Corrected entry: Thanos' henchmen could not know that Vision was in Wakanda to get the stone from his forehead.

Corrected entry: Though the film takes place over many months, the crops in the field near the house never seem to change appearance.
Correction: Actually, after 89 they skip to Day 472 and then, it's just 2 full days of action. So, I don't think farm appearance is a mistake here.
The corn wouldn't still be green after more than a year in the field. And they couldn't have planted earlier that same year, as the noise would have attracted the aliens.

Corrected entry: During the 1st armored truck hijack they rip out part of the front windshield, also taking out the mirror on the front right fender. While driving the truck to the hideout you see both windshields intact, and the mirror is back on. (00:03:10 - 00:05:55)
Correction: I watched every shot of the truck closely and not once is it shown to have the window back intact after it's pulled out.

Corrected entry: When Franklin and Claire are trying to escape the Baryonyx, they use a chair to climb onto the ladder. When the ladder falls, however, the chair is gone. (00:38:50)
Correction: Watch closely. As Franklin steps up to get on the ladder, he stands of the seat then the arm and steps forward on to the ladder. This stepping forward is enough to push the chair out of sight of the floor from in the tunnel. When the ladder crashes down, the chair is a few feet away from where the ladder is.

Corrected entry: Mr. Dawes Jr. states that the tuppence (two pence) invested by Michael grew into enough to pay off the mortgage on the house. Interest rates over that 20 year time period were about 4%, which would have made that 2p grow to all of 4p. Go nuts and assume an impossibly high return of 15% per annum, compound, consistent over the twenty years. Despite the fact that not even Bernie Madoff offered ridiculously high returns like that, after twenty years the original two pence investment would be worth 39p. As an aside, houses of the time cost about £750, far below current London prices, but still considerably more than 39p.
Correction: In the movie, Mr Dawes said "We did just that, and thanks to several quite clever investments...that tuppence has grown into quite a sum" - so the investment didn't grow by interest alone. Growing a £0.02 investment to £750 is unlikely, but not impossible, especially if the friendly bank president fudged a little and pulled it off losing investments and only counted winning investments. And of course, Dawes could have been telling a white lie to make up for the way Wilkins treated the Banks family and planned to pay off the loan with his own funds.
Absolutely. The 2 pence was an investment, not a deposit. It is perfectly in keeping with the whimsical magic theme of the movie that the investment should have grown exponentially. Real world investments have done better. A 5 cent Bitcoin investment (about 2 pence!) grew to about $15,000 in less time.

Corrected entry: At the end it is in the middle of the day when Eddie enters Mrs Chen's store, but when he exits the store only a few minutes later after Venom eats the robber, it is suddenly night.
Correction: At the end it's only daytime when Venom and Eddie are talking about getting something to eat, but they're not actually next to Mrs. Chen's store and have to walk there. The scene cuts to him then entering the store (rather than showing him walking there and the whole passage of time). When he enters you can tell it's night/dark now because a car is seen driving with its lights on.

Corrected entry: Benji doesn't want to shoot the padlock off a container because he believes a nuclear bomb may be inside and he doesn't want to risk a ricochet setting it off. Someone with Benji's knowledge and background should know full well that nuclear fusion doesn't work that way. Moreover, he should also know that picking up a cylinder full of pure oxygen (which is highly, extremely flammable) and slamming hard it against the padlock is far, far more likely to cause a devastating explosion that would take out a significant portion of the medical centre, especially considering there are several other O2 cylinders just a few feet away.
Correction: Benji was likely more concerned with damaging the bomb itself, since any detected attempts to disarm the weapon would cause it to detonate. This is why they had to find both bombs and deactivate the trigger before they could disarm either. As for the cylinder, he likely found one that was depleted.
It's shown in real time - he never checks the cylinder's contents.
He was in a store room of things being packed up to close the camp with the gas cylinder left lying around. Full and depleted gas cylinders wouldn't be stored together. Full ones would be stored in a cage to prevent them being knocked over and leaking their contents, empty ones are more likely to be stored out of a cage.
All gas cylinders are supposed to be stored in cages. Even 'empty' ones can still have a little gas left in them to won't read on the contents gauge (it simply would be equalised with ambient pressure and not escape the bottle). A tiny amount of O2 in an 'empty' cylinder would still cause a pretty big bang.

Corrected entry: The Land Rover bonnet is opened by Peter because his ears were stuck under it, but is closed seconds after. (00:35:25)
Correction: This is correct that the bonnet does close. However, you will notice that when Tom stops the land rover it is on a country lane. When we see it next it's turning on to a main road. Indicating some time has passed. Enough to close the bonnet again.

