Question: Not sure this is a movie mistake. When the mom is sawing off her own head, wouldn't the sawing have stopped once she cut through her spinal cord? The muscles in her arms/hands would have gone limp and her head would not completely fall off - though it would fall forward. You don't actually see her head fall but you hear the bang on the floor and her head is missing at the end.
Answer: When she's sawing off her own head, she's also suspended about 12 feet in the air. Afterwards, you also see the headless mom's body levitating up to the treehouse. So, obviously, there were powerful demonic forces that suspended her in the air, sawed off her head, then carried her up into the treehouse.

Question: If Kaiju can be killed by dropping something heavy on them from orbit, why spend all that time and effort on Jaegers when a satellite defence system armed with tungsten smart rods would have done the job?
Answer: Each new Kaiju is adapted differently, often based upon what has killed previous Kaiju. This is why the Jaegers have such varied designs. If they relied upon a satellite firings rods from space, there would be no defence when a new generation of Kaiju arrived, adapted to this tactic. Additionally, producing a sufficient number of satellites to cover the entire planet would be a huge task, whereas the Jaeger technology already exists.

Question: When they are in Paris trying to get Solomon Lane, shouldn't the signs on the police cars have been in French, not English?
Answer: They are in France. The French word for police is "police."

Question: Would any company in their right mind build a theme park (or any business for that matter) on a private island with a volcano? I know populated areas like Hawaii just assume the risk, but wouldn't a company that has the money to purchase their own island do their due diligence and make sure they won't be prone to a major catastrophe like that?
Answer: As it was stated in the film, the volcano had been dormant for many many years. Presumably even since well before the events of the first Jurassic Park movie in the early 90's. It was only recently, between the events of this film and the prior Jurassic World that the volcano had its surprise re-awakening.
For sure, but dormant simply means that the volcano could one day erupt again, so wouldn't it be pretty foolish to gamble on building a multi-billion dollar theme park with the hope that the volcano will never again erupt?
One would think. But just look at our world's history. Like Pompeii, an entire civilization wiped out cause they lived at the base of a dormant volcano. And then even in more recent history. Mount Saint Helens, which I've actually been to and seen the exhibits and footage of it's destruction. Foolish, yeah. But that doesn't stop us from still doing it repeatedly.
I think it's been made pretty clear over the course of all the films that the people building these parks did not exactly think everything through properly. They took a gamble on the volcano, and they lost.

Question: I've only seen this movie once so far and I haven't read the book yet, so my question is, what exactly happened in the scene where Ana said one of the safe words for the first time? I don't really understand what made her say that; was Christian teasing her too much or something?
Answer: He was trying to make her understand how she made him feel whenever she broke a promise (usually about her safety) by punishing her and it became too much, too intense. She also felt like it was revenge instead of love.

Question: P.L. Travers hated Disney's film adaptation of Mary Poppins so much that she refused to have Disney make any more adaptations of Mary Poppins. How could a sequel be made without the consent of Travers, especially since she died in 1996?
Answer: Travers was never entirely opposed to having a sequel made. She initially refused Disney's sequel ideas, and attempted to impose her own demands and concept on what any additional film would be. In the 1980s, Travers and a friend wrote their own screenplay. The Disney company, now with different management, considered it but eventually dropped the project amid casting problems and other issues and conflicts that emerged. After Travers' death, Disney could then negotiate directly with Travers' estate.
Answer: The short answer is *because* she died. Control then passed to her beneficiaries/estate. She didn't forbid Disney from making a sequel, and she couldn't legally prevent it either. The deal she had with Disney just meant that they had to agree on it as she had creative control, and despite their (and apparently her) best efforts, they could never find a sequel idea everyone was happy with, especially given her dislike of the original film. Her will stated: "Any payments received by my Trustees in respect of or any future commercial production or exploitation in any form whatsoever of any books I have written (including any sequel to the film "Mary Poppins") shall be held by my Trustees upon trust to distribute..." On her death creative control passed to her trustees, in terms of sequels and the stage show, and they managed to agree on a sequel idea.

