Star Wars

Corrected entry: When the Garindan, aka "Long Snout," directs the Stormtroopers toward the launch bay for the Millennium Falcon, he whacks himself in the nose as he points. Not only does this reveal the bogus rubbery nose, but it's also likely that a creature that spent his entire life with that nose would have learned by now not to hit himself there.

Correction: This is a ridiculous stretch just to create a mistake. We have no idea what the skeletal structure (if any) of the creature's "nose" may be. It could be like human ears, which also seem rubbery when you touch them. And humans' whole life experiences haven't prevented them from accidentally hitting themselves in the face, biting their own tongues or tripping over their own feet all the time.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when the rebel pilots are attacking the Death Star, red leader was able to get a shot off at the thermal exhaust port. He reports the proton torpedo didn't go in. Rather, it impacted on the surface, evidenced by a massive explosion. but when Luke gets off his shot, there is no visible damage to the exhaust port.


Correction: There is an extreme closeup when Luke's torpedo enters the port. If Red Leader missed by a significant margin, we wouldn't see the damage.

Greg Dwyer

Corrected entry: When the empire is invading Princess Leia's starship C-3PO says, "The princess is in danger!" But later in the movie when R2-D2 shows his projection video he doesn't know who she is.

Correction: C-3PO isn't stupid. Yes, he knows exactly who it is, but he doesn't know, having only just met him, that Luke can be trusted with that information.


Correction: According to IMDb and Wikipedia Mr. Lawson has used both spelling of his name during his career, using Dennis in his early career which included the "Star Wars" movies. No mistake.


Corrected entry: After darth vader kills Obi Wan Luke shouts "nooo!" and the stormtroopers start shooting them. During the shooting the trooper on the 2nd left is shot down, then in the next shot it is the same trooper and he's dying again.

Correction: He isn't dying again; it's one continuous action from two different perspectives. He's shot in the chest in a medium shot then begins to fall. He continues to fall in the next shot (a long shot of the same set of troopers), eventually falling down the shaft.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Luke announces to Princess Leia that he has come to rescue her and tells her that he is here with 'Ben Kenobi', Leia also says 'Ben'. But since Kenobi had been widely known as Obi-Wan and the name Ben was a semi-alias he had adopted for his exile on Tatooine, how comes that she would call him 'Ben'? (In the novelization of the original story she bursts out of the cell calling for Obi-Wan, not Ben.).

Correction: Her mission was to find and contact Obi-Wan Kenobi. She knew what planet he was living on, it stands to reason she would also have known the name he was living under.

Corrected entry: When Luke and Ben first see R2D2 and C3po, Ben says he doesn't remember owning or know the droids, but we know he knows them from episodes 1 - 3.

Correction: Obi-Wan never says he doesn't know the droids. Just that he never owned them. R2-D2 claimed to have been owned by Obi-Wan, Luke passed the comment along to him, and Obi-Wan denied it. It's not a mistake. Even if Obi-Wan were lying, it'd still just be a character decision.


Correction: He's not lying. Obi-Wan never owned a droid. Anakin owned R2-D2 and the only other droids Obi-Wan is to use were in ships and presumably owned by the Jedi Order.


Corrected entry: In the lightsaber duel scene, Vader's lightsaber changes from shot to shot from red to pink.

Correction: Red to pink is mostly in the mind. The graphics people used the same overlay each time for Vader's light saber.

Zwn Annwn

Corrected entry: When C3PO and R2-D2 jettison from the embattled Consular ship in a pod, one of Darth Vadar's men comments to another 'there goes another one.' A few minutes later an officer, who reports to Vader that his troops could not find the plans on board the ship, mentions that a pod with no life forms aboard had escaped. Wouldn't the officer want to mention ALL the pods to his commanding officer?


Correction: The gunners shot down all of the others pods that tried to flee, because they contained lifeforms. Later, they concluded that the empty pod contained the plans.


Corrected entry: When Luke exits his X-Wing , just after the final battle with the Death Star, Leia rushes to greet him. However, after he's climbed out, she greets him with "Luke!", whereas he greets her with "Carrie!".

Correction: This has been denied many times by George Lucas - it would have been very easy to dub over it, especially with the re-releases. He just shouts "Hey!", and it sounds a bit like "Carrie!"

Corrected entry: When Obi-Wan and Vader are dueling, Obi-Wan calls his opponent Darth as if it were his first name. Darth is a Sith title, not Vader's first name, which is of course Anakin.

Correction: Yes, but it's a title like General, for example, and it's possible (I think it happens in Lethal Weapon) for the good guy to call the bad guy "Colonel", or "General". It probably happens in the Rock too.

Too add to this, it would be 3 years before Empire Strikes Back, and 3 years before we learn his real name. It would baffle the audience to hear a random name.

Correction: Too vague. Which actor? At what point during the scene?

Corrected entry: The original title for Episode VI "Return of the Jedi" was "Revenge of the Jedi." Mr. George Lucas changed it because he found that this adjective was contradictory to the Jedi way. (Older film posters can be found bearing this title.)

Correction: This is not trivia for this film.


Corrected entry: Not a mistake, just an obvious 'fix' to the film: When Threepio is searching the Death-Star's database for the location to the controls to the tractor beam, one of his lines is a 'looped'(dubbed) bit of dialogue intended to cover some expository explanations. The line is: "The tractor beam is hooked into the main reactor in seven places. Deactivating any one of those locations will permit the ship to leave." The 'quality' of the sound is markedly different from all of his other lines in the same scene, and his entire bit of dialogue is covered showing reaction shots and insert shots. Probably took the place of a long, needless scene.

