Other mistake: Cliff's dog is referred to as female but when it jumps up at a door towards the end of the film, it is male.

Other mistake: When Jessie pops the tire on the RV, Bonnie's dad gets upset and says "I just bought it." Throughout the rest of the film however, he says the RV is a rental.

Other mistake: The lead is loaned cassettes of 'Darkness on the Edge of Town' and 'Born in the USA' by his mate and then quotes a lyric from 'The River' which he hasn't listened to yet.

Other mistake: Vic and Stu get into a shoot out inside the animal hospital with some thugs, guns firing all over the place. The building is full of animals like dogs and cats and parrots. However, the animals stay completely calm and quiet during the entire gun fight and seem unaffected by the rapid, very loud banging of gun fire. Even right after it, a cat that just had it's tail stepped on sits on a dead body and meows like nothing happened. This is completely uncharacteristic of how animals would act to loud gunfire in an enclosed building, especially in a vet's. (00:45:00)

Other mistake: The scene after Genie saves Aladdin from drowning, Aladdin is recovering. The left pocket of his pants has a clear outline of a smartphone in it, or possibly a radio mic.

Other mistake: The ex-husband makes out a check for $108,000 at the start of 2020 when Kate returns from Africa after Christmas, but it is dated 3/18/2019. (01:12:06)

Other mistake: When the family visits Assimilation, they come upon the Chipper and Cheer practice. When Margaux arrives, she greets the family by saying, "Well good morning, neighbour!" However, Margaux had earlier told Parker that the practice was in the afternoon.

Other mistake: During the revelation of the second death, when the killer opens the toxicology report they just retrieved, the date is revealed; it says it was issued on 09/27/2018. But the events of the movie happen in November (it's Sunday 18th Nov when Marta wakes up with all the reporters at her door). It should also be noted that when a close-up of the report was shown earlier (when Ransom was looking at the anonymous letter brought by Marta) that copy had a big stamp in a corner saying 11-17-18, that in this copy is totally absent. (01:56:55)

Other mistake: There is a car chase between a station wagon and a sports car. The sports car hits the rear of the station wagon, hard, but neither car is damaged.

Other mistake: Aerial views of Yonder gave the impression that a basic grid pattern was used - parallel horizontal and parallel vertical lines that form right angles; yards were of equal area, either a square or rectangular lot. [However, some of the views from the couple's car as they were trying to find the exit showed some slightly curved roads that didn't fit the grid.] Following the sun as a way out, the couple was jumping over fence after fence - but they could've simply walked along perpendicular roads.
Suggested correction: But they tried getting out using the road by car, and they felt that the roads were causing them to go into a loop. So instead they take a route they know for sure is straight. Btw, Yonder isn't real so the way the roads bend and how the grids are made up is purely an optical illusion.
Walking (not driving) along the perpendicular fences would be the same difference only easier and less exerting. If/when they encountered a fence that looked different, that's when they could jump over it to see if it made a difference. How could they "know for sure" that the fences they were jumping over took them in a straight line? Also, they realised the clouds weren't real, so following something in the sky (the sun) was not necessarily a good idea. [This will be my only response here.].

Other mistake: The Psyduck is technically incapable of defending the group against the Quajutsus. Regardless of which psychic attack Psyduck uses, Quajutsu is immune to it because of its typing (water/dark).
Suggested correction: As an adaptation, the movie is allowed to bend the rules of the game. Furthermore, just because they're strong against psychic-type attacks in the game doesn't mean they'll be completely unaffected or totally immune, especially given how powerful his attack is.

Other mistake: When Rosie plays her husband with ashes on her face she touches the tablecloth but it does not get dirty.

Other mistake: Jodie mentions wearing shoe size 13 more than once in the movie yet look closely and those are only size 10 shoes.

Other mistake: Jethro said to Brian, "Shall I tell you how I know you're lying? Because when you said that, you looked up to your left." However, Brian looked to his right and Jethro even pointed to Brian's right when he was telling Brian that he looked to his left. (00:56:00)

Other mistake: The Angels do a clean sweep of all the bad guys, tie them up and put their heads in bags. It's kind of a plot point that they have all the baddies perfectly packed up and ready for delivery. However when Bosley makes his entrance, there's a guy in the elevator he leaves behind, the door closes and nobody 'bags' and/or ties him up. He's just unaccounted for. (00:05:10)

Other mistake: It was pouring rain when Denny got home in a taxi, but he somehow managed to walk from the curb, up the sidewalk, and into the front door without getting his jacket or face wet. His hair might have got a little wet but, if so, it quickly dried. (00:26:10)

Other mistake: Max was supposed to be more developmentally mature than Thor and Lucas and going through puberty but there were no indications of this. He still had a child's voice, did not have any facial hair (or "pubes"), and did not appear to have started a growth spurt. Even though he had hormones raging through his body, he did not have one pimple (zit). [Make-up artists have put zits on many adults to make them look younger in teen movies.] The co-writers deliberately used 12-year-olds to make them look the part and convince the audience that they were naive, but Max, especially, did not look the part.

Other mistake: When Jack and Rocky get on Ed Sheeran's plane, they are carrying 2 guitars. After the Moscow concert, before the 'song challenge', Ed says Jack wrote 'Back in the USSR' on a 3 hr plane flight with no guitar on the way to the show. (00:37:38 - 00:38:38)

Other mistake: When the characters go to the Himalayas, the whole time, like for 20 mins, including the confrontation scene, they are all wearing casual, short-sleeved shirts. You can see Mr. Burnish's henchmen wearing winter clothing, while the main characters don't freeze to death. They only start getting cold after a long time.

Other mistake: The gun choreography in the fight at the Hound Dog just sucks. Nevada picks up the now zombiefied Albuquerque's gun, a Mini Draco AK with a (at most) a 10 round magazine, can barely hold it up but longarms it like a handgun and *brrr* fires at about double the guns actual fire rate. Infinite ammo, zero recoil (with a small stature woman firing 7.62x39 with one hand no stock) and the entire time she's shooting, the gun is pointing right at Tallahassee's head. (01:01:55)
Suggested correction: Not exactly a mistake considering he bought a rental.
That's a self-contradicting statement. Buying something means you have ownership of it. Renting something means you pay for its use with the understanding that it will be returned at a specified time. You can't buy a rental any more than you can rent something you buy.
Phaneron ★
Suggested correction: At best it's a character mistake. As he was exasperated as Bonnie's mother says to her "Daddy's going to use some words" apparently meaning he was going to swear.
If it's a character mistake, it's still a mistake, so no correction is needed. I think it's a valid other mistake because it's the screen writers flipping back between owning and renting, but not an actual plot hole. I've been exasperated with a rental before and never in my anger or frustration said I bought the rented item.