Best movie continuity mistakes of 2019

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Ford v Ferrari picture

Continuity mistake: The clock at the Ford pit shows 05:09 during the phone call and 00:53 (can't see it exactly because it is too blurry) in the next shot, when the mechanic holds the sign EZ Miles. (01:56:10)

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Brittany Runs a Marathon picture

Continuity mistake: Catherine is in Brittany's flat and she sits down telling a bit about her past. Seen from behind she is touching the hair on the right side of her face, instantly turned into the left side at the cut. (00:16:25)


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The Lodge picture

Continuity mistake: When Richard and the kids are picking up Grace to go to the cabin, the sizes and locations of the areas defrosted in the rear window of the Jeep change from two horizontal areas to one area that is shorter and then to only one area that is lower than the previous ones. (00:20:55 - 00:21:17)


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The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part picture

Continuity mistake: After the alien abduction, Emmet plans to lead a rescue mission and opens the gate asking "Who's coming with me?" During the sequence, the shadows change completely. At first he is not casting much of a shadow, then it reaches the metal doors, then it stops midway towards it. (00:20:55)


More The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part continuity mistakes

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, the waitress notices that Emilio for the first time in years has not completed his Sudoku yet. The sequence begins with her stopping by him and waving her hand, upturned, but the hand is then on his shoulder. She repeats the gesture at the cut. (00:01:50)


More Vivir dos veces continuity mistakes
Oh, Ramona! picture

Continuity mistake: Andrei is mentally rehearsing icebreaker lines for his first approach to Ramona. Fake macho Silviu sits by him and puts a blunt in front of him, practically under his nose. Reverse shot, and it's gone. (00:02:00)


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House Arrest picture

Continuity mistake: When Pinky barges into the protagonist's home, multiple times (for instance when he sits in front of her) her pigtails move behind her shoulders from the front and vice versa between cuts. (00:06:00)


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Noelle picture

Continuity mistake: When Santa tells Noelle he's anxious about inheriting his dad's role, the position of his arms is inconsistent between front and side shots.


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The Intruder picture

Continuity mistake: When Charlie throws Scott over the balcony, he crashes into the chandelier and it partially tears away from the ceiling. Sparks ensue, but the light remains fully functional. The camera switches to Scott on the floor then back to Charlie where the chandelier can be seen worth all but one light out. There is no visible difference in the room lighting. Later, when Charlie is chasing Scott and Annie with the shotgun, Charlie screams "Lights out!" and shoots a fully functional chandelier.


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The Wrong Boy Next Door picture

Continuity mistake: Katie has been grounded, and like most teenagers decides to just drink up a lot of booze. She's sitting on the bedroom floor with her bestie and passes her the bottle of vodka: her friend takes it with her left hand and drinks, but in the following shot she's finishing the gulp by holding it in her right hand instead.


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American Hangman picture

Continuity mistake: After the cover is removed from Judge Straight's head, the camera shifts to him over 40 times within about 7 minutes and his hair looks different almost every time. Initially, a back view of the judge's head shows long dishevelled hair with some strands above his head. A little later, a side view shows his hair mostly combed (not unruly). The location of his part varies (right side to middle). He may or may not have bang strands dangling; if dangling, the number and direction of strands vary. (00:02:48 - 00:04:40)


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The Fanatic picture

Continuity mistake: Moose is sitting at a desk writing a letter to Mr. Dunbar in a spiral bound notebook. There is a magazine to the right of the notebook with about the same width. After a couple quick camera shifts, the notebook is suddenly stacked on top of a few magazines and whatever Moose is writing on is obstructed by the stack. After a couple more quick camera shifts, the notebook is back in front of Moose, and he tears out the page he was writing on. (00:25:55)


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The Endless Trench picture

Continuity mistake: Higinio emerges from his hideout to strangle with the measuring tape the man who is raping his wife. During the scene, the tape is above or below the shirt's collar and with a dangling loose end coming and going. (01:02:20)


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Cold Blood picture

Continuity mistake: When the guy leaves the motel, he only grabs his jacket, but when he's outside, he has a helmet in his hand. (01:14:55)


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A Madea Family Funeral picture

Continuity mistake: Watch the back seat during the pullover scene. The 3 in the back aren't always there together. Joe's by himself in some scenes. The ladies are missing Joe between them.

More A Madea Family Funeral continuity mistakes
The Two Popes picture

Continuity mistake: Bergoglio and Ratzinger are having a quiet conversation at a side table after the Pope's dinner. When Hopkins says the line about "a spiritual hearing aid", the handkerchief he was clutching in the previous part of the scene is gone, and it keeps appearing and disappearing depending on the angle. (00:37:00)


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Holiday In The Wild picture

Continuity mistake: Much to the photographer's dismay, Kate's husband receives a 'very important call' when they are posing at the beginning of the movie. The photographer's right hand is horizontal on the lens during his reaction shot, but he had it vertical on the camera body before the cut. (00:01:20)


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The Kid picture

Continuity mistake: The front view of Sheriff Garrett [Ethan Hawke] while he is talking to Billy shows a stone-walled well between him and the cabin door, but there's no well visible in the rear view. When Billy walks out with his hands up, there appears to be a well to his right (where the horse rail should be visible), but there is no well when Sara and Rio exit the cabin. (00:14:04 - 00:15:10)


More The Kid continuity mistakes
Buffaloed picture

Continuity mistake: Throughout the movie, Peg's hair frequently changes from scene to scene and within a scene. When her hair has a blue ribbon around a bun at the top, her side parts are sometimes higher/lower and straight/jagged. The length of her hair varies, as does the amount of curl on the bottom. One of most noticeable variations in her hair length and curl occurs during her speech to her new employees at Personal Expenditures Garnering. It changes several times from just to the shoulders to a few inches below her shoulders. Back views of her hair tend to be shorter and front views tend to be longer. (00:44:42)


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We Die Young picture

Continuity mistake: The amount of blood on 10-year-old Miguel's face and neck after his "jump in" is not consistent. Sometimes there is more (or less) blood on his cheeks and neck and sometimes it appears splattered compared to large areas diluted with blood. The intensity/color of the blood also changes - sometimes it is very red but other times it is paler. The cut on his left eyebrow apparently was not on the far left corner yet sometimes the blood started there; other times, the blood started almost to the middle of his eyebrow. Sometimes he has blood below his eyebrow. Despite all the blood on his face and neck (down to the sagging T-shirt), there is no blood on his white or light grey T-shirt. He also does not get any blood on his jacket. Miguel was repeatedly punched then kicked by several large, muscular adult gang members for 13 seconds (to become a member of the MS-13 gang) but is unrealistically able to get right up then go and pick up and carry his dog - with no limping or signs of pain. (00:29:15)


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