysteria, and he has a seizure right in your office, what do you give him?" Dr Thorndike responds "2 cc's of aqueous Thorazine coupled with Somadiozine". There is no such thing as Belldon's Hysteria, and there is such a thing as Thorazine but it is used for bipolar depression but there is no AQUEOUS Thorazine. There is also no such drug as Somadiozine. (00:11:50)
Correction: Of course there are no such drugs - the movie is a comedy written and directed by a comedian that spoofs Alfred Hitchcock films as well as the psychiatric industry.

Corrected entry: Near the end, a prisoner crucified with Jesus is seen taken down dead. Roman custom at the time would not have allowed this. The dead were left up to rot as an act of deterrent to others.
Correction: Roman custom was to leave bodies on the cross. However, it was against the Jewish Law to leave a body on the cross on the Sabbath Day. Palestine was the only place bodies were removed from the cross!

Corrected entry: Sinbad throws a dagger at the over-grown bee and impales it on a rafter. But any insect (giant or normal-sized) is a fast and erratic flier and therefore not that easy to hit with a missile weapon. Besides, you can notice that the bee dummy used for the shot stands still a split second before the dagger hits it.
Correction: An insect that size would not be as fast or agile as a normal-sized insect. In any case, just because it's unlikely he'd hit it, that doesn't make it impossible.

Corrected entry: When Medusa is talking to Penny about being a good girl and going to get the diamond, she is taking off her make-up. She has one side of lipstick off, the right side. Then you see Penny. Then the shot goes back to Medusa and her lipstick on the left side is off, and it is on on the right side.
Correction: The first closeup shot is a shot facing the mirror. When we first see Medusa, it's into the mirror. Then the second time we see her, it's a wideshot, out of the mirror. Watch the towel wrapped around Medusa's head (like a turban). The end of the towel hangs out of the turban-like towel. In the closeup (mirror shot), the end of the towel hangs from the left. When we see her again, the end of the towel hangs out of the right side of the towel. The lipstick never swaps sides - one is a mirror view, the other isn't.

Corrected entry: George Carter's Vauxhall Viva is an HB series four-door saloon. It would have been built between 1968 and 1970; but the number plate, which has an "M" suffix, would have been issued between August 1973 and July 1974. It is a criminal offence to fit a later number plate to an earlier car. Get a grip, George.
Correction: When this film was made in the 1970's the number plates on Carter's car would have been legal, as the re-registration system that was in force at the time would mean that his Vauxhall Viva would been issued with the then-current suffix ("M" in this case). The current age related re-registration system was introduced around 1983.
Correction: That's a generic DVD artefact problem caused by the video compression - it's only more pronounced in this scene because the background is a fairly solid black. It'll be most obvious on LCD screens.
Jon Sandys