Best movie questions of 2017

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi picture

Question: During the big battle between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker (as a force projection), Luke appears with his blue lightsaber. While I assume that a force projection probably appear any way he wants, and he did choose to look younger, Luke had lost his blue lightsaber decades ago during his battle with Vader on Bespin Cloud City. He had already built a new green one by the time Return of the Jedi started, so why would he appear with the blue one? It should have immediately given away to Kylo that he was a force projection and not the real Luke.

Answer: He knew that his blue lightsaber still existed because Rey brought it to him. He chose to show the blue lightsaber because it belonged to Anakin and Kylo Ren was obsessed with it. He knew that Kylo Ren would be angry at Luke wielding a lightsaber that looked like Anakin's and that rage would help keep him distracted. Here is a quote from Rian Johnson regarding this: "He knows that Kylo's Achilles heel is his rage, and so that's why he kind of makes himself look younger, the way Kylo would've last seen him in their confrontation at the temple, and that's why he decided to bring Kylo's grandfather's lightsaber down there - the lightsaber that Kylo screamed at Rey, 'that's mine, that belongs to me.'"

More Star Wars: The Last Jedi questions
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie picture

Question: Why did they let Professor Poopypants get away?

Answer: They never would have found him after CU slapped him far away. Plus Harold destroyed the shrink/grow machine so PP ended up permanently small, meaning someone could easily squish him if he tried anything evil again.

More Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie questions
The Boss Baby picture

Question: I find the logic in this movie confusing! How can the mom be pregnant with Boss Baby while he's in Baby Corp? How did he get out of the taxi walking and dancing to the door without the parents noticing yet enter the house with him in their arms? Are babies Suzie, the triplets, and Jimbo also from Baby Corp since they talk and act like Boss Baby? If Suzie is from Baby Corp, would she lose her formula after being "accepted" into kindergarten with a picture of a smiley face? If the Boss Baby quits his job to be part of the Templeton family again, wouldn't he have ended up with some other family unintentionally? Finally, if the Boss Baby came back as a regular baby, why wasn't the mom pregnant?

Answer: Tim is shown to have an extremely active imagination, so he probably just imagined the whole Baby Corp and Puppy Co plots as a way of dealing with the arrival of a new (real) baby brother.


More The Boss Baby questions
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle picture

Question: After finishing the game, did Spencer, Fridge, Bethany, and Martha still have detention or did changing the timeline prevent them from their punishment?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: They still had detention. The only thing that changed was Alex. But since they had become such close friends, detention would hardly be a punishment for them anymore.


It seemed like they just simply walked out of detention. I mean, did they finish their detention or did they have to continue on a Saturday?

The movie doesn't explain. But regardless, it also really doesn't matter.


They probably didn't go back on Saturday. When they go back to school, Spencer acts like he hasn't spoken to Martha since their adventure, while Bethany says she's been texting Martha 'all weekend'.

Brian Katcher

The principal did say that if they didn't finish sorting the old magazines, they would have to finish the next day; though whether or not they did is unclear.


More Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle questions
Get Out picture

Question: Strapped to a chair. How does he manage to put the cotton in his ears?

Answer: His wrists and ankles are strapped to the arms and legs of the chair. He can sill move his upper body. He pulls the cotton from the chair out by his fingers, leans forward, and stuffs it in his ears.

More Get Out questions

Answer: Chucky states that he found a new voodoo spell in the film that allows him to control multiple hosts at once. It's almost like a copy/paste of his spirit. Andy still has the original Chucky, whereas the rest are duplicates.

Answer: Originally, the serial killer Charles Lee Ray used a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a "Good Guy" doll in a toy shop, thereby becoming "Chucky" the homicidal doll. Later he acquired a voodoo spell that allowed Chucky to transfer souls multiple times (of course, his ultimate goal has always been to transfer his soul back into a living human body).

Charles Austin Miller

More Cult of Chucky questions
Gifted picture

Question: After Frank rescues Fred from being euthanized at the animal shelter he takes two other cats with him. Why does he take the two other cats?

Answer: Because they were going to be euthanized. He wouldn't leave them to be killed.

More Gifted questions
War for the Planet of the Apes picture

Question: Did Caesar intentionally mean to kill winter the gorilla, or was he just trying to keep him silent from alerting the alpha omega soldiers?


Answer: He was trying to keep him quiet. He was likely more aggressive about it than he would have been, had his family not been murdered.

More War for the Planet of the Apes questions
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 picture

Question: Given there's only a few months between this movie and the previous one, that means it's set around 2014 vs. Infinity War being set in 2018, as best anyone can figure. Is there any official word on what the Guardians are up to in the intervening 4 years?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Short answer: Probably nothing much good. In all that time Quinn still felt like a reaver, and Rocket doesn't deny he likes crime. Only Gamora keeps them at bay from doing anything really nasty. In the mean time they try to do good things, protect planets, hunt pirates, stuff like that. It's a crazy bunch of individuals.


Answer: They're mercenaries, like we see with the Sovereign. They do good things for money. We see this with the Sovereign, and Quill's comments make this seem like this is normal. Later, Rocket makes a comment about raising their prices. In Infinity War, they only respond to the Asgardian distress call because they expect to be paid.

More Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 questions
Papillon picture

Question: How did Papillon, Diega and Marturette manage to sail to Colombia after their second escape attempt? Colombia is on the opposite side of South America from French Guiana/Devil's Island. It seems like they would have ended up in Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Curaçao or Aruba long before ending up in Colombia. I'm sure the book sheds light on this, but the movie completely glosses over it.


