Kate: It's gonna be the best vacation ever!

Beca: Guys, we've never competed against bands that actually have instruments. So what's the plan?
Serenity: Aw, you guys just sing other people's songs, right? Like karaoke? That's so cute.
Calamity: I'm Calamity. This is Serenity, Veracity, and Charity.
Fat Amy: If I joined your group I could be obesity.

Chucky: Kyle?
Kyle: Andy sent me. We're gonna have some fun.

Gardner: I have to make decisions like what's best for the family.

Kid Flash: Speed it up, will ya? You drive like my Granny.
Dick Grayson: We're moving with the flow of traffic.
Speedy: When do I get to drive?
Dick Grayson: My car. So, never.

Eric Marsh: The world's full of people taking chances.

Joseph Kennedy: You'll never be great.

Winston Churchill: I am choosing between trials and tribulations. Do stop adding to them.

Evie: Mal's gone back to the Isle.
Ben: This is my fault. This is my fault. I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her! I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and... and beg her to come back.
Evie: Ben, you'll never find her.
Ben: I.
Evie: You need to know the Isle and how it works and... you have to take me with you.
Ben: Yes! Are you sure?
Evie: Yeah. She's my best friend. And we'll bring the boys too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is too popular over there right now.
Ben: Thank you.
Evie: But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again.
Ben: I promise.
Evie: And there's no way you're going looking like that.

Eamon Bailey: Knowing is good, but knowing everything is better.

Jessica Johnson: I am well aware that this is a one-way mission and there is no point of return to my original life.

Diana Cavendish: Bloggs told me the other day that all our friends were convinced I'd give up on you. Apparently they saw me as some kind of a pampered nitwit.
Robin Cavendish: Well, you are a pampered nitwit.
Diana Cavendish: Oh, was I? Well, it didn't stop you running after me, did it?
Robin Cavendish: Well, no. I've got nothing against nitwits, as long as they're pretty.

Brainy Smurf: We don't know how long we could be down here, so whatever you do, don't eat all your rations.
Clumsy Smurf: I just ate all my rations!
Hefty Smurf: What... Why would you do that?
Clumsy Smurf: I'm stress eating.