Best movie trivia of 2019

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Toy Story 4 picture

Trivia: The antiques store has the date 1986 - the same date Pixar was founded.


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Ad Astra picture

Trivia: When Roy McBride is reviewing a top-secret message regarding his father and the LIMA mission, the message filename is "6EQUJ5," which is a very obscure easter egg in the movie. The filename 6EQUJ5 refers to the real-life "WOW Signal," a deep space radio signal received by the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University in 1977. The alpha-numeric designation "6EQUJ5" was a printed readout of the signal's duration and intensity. This signal lasted 72 seconds and was 20 times stronger than background radio noise, causing a surprised astronomer to circle the printed 6EQUJ5 readout in red ink and make the handwritten notation "WOW!" in the margin. While the signal was an anomalous one-time event that was never repeated, and there is still no proof that 6EQUJ5 was alien in origin, it has stimulated debate about extraterrestrial radio signals for decades. Ironically, the movie "Ad Astra" concludes that there are no alien radio signals and that we really are alone in the universe.

Charles Austin Miller

More Ad Astra trivia
More Knives Out trivia
6 Underground picture 6 Underground trivia picture

Trivia: During one epic car crash near the start, just after the shooter gets taken out by the digger, if you know what to look for you can see Ryan Reynolds in the background, filming a post/advert for social media. Not a mistake, because it's just a tiny figure at the back of shot, but pairing the film and the post together it's fun to look for. (00:14:42)

Jon Sandys

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Child's Play picture

Trivia: "Child's Play" creator Don Mancini has no involvement in this remake, and has openly stated that he's against it, as the original movie series is still going. Several other key cast and crew members from the original series have also expressed their disapproval of the film.


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Dark Phoenix picture

Trivia: The third act was completely changed after reshoots. The final battle originally took place in space, and was then relocated to a train.

Jon Sandys

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Charlie's Angels picture

Trivia: Ella Balinska performed many of her own stunts in this movie.

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The Lion King picture

Trivia: There's an homage to Beauty and the Beast as Timon starts singing: "It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents your dinner!" They then show Pumba as the dinner to the hyenas. Pumba was the distraction when Simba came back to the Pridelands. (01:45:00)

Tricia Webster

More The Lion King trivia
The Silence picture

Trivia: The Vesps are at least partially based upon Goblin Sharks, with their strange jaws.

Erik M.

More The Silence trivia
The Two Popes picture

Trivia: The director only came across Jonathan Pryce because he was searching for photos of Pope Francis, and the two people were frequently being compared as they look so similar. He looked into Pryce's body of work and realised he'd be an excellent choice for the part.

More The Two Popes trivia
Doctor Sleep picture

Trivia: When we see Abra's house, the number on the front is 1980. That was the same year the original Shining was released.

Gavin Jackson

More Doctor Sleep trivia
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie picture

Trivia: Towards the beginning of the movie, we see that Los Pollos Hermanos has become a restaurant called "Twisters." This is also what happened to the filming location in real life, and is still in business as Twisters to this day.


More El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie trivia
Frozen II picture

Trivia: The "new Danish author" that Prince Agnar is reading is most likely Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote "The Snow Queen", the basis of Frozen.

More Frozen II trivia
The Secret Life of Pets 2 picture

Trivia: When a rabbit thug crashes through the last window during Snowball's superhero daydream, he yells a Wilhelm scream.

More The Secret Life of Pets 2 trivia
Glass picture

Trivia: Samuel L. Jackson has no dialogue until about an hour into the film.

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Jumanji: The Next Level picture

Trivia: The film had a surprisingly fast production schedule. While the movie was announced shortly after the previous film, filming didn't begin until the end of January, 2019. The movie wrapped in May - only seven months before the release. By contrast, the previous film, "Welcome to the Jungle," wrapped filming a full year before release.


More Jumanji: The Next Level trivia
Hobbs & Shaw picture

Trivia: The mysterious processed voice of The Director is actually that of Ryan Reynolds, under his pseudonym of Champ Nightingale. Which doesn't necessarily mean his character is the primary antagonist. But might.

Jon Sandys

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More Ford v Ferrari trivia
The Russian Bride picture

Trivia: Nina's visiting Uncle is killed in his car by Karl's mute servant Hagen, who causes a car accident and then proceeds to set him on fire. Hanging on the rear view mirror is a Happy Face that gets a splotch of blood on it, reminiscent of The Comedian's iconic pin in The Watchmen.

Erik M.

More The Russian Bride trivia
Zombieland: Double Tap picture

Trivia: When Tallahassee and Columbus are navigating the abandoned mall, they pass a poster for "Garfield 3."

More Zombieland: Double Tap trivia

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