Corrected entry: Black smoker hydrothermal vents are generally found in areas where the sea floor is spreading, opening fissures. Would not be found in subduction zones as in the Marianas Trench where crust is being destroyed.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, while in the house the sun is shining through the kitchen window. They get in the car to commute, and it's clear and dry. In the next scene they are in a pouring down rain shower, and when they show the car again it's dry and so is the road. However, when they reach the train station the ground and the driver side window are wet. (00:03:00 - 00:04:00)
Correction: A question regarding this was asked and answered. The opening scene isn't meant to be a continuous scene. It's a type of montage showing how Michael (Neeson) has the same routine everyday throughout the year or years.

Corrected entry: At the cookery class where the family are making dumplings, Eleanor shows off her emerald ring. Later when Nick proposes on the plane, it is not the same ring. This time it is a tourmaline and not the emerald.
Correction: No one said it is the same ring. Most viewers assume the two rings are one and the same. It is possible they are similar, although different rings.
Not only do people assume they are the same, that is the point of the scene. Eleanor giving Nick the ring shows that she accepts the marriage.
It's the same ring. They are shot from a different angle and with different lighting. The ring actually belongs to Michelle Yeoh in real life...so I'm sure they didn't "use a different ring" by accident. All the jewelry was real in the film. It's what the director wanted. The borrowed pieces from exclusive shops even had bodyguards accompanying them and were off camera when they shot scenes outside or around crowds.

Corrected entry: When they covered every inch of the museum they conveniently missed out a spot where Daphne Kluger kissed Claude Becker.
Correction: There is no evidence to support that they missed that certain spot! It is quite possible that the kissing scene was recorded on the camera, and even seen by the security personnel, the Ocean's 8 (who had tapped into the system) and even Mr. Fraser himself. When Daphne Kludger (played by Anne Hathaway) denied having been ever alone with Claude at 1:26:03 point, Fraser didn't necessary believe her. Quite to the contrary, on point 1:26:36, he said "I have five innocent people who seem to be suspects", one of whom is Daphne.

Corrected entry: When Neil Armstrong has tears running down his face while standing on the Moon, the tears should fall much slower as the Moon's gravity is approximately one sixth that of Earth.
Correction: The first tears would travel slower due to the reduced gravity, however after there is moisture on his face any further tears would travel down much faster due to cohesion between the water molecules, in a similar way to how water on a window will try to clump together.
Although the tears do get faster due to cohesion, the maximum acceleration should not be greater than one sixth than that of Earth. However, it is seen to be travelling as it would on Earth.
Since the air inside his lunar suit is very dry (I doubt they add humidity), I would think the tears would not get very far before evaporating.

Corrected entry: The military used Hummers in the movie. H1 Hummers were not made until 1992.
Correction: The HMMWV (other wise known as Humvee) began production in 1983. Therefore there were military variations around in 1987. The civilian Hummer H1 was built in 1991.

Corrected entry: When Michael makes his video starting off with "Hey beautiful", his phone seems like a phone from 2013 with its massive bezels, but the movie is set in 2028.
Correction: There's nothing to prevent future technology (or any technology) from using a retro look or style, and the film doesn't have to explain why. There's no mistake for a non-existent phone in the future having massive bevels.

Corrected entry: Donna gets the farmhouse for free, though in the first movie she mentions a 'crippling mortgage'.
Correction: People can remortgage properties to release money tied up in them. A reasonable thing to do given the state of the farmhouse. Remortgage it, get money and fix it up.

Corrected entry: Gary the cop shouldn't be alive. The second lot of 2 gangsters who turn up on the bridge and shoot him from behind (quite significantly - he splats everywhere) must be real gangsters with real guns and real bullets, not paid actor plants because we hear later the witness protection details are real (Brooks sold them) and they have access to a huge private jet plane (not possible to hire on a policeman's salary if it was all just staged).
Correction: This alleged mistake makes no sense whatsoever. The movie makes it quite clear that the second set of gangsters is real. It's part of the joke - only part of the plot was staged by Gary, but the characters end up getting caught-up in a real criminal plot as well during the night. And Gary survives because they shot him non-fatally through the shoulder. It appears whoever submitted this mistake simply didn't understand the movie.
Correction: First of all you can survive a gun shot. Second of all we never hear about how much it cost the cop to stage this and why is that important. Third, after that point nothing is staged. The cop only set it up to the point where he got shot. Everything that happened after that point was real. I don't understand how that's a plot hole.

Corrected entry: Peter gets some bruises and wounds on his face when he meets Miles, but the next day those are gone.
Correction: Spiderman has an accelerated healing power.