Question: Why didn't they stay in the store with all the food? The one guy suggests it and they bring up the fact that some others are still at the house and will starve... But couldn't they have just used the car to go back and collect them and bring them to the store? Alternatively, why didn't they make multiple trips to the store to bring back as much food as they could? They could have come back, unloaded and then gone straight back out again (meaning the car couldn't have been stolen). By this point they knew it was safe, they could have even have just sent 2 people giving them more space in the car to load it with supplies.
Answer: After what happened to Charlie, they were discouraged from staying or returning to the store.

Question: Wouldn't her freshly bleached hair go green from the chlorine?

Question: Why would Lewis confess to Jonathan and Florence that he brought back Issac from the dead? He could've kept it a secret to avoid being yelled at.

Question: A lot of fuss was made over the omission of the lunar flag planting in this movie. However, when I saw the movie in the theater, I distinctly remember seeing the flag on the moon, just not the actual planting. However, that particular shot seems to be missing in the home video release. Does anyone know the reason for this?
Answer: The home release includes a clear shot of the lunar lander with the American flag next to it.

Question: Does anyone know which scenes Nick Castle is playing Michael Myers? I know he is Myers when Laurie tries to shoot him through the window and the after credits breathing was his. But is it him any other times?
Answer: You didn't mention the opening scene; I'm sure you know it's him up till he gets his mask back, right?
No, it's not. That's James Jude Courtney playing Michael in the unmasked scenes.
Answer: Based on multiple things that I've heard, those are the only two times Nick Castle is on screen. He was mostly just there to help James Jude Courtney get the mannerisms down.
I had read in Halloweenmovies.com and other Michael Myers Instagram accounts that I follow, that was Nick Castle in the closet when the baby sitter Vicky opened the door.

Question: At the beginning when they meet she sings a few lines of Shallow, then presumably the next day at his show he brings her onstage, and they sing the whole song with the band and all...how is this possible with zero rehearsal time?

Question: If Scott was under house arrest how could he have paid bills?
Answer: If you mean how did he afford to pay his bills, he makes money from his security firm.
Answer: Online.

Question: Why does Agent Tucker not appear in this film?
Answer: Because, it was time for a comeback, so they tasked Bough to complete the team.

Question: How did others find the trident's location? We know Arthur is the first person to see the clue to the trident's location, so why are there dozens of skeletons of past victims, how did so many others magically stumble across the trident?
Answer: You said it yourself some might have stumbled upon it, others could have used the map, which is why it was hidden in the first place.
How could they use the map when Arthur was the first to find it...quite frankly to stumble on it is impossible, you would have to randomly travel to the trench, go through the entire kingdom, see a tornado of death and decide to go in, get spat out and not eaten, get to shore, check behind a waterfall and follow it down...bit much?

Question: Towards the beginning of the film, when Hamilton is talking to her husband via video chat from the space station, he is in the middle of saying something when the signal cuts out quite abruptly. She just stares at the screen for a moment as does he on his end without either side trying to reestablish contact. Was there a reason why they didn't try to bring the call back? it gave no indication as to why the signal even cut out. Though my guess is maybe the Earth rotation put them out of range or blocked the signal. But that's just a guess of the top of my head. It just felt strange that the reason for this was never addressed neither side even attempted to re-establish contact. So why exactly did they not?

Question: At one point in the movie the fed introduces herself saying she is with ATF. Does ATF handle Treasury? I thought Treasury was handled by the Secret Service. Is this a mistake or am I misinformed?
Chosen answer: You are correct, the ATF does not handle currency. This is a mistake, either in the script or made by the actress. She correctly identifies herself as a Treasury agent throughout the film but does say in one scene she is an ATF agent.

Question: Why does Nagini stand with Newt, Tina, Theseus, Jacob and aurors at the bridge of Hogwarts? I don't understand why she joins them without Credence who was her only friend at that time?
Answer: She would stand with them to oppose Grindelwald and possibly hopes that Creedence can somehow be saved.

Question: Did Erik know that Zuri was his Uncle James before Zuri told him he was the one responsible for his death?
Answer: There were supernatural forces at work, so basic rules of human anatomy and physics don't really apply in the situation.
Phaneron ★