Best movie questions of 2017

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The Greatest Showman picture

Question: Why was Zendaya considered as one of the "freaks" (like they called them), even though she looked normal?

Answer: I'm pretty sure because she was a person of colour.

Answer: Her brother said people of the time didn't want to see colored people on the stage. It's clear throughout the entire movie that she faces undue discrimination from the public just for not being white.

Answer: There were other people in the circus who were just normal but had amazing abilities.

She was half black and half white.

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Ferdinand picture

Question: Ferdinand had his name since birth when he is being raised at the bull camp. But he is later adopted by Nina and Juan who also name him Ferdinand. How do they know that his name is Ferdinand? He was not wearing any identification tags and he couldn't speak to the humans to tell them this.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It's a very common Hispanic name, so probably just a coincidence that Nina and Juan happened to name him that.


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John Wick: Chapter 2 picture

Question: I got the movie on iTunes and there's a deleted scene where he goes to the Vatican. He gives Gianna's name, and a papal figure comes out. He tells him fortune favors the bold and sticks his hand out for John to kiss his ring. What's the significance of this scene?

Answer: It shows that high up members of the church are fully aware of the secret society of assassins, and even use them.

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The Lego Batman Movie picture

Question: When Batman and Robin are asked to get out of the prison, they run up the prison floor by floor. And we can see some locked villains. All their cell numbers are either 1091 or 1092. Is it an Easter Egg or a goof?

Lee Lap Fung

Answer: Goof.

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Wonder picture

Question: What was the math problem on the blackboard behind Julia Roberts? I think the answer is wrong as x and y equals 3.

Answer: Yes, the solution given is wrong, it should be (x=-4, y=4). Glad I'm not the only one noticing that. Actually that's how I found this page :)

Answer: August says she's terrible at fractions, may be maths is not her strong point.

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Dunkirk picture

Question: Why did the spitfire pilot land on the beach at the end of the movie facing certain internment when he could have ditched and be taken back to Blighty?

Answer: After running out of fuel, he kept his craft aloft as long as he could so he could shoot down the enemy plane. He then landed when and where he safely could, which was on the beach but in enemy territory. Ditching a plane in water is dangerous and would have meant far less chance of survival.


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It (2017)

It picture

Question: Do we know how Georgie actually dies? We see his arm get ripped off, are we to assume Pennywise dragged him down then ate him immediately or left him to bleed to death and then ate him or that he is also "floating"?

Answer: I would think that the shock of having ones arm ripped off would be more than enough to die from that injury alone. Georgie tries to crawl away so his death is not instantaneous. But bleeding to death is a very real probability. Could have been cardiac arrest.

Alan Keddie

Answer: I think whatever happened to Georgie is what we may or may not imagine happening to him, but whatever did happen, we all know that Georgie dies because he comes back, but he's more like a hallucination because IT makes you see whatever is your worst fear.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales picture

Question: At the very beginning of the film, young Henry boards the Flying Dutchman to speak to Will. When Will looks behind him, he sees the shadows of several crew member starting to make their way towards him and he suddenly gets frightened that the crew will see Henry. Why would he react this way? Since he's captain of the Flying Dutchman, if his men saw Henry, Will could order them to leave Henry alone.

Answer: He's probably worried that either the crew will attack or at very least frighten Henry. Or he just doesn't want Henry to see how horribly the curse can affect people.

But because Will is ferrying souls to the after life, like Davy Jones should have done for the full time, he was captain of the Dutchman. There is no curse that would make the men look like sea monsters. They only started to look like that because Jones denied his duties after 10 years of service, when Calipso didn't show up. So the crew would look like normal men, so Will being worried that Henry will be frightened by them, can't be the reason he started to panic.

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Answer: It is never really explained in the movie, but we could assume that whenever someone dies they keep whatever items they had on them. Hector may have had the photo on his person when he died.

More Coco questions
Daddy's Home 2 picture

Question: What was the name of the song they sang while they were snowed in?

Answer: "Do They Know It's Christmas?"


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Kingsman: The Golden Circle picture

Question: When Merlin stepped on the land mine, why didn't he just wait there until Eggsy and Harry completed the mission? Surely he could have just stood there, then later on they could have called in bomb experts or use Statesman resources to get him off that thing? Eggsy and Harry could have easily taken out those 5 guards.

Answer: At the time, these people only had a really short time to save the world. Merlin thought that, with the landmine, he could sacrifice himself along with many guards to save the world.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard picture

Question: In the beginning of the movie there is a man recounting his story about how his wife and child were killed by Dukhovich. The opposing attorney objects due to hearsay. How is this hearsay, when the man was telling his story of him seeing his own family killed?