Corrected entry: Orm was reigning at the time Steppenwolf stole the mother box from Atlantis - he should be rejected by his people but in the film he is loved and admired by everyone instead.
Correction: This is an opinion, not a mistake.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie Tony Lip shoots off a gun in a parking lot of the Orange Bar to scare off would-be criminals who were hiding just behind their car. (When this happens Dr. Don Shirley shouts out, "I knew you had a gun Tony", which makes the theater audience laugh). But if Tony would have had a gun on his person for the entire time, the police would have found it when Tony and Don were taken to jail in an earlier scene.
Correction: He wouldn't necessarily have the gun on him while driving though. Especially where he kept the gun, on his back, that would be uncomfortable for long road trips. It could have been in his suitcase, in the trunk. When they got taken to jail, it could have been sitting in the trunk the whole time. Or, say the cops did find it, it's not unlikely to assume that Doc and Tony got all their belongings back, given Doc's high connection that got them out of jail.

Corrected entry: When the women are rowing in the river the woman's paddles swap position and the cameraman is visible at the front of the boat. (00:40:00 - 00:41:00)
Correction: That isn't a cameraman seen in the front of the boat, it's the fifth member of the crew, Dr. Ventress. Ventress, Josie and Anya are in the first boat. Lena and Sheppard are in the second boat.

Corrected entry: The dark haired brother is on the driver's side of the last bad guy "tractor" trailer at the end of the movie. It shows him being thrown off the tractor and falling to the ground. But all of a sudden he appears and takes over driving the tractor trailer.
Correction: That wasn't the brother that got thrown off the tractor. The brother grabbed the bad guy who was driving (the one that was shot) and pulled him out so he could get in.

Corrected entry: No way Kersey leaves the gun shop same day with a full auto AR-15. It would take boatloads of paperwork, waiting, and registration with the federal government. He could have bought a conventional semi-auto AR-15 much more easily.
Correction: There is no such thing as a full auto AR-15 unless someone has changed the firing mechanism in the lower receiver. You can not buy a full auto AR-15.
Kersey didn't even know how to shoot a pistol and had to practice with the throw down gun. The gun shop sold him the AR-15 capable of full auto. He would not know how to convert it.
You don't need to know how to shoot to do a full-auto conversion. There are kits available with instructions online. A bump stock could also be easily added to the firearm to make it functionally full-auto even if it technically is not.

Corrected entry: Susan Plummer is in Denzel Washington's flat when he arrives home but there is no explanation as to how she got in.
Correction: Susan is a former DIA operative. The implication is that she used her skills to get into the apartment undetected.

Corrected entry: Will Sawyer climbs the framework of a construction crane to get above the fire on the 96th floor. Even without a prosthetic leg, it would have taken a very long time, which isn't accounted for in the time flow of events.
Correction: The crane was on the top of the building, where Will arrived via elevator. He only climbed 10-15 floors up, not 96.

Corrected entry: While swinging about and being thrown around in a rotted, rusted WWII era metal plane, Lara does not receive any cuts or bruises. The only injury she receives is a branch in her side after parachuting through a forest.
Correction: As implausible as it is, this would not qualify as a mistake. She just got very lucky.

Corrected entry: At the end, when he's in the room where Halliday grew up, with the younger version of Halliday, Young Halliday is playing Yar's Revenge with what appears to be an Intellivision and Intellivision controller. Yar's Revenge was an Atari game.
Correction: Since Halliday created the Oasis, he could have altered any portion of it to his whims, especially a portion not accessible to just anyone, so it's not much of a stretch for him to have altered a tiny detail such as which games he was able to play on any given console; he could have chosen this particular setup for any number of reasons such as personal preference, aesthetics, nostalgia, etc.
In addition, he may have just made an error due to age.

Corrected entry: At the end when the fuel is being refined Beckett is talking to Solo in the middle of what looks like pointed rocks coming out of the ground. On top of the rocks are metal loops - their only purpose must be for a crane to lift them into position for filming.
Correction: They're not random rocks - they've clearly been placed there, they're shaped regularly, they have smaller ones surrounding them, and they've got symbols carved onto them. At a guess it's a graveyard - as it's a specifically-arranged area it makes sense that they'd have loops on top as they'd have to be maneuvered into place somehow.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning, they say part of the space station crashes into southern Wyoming. They then show a title card that says "Casper, Wyoming." Casper is in central Wyoming.
Correction: Parts of the space station crashed in several places. Later on, the wolf is discovered in Casper. A wolf that size and speed could easily travel a large distance in a short period of time.