Answer: I discovered the answer to this by reading the book's plot synopsis on Wikipedia. The inmates actually sailed to Trinidad and then picked up three other inmates. They set sail again and were captured near the Colombian coastline when the wind died down. It would appear that in the interest of saving time, the movie chose to just have them appear in Colombia.


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Power Rangers picture

Question: How does Rita get that green outfit and how is she bullet proof?


Answer: Rita was originally a part of Zordon's power rangers, and she was the green ranger of the team, so she would still have it. Rita may have magical abilities that would explain how she was unable to be harmed from bullets. Either that or her suit is bullet proof.

More Power Rangers questions
Alien: Covenant picture

Question: When we see the eggs for the first time did they come from an actual Queen, or did David use Shaw's reproduction system to create them?

Darth Crucible

Chosen answer: If there had been a Queen, David would not have just left it there on the planet, he would have taken a Royal Facehugger embryo with him on Covenant. So the latter is most likely correct.

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Logan picture

Question: This question and answer may contain spoilers. The film made it seem like once the mutant children cross the Canadian border, they would be safe. Dr. Rice (I believe it was him) even says they (the Reavers) need to hurry or they'll lose the children if they cross. My question is why? Did I miss something? Who was suppose to meet the children in Canada? Or is Dr. Rice saying they can't follow the children into Canada, and if so, why not? Alkali Lake was in Canada and it doesn't seem they have any regards for laws and borders. And surely if the children were that valuable, or the need to destroy them so important, why would Dr. Rice not send his army of Reavers to battle whoever was helping the children?


Chosen answer: It is subtly shown that Rice has a deal with the US government to conduct his business without conflict, something he won't have in Canada. There is also a strong theory that the people helping the children is Department H. The Canadian organization that started the super team, Alpha Flight.


More Logan questions
Fast & Furious 8 picture

Question: Is it safe to say that the Shaw brothers were good guys before Cipher got involved? Is it also safe to say that Deckard was a good guy too until he needed to get revenge on Dom and the team?

Answer: Well, we know that Owen Shaw was once an SAS soldier. Deckard Shaw has a file in this movie that reveals he saved a team he was part of and saved some hostages in the past. When Deckard Shaw refused to do the job Cypher wanted him to do in Furious 6 to steal the nightshade device, Cypher then went after Owen Shaw and convinced him to do the job. Cypher is the true mastermind behind everything that has happened in Furious 6, 7 and 8. So, maybe the Shaw brothers were good guys at a time before Cypher came along.

More Fast & Furious 8 questions
Detroit picture

Question: Why didn't the guys being interrogated in the hotel just tell the cops about the toy gun that was used? 4 of them knew that it was that gun that was shot out the window and another 4 knew that the gun existed, but they all choose not to mention it. Any reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think at 1st they didn't want to answer as they don't talk to police, but as it went on their lie just got bigger and the hole they were digging got so big they could not get out. They also figured the police would not believe it was fake and they would be in loads of trouble if they admitted there was any kind of gun. They call it a toy gun, but it is not really a toy as it's a starter gun.

Adam Busuttil

More Detroit questions
Murder on the Orient Express picture

Question: In the opening scenes when Poirot confronts the rabbi, priest, and imam - the priest is Catholic / Western Rite. But from the setting of their dispute in Jerusalem, shouldn't the priest be Orthodox / Eastern Rite?

Answer: Not necessarily. Jerusalem is a meeting place of many religions and faiths - and there's nothing to suggest that the Catholic priest isn't there on holiday.

Except it's stated that priest was negotiating market use (with the imam and rabbi). He was a local.

Brian Katcher

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Baby Driver picture

Question: During the heist at the post office, Baby shakes his head at a woman who in turn grabs a cop. When the lady was walking up, she smiled and waved like she knew him. However at the end during her testimony, it seems like she didn't know him after all. If that's the case, why did she smile and wave at him? Did I miss something?


Answer: The woman works at the Post Office and was the one who served Baby and Sam the day before. He's shaking his head at her because he doesn't want her to go in the building and get hurt/ killed in the heist that's happening at that time. She doesn't know him in a personal way like Joseph or Debora.

Heather Benton

More Baby Driver questions
Annabelle: Creation picture

Question: What is the background music playing when the kids first enter the Mullins house?

Answer: It's an original piece called 'A New Home' by Benjamin Wallfisch.


More Annabelle: Creation questions
Okja picture

Question: In the end credit scene, K gives a cigarette to Jay, who has just gotten out of prison. Jay takes it, but instead of smoking it, he stubs it on the bottom of his own shoe and gives it back to K. Why is he doing so?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's a way of showing Jay is not a smoker and doesn't approve of smoking. He most likely sees it as something that is bad for people's health, so he stubs it out on his shoe to get rid of it and so that K cannot keep smoking it.

Casual Person

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Thor: Ragnarok picture

Question: If, as Odin says, Mjolnir was never the source of Thor's power, then how come that "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"?


Answer: If other people are worthy, they can gain the power of Thor (this is something that has happened in the comics), but Thor can muster that power alone. In his case, the hammer simply allows him to focus his powers.

How come then that in the first movie when Odin wants to remove Thor's power he "confiscates" Mjolnir? If Thor's power is intrinsically inside him, how could Odin remove it? Then, he reacquire those powers only after holding Mjolnir again, which implies Thor's powers come from Mjolnir. This is poorly explained in the movies.


"Poorly explained" doesn't make it a mistake. Odin suppressed Thor's innate powers and removed the hammer both symbolically and to prevent Thor from using it to reacquire his powers.

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