Answer: You are right. It isn't hearsay and this is a mistake.

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Geostorm picture

Question: In the beginning of the movie it shows the electric motor on an engine hoist, but he hasn't taken the old motor out yet. Wouldn't he need the engine hoist to get old one out before having the new one ready?

Answer: Not if he has more than one engine hoist.


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Kong: Skull Island picture

Question: Maybe I blinked, or maybe they cut a scene. How did Kong get tangled up in chains while he was fighting the big one?

Answer: The chains are anchor chains from the ship wrecks that were there.

More Kong: Skull Island questions

Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.

Super Grover

More Spider-Man: Homecoming questions
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets picture

Question: Troops were sent to check out the mysterious toxic stuff in the centre of the space city but none returned (as mentioned by Clive Owen). Later it is discovered there is no toxicity. It seems extremely out of character for the pearls to have killed a whole unit of soldiers. This plot point was never explained. Were they killed by the pearls?

Answer: It is never answered, but it's safe to assume the commander has been killing the teams with his guard robots.

Thats nonsense because the commander didn't know the pearls were there so no reason to kill the teams. It was classified toxic because nobody returned, possibly incapacitated by the pearls to avoid discovery but not killed.


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Darkest Hour picture

Question: In the 'War Room' scene, there appeared to be a sheet of plastic or acetate covering the wall with the map of the enemy's movements. Was that premature for plastic to be available in that size for that time frame?


Answer: It was probably Perspex, an acrylic plastic commonly available at the time, used for, amongst other things, fighter plane cockpit canopies and windscreens.


Answer: It may be polyethylene, which was in wide use by the 1930s. Other plastics were also available at that time.


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Beauty and the Beast picture

Question: I have questions about the horses in terms of their breeds. Is Gaston's horse a Friesian, Lefou's horse a Gypsy Vanner, and Belle's horse (Philippe) a Percheron?


Chosen answer: Gaston's horse was actually a Friesian cross. Incidentally, it was the same horse Luke Evans rode in "The Hobbit". Purebred Friesians were used to pull the prison wagon. Belle's horse was a Spanish horse, an Andalusian. And actually 3 different horses were used for Belle's horse, 2 of which had to be painted each day. I do believe for some of the action scenes, one of the horses was a Percheron. Lefou's horse does appear to be a Gypsy Vanner.


I don't understand why Philippe was played by Andalusian when he was Belgium draught, don't get me wrong but Andalusian are incredibly beautiful horses but Philippe identity was a Belgian draft.

Are you referring to the 1991 cartoon and asking why the change? Or are you saying in the 2017 film he is identified as a Belgium draft? There were a handful of changes made in the 2017 film that seemed to make Belle more empowered. Or the filmmakers simply may have wanted a different look. Of course, there are many mistake entries pointing out inaccurate breeds being used or named if that's what you're suggesting.


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Despicable Me 3 picture

Question: Between the first two films Gru had hundreds of minions but in this film he's barely got a handful left. What happened to the rest of them?


Answer: I'm going to assume you haven't watched the entire movie. There is a scene in the movie when all minions abandon Gru due to Gru not being willing to return to his prior lifestyle of being evil and committing crimes.


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Justice League picture

Question: Bruce Wayne tells Clark that in order to get back the foreclosed Kent family farm, he bought the bank that owned it. Why didn't he just buy the house directly? It was for sale.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Bruce Wayne is not only rich and powerful, he's also dangerously vindictive. If you cross him or his friends, he'll pull the rug out from under you, at best, and destroy you, at worst. At the end of "Batman vs Superman," Bruce Wayne realises how horribly wrong he was about Superman; he even feels a kinship because both of their mothers were named Martha, and he was finally able to "save Martha" (something that had haunted Bruce Wayne for his entire life). I'm thinking, once Bruce Wayne discovered that Martha Kent's house was foreclosed, he acted to not merely save the farm but to punish the bank that foreclosed it. So he bought the bank and probably ruined a few financial careers in the process, out of sheer vengeance.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: It was partly done as a joke. But it seems less likely that Bruce would just buy his friend a farm. What most likely happened is Bruce bought the bank and then in essence cancelled the foreclosure, turning the Kent farm back to Martha. Then Martha would continue making her mortgage payments to the bank.

Answer: Like all billionaires, Bruce Wayne wants to make more money. It's much more lucrative to buy an entire bank, and the foreclosure would be cancelled at the same time.

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