Correction: Still NOT a mistake.

Corrected entry: After the Death star, the stick that is used to move the Millennium Falcon is visible when the first TIE fighter attacks it.

Dr Wilson

Correction: Just loaded up the scene on YouTube. That's literally just a part of the TIE fighter. It's not attached to the Falcon at all, and moves with the camera. I feel like this had to have been uploaded as a joke, because if you watch the scene, it's laughably obvious that it's not attached to the Falcon.


Correction: That's the stick used to control the Tie Fighter, not to move the Falcon.

Corrected entry: When Han begins to run after the storm troopers saying, "get back to the ship!" to Luke and Leia, in next shot, Luke actually loads a live cartridge into his blaster, revealing that the "blasters" are actually blank-firing guns. To prove this, you can hear a click-click noise before he says, "come on."

Correction: He does not load anything into his blaster. Han shouts "get back to the ship." Luke lowers his hand, taking the blaster out of frame and you hear a metallic sound. This is likely a Foley sound added after filming to indicate that the blaster had been passed from Luke's left hand to his right.

Corrected entry: When C3-P0 falls over after the Sand people attack Luke, his left arm is missing. They then pick up a right arm.

Correction: It is a left arm. The hand on the arm is clearly a left hand. The thumb is facing us. The angle of the arm is viewed from slightly underneath making it appear to be a right armed joint. It is an optical illusion. The hand clarifies which arm it is.

Corrected entry: Princess Leia knows the Millennium Falcon was being tracked as it headed to the rebel base, but she still decides to deliver the stolen plans in person. Why didn't she just transmit them across space like when she first got them at the start of the film?

Correction: Since the Empire controls the HoloNet, the Rebels are unable to transmit information quickly over such large distances as Tatooine to Yavin, which is why Leia's ship had to be sent to intercept the Death Star specifications in the first place.


Corrected entry: When Luke (disguised as a stormtrooper) goes in the room (where Ben goes away), right when Luke closes the door, (for the first time) if you see Frame-by-frame, the door shakes left and right as it comes down. (it could be spotted through normal time, too.).

Douglas Leathem

Correction: This isn't a mistake. One could argue that the door just needs some lubricant, but even without an explanation I don't see how this could be considered an error on the part of the film makers.


Corrected entry: In th beginning when R2 projects the hologram of Leia, When she says "You're my only hope", she is standing up. In the next shot she says it again, but is bent over.

Correction: When we initially see the recording, we're seeing a malfunctioning repeat of one piece of the message where the audio and video don't match. Later, we see the message as it was recorded, without the malfunction.

Continuity mistake: When the Gold Leader says to the Red Leader, "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader," at the start of the Battle of Yavin, the two Y-Wing fighters outside his cockpit suddenly disappear. This was fixed in the 2004 version. (01:46:05)

More mistakes in Star Wars

[Princess Leia gets her first look at the Millenium Falcon.]
Princess Leia: You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

More quotes from Star Wars

Trivia: When Alec Guinness was offered the part of Obi-Wan Kenobi he was offered about $25,000 to play the part. After reading the script he was one of the few cast members who believed that the film would be a box office hit; he negotiated a deal for 2% of the gross royalties paid to the director, George Lucas, who received one fifth of the box office takings. Guinness made over $3,000,000, making him very wealthy in his later life.

More trivia for Star Wars

Question: There's a HUGE rumor that's been going around since Return of the Jedi came out: There's actually three more scripts (besides the prequels). Is there, in fact, a Star Wars: Episode VII, Episode VIII, and Episode IX? If so, what are they about?

Answer: While planning Star Wars, Lucas had a vague notion of doing a long series of movies inspired by old serials, then dropped that idea in favor of just one. When Star Wars became a phenomenon and sequels became feasible, Lucas revisited the idea. He thought of three trilogies along with some stand-alone "in-between" stories for a total of 12 films. By the time of The Empire Strikes Back's release, this was pared down to the 9 mainline films, going by interviews with Lucas and the cast at the time. By Return of the Jedi, Lucas had decided to end the saga there, with the option that he could revisit the first three at some later point. It's unclear if Lucas ever had any specific story ideas for the proposed sequel trilogy, and they never had any scripts. Producer Gary Kurtz suggested in an interview they would've been about Luke's twin sister (not Leia), though many fans are skeptical about just how much he would know about them. Of course since this question was asked a sequel trilogy was written and released.


Answer: This was long a long-standing rumour, but George Lucas always denied it. He allowed various authors to cover the history of that time period in book form - if he'd had any serious intention of doing films set in that timeframe, he wouldn't have done that. Since that time of course Disney took over the franchise and has announced new films, but entirely separate from the previous "expanded universe" of the novels, and not involving any ideas George Lucas may have had in the past.


Answer: I'm not sure how old this question is but it is a sequel trilogy. Episode VII : The Force Awakens is about a scavenger and former stormtrooper teaming up the Resistance to attempt to defeat the new First Order and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). Episode VIII : The Last Jedi is about Rey finding Luke Skywalker who is in exile hoping that he would be left alone, and he tells the story of how he tried to murder his nephew who in retaliation, turned to the dark side. Episode IX : Rise of Skywalker is about the return of Emperor Palpatine and recovering Sith Wayfinders that will lead them to Exegol and kill him, with Billy Dee Williams returning as Lando Calrissian.

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