Corrected entry: Grey Trace is wearing the superchip STEM, which is revealed at the end to be the evil mastermind behind the whole plot. However STEM ordered his inventor Eron Keen to do things, which got the ball rolling. Organizing the car accident, implanting stem into Grey and so on. Obviously Keen is a henchman of STEM already. However, in the middle of the story STEM is instructing Grey to visit the Superhacker Jamie, who is able to build a rootkit in STEM, locking out Keen. After that STEM is even more powerful and capable of controlling Grey completely. But why didn't STEM order his genius Keen to "unlock" everything in the STEM-chip in the first place? Codes were already known to STEM because he dictated them to Grey. The risky detour visiting Superhacker Jamie, even STEM being deactivated by Keen while getting hunted by Fisk and his men, is extremely dangerous for STEM (who doesn't want to get killed obviously) and on many levels very needless from STEM's point of view. STEM already controls Keen, instructs Fisk too and easily could order Keen to reprogram him and put him into Grey (easy binary codes already known to STEM). The story could end after 20 minutes.
Correction: You're coming at this from an angle that Keen is completely under stem's control... However that appears to not be the case. He does manipulate Keen and orchestrates this whole thing, but it's obvious he keeps things from Keen and has secrets from him as well. Like the fact he was going to have Gray turn on Keen and kill him. stem orchestrated the visit to the superhacker to have the last of Keen's control over him cut off so he could be fully free. Cause he may have been manipulation Keen from the get go, but that doesn't mean Keen couldn't have decided to pull the plug at any point if he thought things were getting out of control. Keen loves his creation, i.e. loves stem like a father would a son and would want to try and see it blossom, but he didn't know the full extent of stem's plan. He was ready to shut stem down after seeing him venture into more dangerous situations. And it's likely that stem was playing Keen as hard as he was playing Gray and leading him on thinking something else was going on when it wasn't. He used the situation with the bar and forcing Keen's hand to start shutting him down to give Gray the motivation he needed to seek out the Superhacker so he wouldn't lose his abilities and could still chase revenge for his wife. It was a risky move on stem's part, but it was the only way he could get what he wanted by giving Gray a reason to go to the hacker, and forcing Keen's hand into the attempted shutdown so he could have it counteracted. Keen is even seen crying sitting there at the end showing that the screen says Subject Lost or similar. Though it's unclear if he's crying because he realises he's lost control of his creation... or if he actually thinks he destroyed stem at that point but doesn't know about the hack. Either way, stem did what he had to to get what he wanted in the end.
I already assumed that someone would write something like that. However there are still needless detours. For example after stem gained full control over Grey (after the Hack) they still "visit" and kill Fisk instead going directly to Keen and kill him. And if Keen isn't fully involved in stems plans, why does he agree to kill Grey's wife? Why should Keen agree to a murder someone if there is no scientific gain? If stem instructed the killing then Keen should get very suspicious and stop the experiment. If Keen ordered it, then it is proof that Keen was already a puppet of stem from the beginning. And why is Keen so surprised that stem is talking to Grey? stem already talked to Keen instructing him to stage the car incident and so on.
As far as going after Fisk, that was a loose end that stem couldn't just let walk around. Fisk was the leader of the group that attacked Grey and his wife, and specifically the one who pulled the trigger killing the wife. First rule of assassination, kill the assassin. And as far as Keen, again we don't see the story that stem has been feeding to him or really see Keen's side of the story. It's apparent that Keen has some mental challenges like Autism but is a protege with his inventions and understanding of electronics. stem deceived and led Grey along for the whole ride like a mastermind tricking Grey into doing everything that stem wanted him to do. He probably did the same thing to Keen. And with Keen having some mental issues, possibly even struggling with some concepts or right and wrong and even possibly having some sociopath tendencies, he could have agreed to parts of the plan that stem had told him and wanted to see the potential that stem could be in a person, but unaware that stem was going to turn on him or try to sever his control completely. Judging by the way Keen reacted to Grey venturing out to solve his wife's murder, Keen is much more interested in making sure his product isn't discovered doing things that could lead to him getting shut down. He willingly hires a private surgeon team to experiment on a living person with his product so that he could take shortcuts and even talked about doing it so that he wouldn't have to wait years or even decades to be able to test stem on a living person. So his scientific gain is that Grey is HIS prototype and thinks that stem is going along with his plan just like Grey thinks that stem is going along with his... when it's actually stem pulling the strings for both Grey and Keen. And as far as his surprise about stem talking to Grey, it's obvious that stem keeps secrets from Grey and may not have been aware that stem would have had the ability to communicate with Grey by vibrating his ear drum the way he does. Which would further indicate that he wouldn't exactly know that stem is leading Grey to do his actions and thinks that Grey is going rogue when he goes to the bar and starts shutting him down. It's very likely that Keen believes that the part of stem controlling his company is the true AI and doesn't realise that stem has seeded himself into Grey so deeply. stem is deceptive and calculating, and has been with Keen long enough to know exactly what lies to say and things to do to deceive him and manipulate him into doing exactly what he wants. All the characters in this film involved with it, from Grey, to Keen to the soldiers and Fisk are all chess pieces with stem playing both sides of the board.
Correction: Seeing as how they were able to locate Vision and Wanda in Scotland earlier in the movie, the stones most likely give off some signature that certain individuals can track if they are skilled enough. Thanos, for example, knew at the beginning of the film that two of the stones were located on Earth.
In that case Thanos could know where was the stone of the soul but he didn't, why he didn't use that skill then?
Thanos had already been in possession of the Mind Stone before he gave it to Loki. The Soul Stone had been hidden for years and no-one had ever claimed it.
Unlike the other Infinity Stones, the Soul Stone cannot simply be possessed by anyone that finds it, as they have to sacrifice what they love to gain it. Given that, it makes sense that it would prove difficult to locate.
Or they could have tracked the Quinjet they flew with the entire time.