Barb: I'm gonna destroy all music, EXCEPT FOR ROCK.

Shannon: Ashtray, bitch.

Scott's Aunt: Maybe you should work and go to college.
Elderly man: College is bullshit! You know who went to Harvard? The Unabomber. You know who went to Temple? Bill Cosby. You know who else went to Temple? Ted Bundy. You know who went to Hofstra? Bernie Madoff. You know who went to Wharton? Donald Trump. It's all a scam. (00:18:21)

Barley Lightfoot: Put it in O, for onward.

Detective Marcus Burnett: I'mma penetrate this man's soul wit my heart.
Detective Mike Lowrey: What?

Guy: I'm not gonna be the good guy... I'm gonna be the great guy.
Molotov Girl: Whoa, enjoy your lifetime supply of virginity.

Nyles: We were born lost, but now, you are found.

Hubie Dubois: Can't believe I don't have a compass on my thermos.

Swin: Excuse me, ma'am? Do you happen to know where the radishes are?
Lady: I don't know, with the vegetables I guess. That's an educated guess.
Swin: [chuckles] New in town, name's Swin.
Lady: Oh, your name's about as dumb as mine. Johnna.
Swin: Pleasure. Really, no tellin' how long I'll be in the area. Yeah, I'm a freelance government auditor. Let's get this courtship underway.
Johnna: I'm on shift tonight.
Swin: What about tomorrow night?
Johnna: Church.
Swin: I'm actually working - did you say Church?
Johnna: Yeah, you should try it sometime.
Swin: I have. We all have.
Johnna: Well, try again. Maybe it'll stick. [Pushes her cart away and Swin chuckles. Swin catches up to Johnna loading groceries into her trunk] Can I help you with something?
Swin: What about Saturday?
Johnna: This is creepy. The radishes and then this following me out to my car. You're... You're just creepy.
Swin: Do you like creepy? (00:14:25)

Diana Prince: Nothing good is born from lies. And greatness is not what you think.

Melissa Henning: I've learned that suffering doesn't destroy faith, it refines it.

Alexander Hamilton: Where are you taking me?
Angelica Schuyler: I'm about to change your life.
Alexander Hamilton: Then by all means, lead the way.
Eliza Hamilton: Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Alexander Hamilton: Schuyler?
Angelica Schuyler: My sister.
Eliza Hamilton: Thank you for all your service.
Alexander Hamilton: If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it.

Sheriff Hadley: You're gonna have a hard time getting my generation off the stage. Willie Nelson's still doing concerts.
John Marshall: Yeah, I mean, to be fair, Dad, Willie Nelson is a guitar player and he's not doing a lot of heavy police work.

Sigrit Ericksdottir: The elves went too far!

Fay: Welcome to the afterlife. You've been in a medically-induced coma while we got you out of Ukraine and rebuilt your mouth.
Protagonist: The suicide pills are fake. Why?
Fay: A test.