Zoe Hull: I didn't expect to deal with this scenario but there's unfinished business to tend to. You see, it's tempting to let nature run its course. The lungs will fill with blood and the animal will die naturally but with that process comes extreme pain and it just isn't right to let it suffer. Or is it?

Clerk: The hamster hammock is a top seller... Then we have the seesaw, nibblers and the pet playhouse.
Man: There's no room for the pet playhouse.
Clerk: You know, it's funny. You don't strike me as a hamster person.
Man: Well, I am.
Clerk: You seem more like a reptile person... Snakes. That's it. You're a snake person.
Man: Snakes eat hamsters... You know, you remind me a lot of my mother.
Clerk: Really?
Man: Yeah. She wasn't a good listener and she never knew when to shut the f - up. (00:51:41)

Cole: I really don't have good luck with women, they end up being murderers.

Anthony: Who exactly am I?

Violet Markey: I wasn't worried about what would happen if I lived. I was worried about what would happen if I didn't.

Shaggy Rogers: Drop some F-bombs.
Blue Falcon: Hey man, whoa, let's keep it PG.
Shaggy Rogers: No! Falcon bombs.

Mr. Grooberson: There hasn't been a ghost sighting in 30 years. New York in the '80s... it's like The Walking Dead. Your dad never mentioned this to you?
Callie: It's just my mom.

Tessa: What's your favorite book?
Trevor: "Principles of Economics" by Alfred Marshall
Tessa: No, it's not.
Trevor: Yes, it is.
Tessa: No, I mean, like fiction. Like a real book.
Trevor: I don't do fiction. I mean, have you seen how I dress?
Tessa: You heathen!
Trevor: Heathen?
Tessa: You heathen. Fiction is an escape from reality. It's a way you can live a hundred lives, or even a thousand.
Trevor: I don't need to live 1,000 years, OK, and I'd rather watch paint dry. (00:18:22)

Ellie Chu: Aster Flores thinks you're into abstract art and repressed British literature.
Paul Munsky: Yeah.
Ellie Chu: None of that is you.
Paul Munsky: It could be. I started reading that Remains of the Day book.
Ellie Chu: Really?
Paul Munsky: Yeah. I fell asleep a few times, but I'm still reading it. That's gotta count for something.

Terry: I am happy to accept this very special award I requested, but that I absolutely deserve.

Jennifer Davis: We're starting to see some instances of groups of people - well, groups of people fighting back. We do not encourage this. Certainly, if you are attacked, you should defend yourself. But what we have seen so far, the best way to survive, to avoid infection, to avoid being a part of spreading the infection, is to just completely avoid contact. Find a place to hide and stay there. Hopefully, it won't have to be for too long. (00:08:23)