Best movie continuity mistakes of 2020

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All the Bright Places picture

Continuity mistake: Theodore rides once the tiny rollercoaster; the cart comes to a full stop and his left foot is in the space between the bars, but in the next shot the left foot is on the outside. (00:48:00)


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Children of the Corn picture

Continuity mistake: There are only two missing pieces to complete the jigsaw puzzle, and the perimeter/frame is intact. After the pastor turns the puzzle around to face Eden, there are four pieces missing, three of which are perimeter pieces. (00:04:38)


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Death of Me picture

Continuity mistake: The amount and location of dirt on Christine's face is inconsistent, ranging from being very thick and obvious to barely visible, if at all. Sometimes it extends down her neck on the right side. When her hair covers most of her face, no dirt is visible - until she turns her head and the hair is away from her face. The intensity and location of the redness on her neck also varies. (00:03:31 - 00:04:48)


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Alone picture

Continuity mistake: The sizes, locations, and smoothness of the pieces of glass remaining in the wall mirror after Aidan smashes it with a bat change. Initially, there were a few large and several smaller jagged-edged pieces around the top and upper-half of the right side. Later, there were four relatively large smooth-edged pieces spaced around the upper half of the mirror - one in each upper corner and one on each side at the middle. (00:15:48 - 00:19:33)


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Fatman picture

Continuity mistake: When Nick leaves to deliver presents he walks out the door and you hear the door close. When his wife goes after him with the flask you see him opening the very same door he's just walked out. (00:24:50)


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The Half of It picture

Continuity mistake: In the first shot of the choir (three students harmonizing on a note) the girl in pink holds the sheet with her left hand at the corner and the right hand in the middle. Cut to the wide shot, and she has the left hand in the middle and the right hand at its respective corner. (00:03:50)


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Proximity picture

Continuity mistake: Isaac is wearing tan or khaki pants but the video of him getting "beamed up" to the spaceship shows dark blue pants. (00:18:15)


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Echo Boomers picture

Continuity mistake: The color of Lance's clothes change from a dark tan, brown, or grayish color on the train to blue walking through the train station and riding to Jack's place. Lance also has his jacket on the entire time - until he is at Jack's front door (where the jacket is no longer visible). Jack kept his coat on in the car, his apartment, and to play cards. (00:03:44)


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Freaky picture

Continuity mistake: When the Butcher nearly hits Josh with the stolen police car, Josh's hands go from being up in the air, to down by his sides instantly between cuts.


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The Owners picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, the blue car is parked on the far right of the screen or at least one car length from the doctor's front door. Dr. Huggins says goodbye to the couple with the baby, who walk toward their car. After the burglars-to-be (turned robbers) are shown watching from a distance, the camera returns to the doctor's front door. The blue car is now near the center of the screen and it drives away toward the right of the screen - going past the place it had been parked.


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The Night Clerk picture

Continuity mistake: The replay of Bart and Andrea's conversation at check-in are not verbatim - at times, only a word or two ("uh", "um", "just") is added, but other times there are parts that simply were not stated. Granted, Bart is practising and his additions are not meant to be a reflection of what was actually stated, but the things Andrea said were on tape and these do not always match. Bart did not ask, "Seven nights?" and Andrea didn't reply, "Yeah. A week, maybe longer. I'm not sure yet. So, you're new." (00:27:14 - 00:28:47)


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The Doorman picture

Continuity mistake: In the locker room, an adjacent locker is closed then open with a yellow shirt hanging inside. Also, Ali takes a uniform jacket out of the locker Borz said she could use and holds it in front of her while they were talking. When they're almost done, Ali is turned around toward the locker and starts to remove a uniform jacket from her locker (as though this is the first time she was seeing it). (00:10:52 - 00:11:35)


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Becky picture

Continuity mistake: A vast majority of the movie occurs over the course of a single day, so it would be expected that Becky's hair stayed about the same. However, there were frequent fluctuations in Becky's hair's length, how her bangs were arranged, and color (whether the blue streaks could be seen at all or how much at a given time, and if she had dark roots on the top of her head).


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The Empty Man picture

Continuity mistake: James lit the cigarette he gave Amanda, and she was shown taking one puff. Amanda tells part of the Empty Man story and the ashes on the tip of her cigarette are the same when she takes a second puff. After continuing the story for about two minutes, the length of the ashes still have not increased when Amanda is about to take the third puff. (00:37:21 - 00:39:53)


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Rogue picture

Continuity mistake: The amount/shape/size of the blood/cut on the bridge of Joey's nose varies, as does the obvious presence or absence of blood on the right side of his nose. (00:42:32 - 00:43:50)


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2067 picture

Continuity mistake: Within a scene, Xanthe's disheveled hair often has a different number of curls/waves (especially on the sides) and the tightness/ looseness varies. Sometimes some strands of curls look like loops sticking out sideways; sometimes her hair looks almost straight on one side. The nature of the curls may vary with front and back views at times. In one scene, she had about three loose waves on the left side of her hair then suddenly it looked almost braided (many waves). (00:07:21 - 00:07:51)


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Lost Girls and Love Hotels picture

Continuity mistake: On the train, Margaret's hair had a distinct uneven, broken part (the middle section running parallel to the first and third lines), but her part was linear when she got to work. Also, in the hallway, some hair was raised near the back of her head in front views but not in rear views. (00:04:15 - 00:04:40)


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Superintelligence picture

Continuity mistake: A large-screen TV was on the wall opposite the staircase when Carol and Victor reached the top. Part of a small high window (above the lamp) could be seen near the top of the TV screen. When the camera shifted to the opposite side of the room, the TV temporarily transformed into a large window with floor-length drapes. (00:48:02)


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Hunter's Moon picture

Continuity mistake: Bernice's bangs go back and forth between having a small section separated from the rest to not separated. Before she kisses Thomas, her bangs are separated, but combed together when they are done kissing. (00:21:56)


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Don't Tell a Soul picture

Continuity mistake: Running away from the guard after the burglary, Joey and Matt went down a fairly steep hill in the woods. After passing the hole, they walked up a small embankment to go toward home. The next morning, Joey is riding his bike down a steep hill (the one that was before the hole?) - so steep he has to get off his bike and push it. Halfway down, the camera shifts and Joey is suddenly on TOP of a small embankment, which appears to be the one he and Matt walked up the day before on their way home.


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