Corrected entry: At the start in 1984 King T'Chaka visits his brother N'Jobu in the US. As he enters the apartment he asks who the other guy is and tells him to leave but N'Jobu says he can be trusted. However, T'Chaka both already knew it was his spy Zuri and that N'Jobu had betrayed Wakanda so there was no reason for the act of telling him to leave as he was supposed to be in the room to reveal his identity to N'Jubo. He could have just ignored him instead. Zuri also could have just let the Dora Milaje in himself and dropped the act immediately.
Correction: Firstly, the scene takes place in 1992, not 1984. Secondly, whatever decision King T'Chaka and Zuri made to confront N'Jobu is their own. It doesn't make it a mistake that you think they should have approached it differently. Perhaps T'Chaka wanted to give his brother a chance to come clean without revealing that Zuri was a spy. He may have decided to be more lenient in his punishment of N'Jobu had he told the truth.

Corrected entry: Why the would cleaning company hold Kate responsible for her equipment? Surely they'd have listened to her story and sent Leonardo the bill since he threw it overboard.
Correction: This is a question, not a plot hole. The company may have loaned the employees the equipment under contract that employees are responsible for any damage or loss. In which case, they can go after the employee (which is much easier for a few reasons). It would then be up to Kate to go after Leo for any costs she sustained because of his actions. She may also have been an independent contractor and bought the equipment, in which case, she would be the party responsible for going after Leo.

Corrected entry: Spoiler - When Jade Watson tricks Robin to activate the tower's vault, she traps him with techno-cuffs that are part of the room's technology. How was she able to hack or install the cuffs in order to do so, if she had no way to get into the room in the first place?
Correction: Considering it's a secure vault and a durable room, with those cuffs already being there, it's likely that with the silliness of the show and movie that the Titans sometimes just keep prisoners in there.
Adding to this, it could very well also be that those restraints weren't made for a person in the first place. Considering it's a vault, it could have just been for holding something else, but used on Robin.

Corrected entry: It wasn't smart of that father to get out of his truck during that asylum bus crash. They should've stayed in there, backed up, locked their doors until the police arrived.
Correction: He didn't necessarily know it was a bus full of crazy people. From his perspective, he saw a bus crashed off the side of the road with injured around and he got out to go help. He had his son call the police as one should always do when witnessing an accident.

Corrected entry: Lawrence could have just put the dynamite stick in the truck and let the truck go automatically toward the front door. Lawrence and the driver didn't have to be dead. (01:38:40 - 01:39:40)
Correction: Lawrence was making a sacrifice to motivate his followers. This required his death. Simply blowing up the gate wouldn't have the effect he desired.

Corrected entry: The small predator could not know that thumbs up signals OK to humans.
Correction: Says who? The Predator species has been visiting Earth and observing and hunting humans for centuries. Part of their methods for hunting and baiting humans shown in other films includes mimicry. The Predator in question also understands English, given that the driver asked if everything was okay, prompting him to fool the driver by using the severed arm to give a thumbs up. If the Predator can understand English, there's no reason why he can't also be familiar with hand gestures used by English-speaking people.

Corrected entry: When they start to dive, they are leaning the incorrect way.
Correction: When you dive forward and down you lean backward. When you rise and forward you lean forward. It's part of "Angles and Dangles"

Corrected entry: Dug scales the wall of the Bronze Age castle using a home-made grappling hook and line. Just before his head appears over the parapet both hands appear, and both are raised, clear of the parapet. If he let go of the rope with both hands without first gripping the top of the parapet, why didn't he fall? There is nothing on the other side of the wall for him to stand on - and if there was why did he need the grappling hook and line? (00:36:30)
Correction: I watched the scene and I see him grab first with his right hand, then he grabs with his left, so that his left hand could be holding the rope still.
I watched the scene, too, and not only is the correcter correct about Dug's hands, there are plenty of projections and decorations on the outside of the wall that Dug might be standing on. Obviously the Bronze Age people don't know much about defensive structural design.

Corrected entry: Sgt Trapp in a conversation utters the rebuke "Cluster-fuck." This didn't get used until twenty years later when it was spoken first by Malcolm Tucker in the fictional BBC-TV political show "In The Thick Of It"
Correction: It's been used since at least the Vietnam war.

Corrected entry: Bob got a call that Helen was in danger so he called Lucius to watch the kids at the house. Void and the other screen-enslaved supers arrived and Lucius closed the door and then fought them before they got goggles on him. There was no way Lucius knew they were a danger to the kids. Bob didn't know either, and didn't know Evelyn or the goggles were bad.
Correction: The Marianas Trench Marine National Monument (protecting over 95,000 square miles of marine ecosystems) was established in 2009 after some 20 hydrothermal vents and associated exotic marine habitats were discovered in this subduction zone. Even more hydrothermal vents have been discovered in the Marianas Trench since then. The fact is, deep-sea hydrothermal vents (such as "black smokers" and "white smokers") can be found anywhere there is volcanic activity, including subduction zones. In fact, footage has been captured of black smoker hydrothermal vents in the Marianas Trench as recently as 2017. http://earth-chronicles.com/science/new-footage-from-the-mariana-trench-black-smokers.html.
Charles Austin Miller