Question: How did it end, because I missed that part in the movie. Does Sarah die or did her sister die in the forest?
Answer: Sara spends much of the convoluted ending of this film in the midst of vivid hallucinations. Eventually, Sara dies, accidentally, at her own hands. She cuts her own wrists during a delusion where she believes she is cutting away the grasping fingers of her father's ghost. As she is dying, her body is dragged under the forest floor by Japanese "yurei." (ghosts). Her spirit remains to haunt the forest, lunging at Michi, the search party's forest guide, in the final frames of the film. Meanwhile her sister, Jess, has been rescued alive.
Question: In the post-credit scene, The Tank gang are seen still trapped in their now algae-covered plastic bags as they reach California. Since this movie takes place a year after "Finding Nemo" (2003), how did these fish survive without eating anything for a whole year?
Answer: Algae on the inside of the bag?
Then what about being able to breathe or not being eaten?
Question: How does Cap know that Bucky killed Tony's parents?
Answer: In Captain America Winter Soldier, when Cap and Widow are in the military bunker that has the mind of Zola in it, some images flash across the screen that Cap can see. One of them actually shows links to Winter Soldier and Tony's parents. It's not concrete, but not too difficult to put together for Cap and he deduces things on his own. As well as his time talking with Bucky who does claim to remember them all.
Question: I think that there is one scene in which Rafe (Gluck) has braces on his teeth - but he does not for the rest of the movie. The scene is the one when he sneaks back into his bedroom and his sister is waiting for him because she overheard the fiancé telling the kids' mother that Rafe should go to military school - it is a touching scene in front of Rafe's bedroom window. Am I right that he has braces in that scene but not in any others?
Answer: That's correct.
Question: What happened to him as a little boy when he was hunting with his Father and Uncle? Was he sexually molested?
Answer: If you are referring to the girl Casey, then yes, the movie is implying that her uncle had been molesting her.
Question: What was the liquid in the big containers that Harley Quinn and Joker jumped in?
Answer: The same unknown acid/chemical combination that created the Joker in the first place.
Question: What happened to Psylocke after the movie? Would you say this indicates an appearance in another upcoming X-Men film?
Answer: Psylocke is purposefully shown literally just walking away after the dust has settled. She could very well show up in another film somewhere along the line but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.
Question: Is it true Jimmy Harrell was taking a shower as the disaster began?
Answer: Yes. There are actually many cases where the actors portray what the actual people were doing at the time of the disaster. Another example is when the guy (I can't remember his name off the top of my head) rubs mud off the main drill pipe.
Answer: Yes.
Question: How were the brothers able to steal the second car, after their hostage escaped? Or was that their car? They just jumped in and drove away with no apparent time or effort spent.
Answer: The smaller car belonged to them. They go and pick it up again after Dun Meng escapes the Mercedes at the gas station.
Thank you! With hindsight, maybe that's obvious, but I didn't catch it when I watched the movie.
Question: When Dr. Strange gets into the accident near the beginning of the film, why didn't his car's airbag deploy? Wouldn't such an expensive car have all kinds of standard safety features?
Chosen answer: The airbag did deploy. However, the deployment occurred when the car first crashed and we see the accident from the outside, so we can't see it. Once we get a shot of the interior, you can see the airbag is sticking out from the steering wheel, but (unlike what some movies would show you) airbags deflate very rapidly after a crash, so you may have missed it.
But if the airbags did deploy, then why did he have such major injuries? Wouldn't the airbags have made what happened to his hands less severe?
I don't think so. I watched it again recently and I think I saw the car's speedometer crush his hands while they were still on the steering wheel, while the airbag deploys from the centre of the steering wheel, nowhere near his hands.
Often in real life, when air bags deploy from the steering wheel, they force the hands off the steering wheel resulting in the hands hitting the windshield. Damage to hands, wrists, and lower arms are common.
Question: 3 questions: Was the planet Krennic goes to to talk to Vader supposed to be Mustafar? If so, why would Vader want to go there of all places? Lastly, what was the reason Krennic went to visit Vader?
Answer: Yes, Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group confirmed Vader's palace was on Mustafar. Gary Whitta who wrote the story, suggested that he lived there because "he wants to punish himself" for turning to the dark side. Krennic visits Vader because he wants him to arrange a personal audience with the Emperor and cut Tarkin out of the equation.
Question: How did The Red Queen shrink The Mad Hatter's family into the size of ants?
Answer: She probably forced them to drink "Pishalver" which is the potion that will make one shrink.
Question: At the very beginning of the film, the burglars take care to switch off the home alarm system before ransacking the house. Why, then, as they are leaving, do they turn the system back on and shatter a window to trigger the home alarm? Makes no sense.
Chosen answer: As we see in the film, the houses they burgle have all purchased security systems from Alex's father. This makes it easy for them to gain access to the houses without triggering the alarm. However, if they committed a string of burglaries in which no alarms were triggered, people would eventually put together that customers of the same home security company were being burglarized and would point to them all being inside jobs. By tripping the alarm once they finish, they make it look like a standard break-in.
Question: Dikembe Umbutu stated that his country had been fighting the aliens from the only City Destroyer that landed for nearly 10 years. However, it's stated later in the movie that the surviving aliens were in a catatonic state after the destruction of the mothership, and woke up when their queen arrived 20 years later. So were some aliens not psychically affected by the loss of the mothership's queen and continued a ground war?
Answer: General Adams was only referring to the aliens in the Area 51 prison as having been in a catatonic state for 20 years, not all of the aliens that survived after the mothership was destroyed. Presumably, the aliens in the prison came from the City Destroyer that crashed near Area 51, but the aliens Dikembe fought came from the landed Destroyer, and with their ship intact (and given the fact that it was trying to drill to the core) those aliens retained more of a will to fight.
I don't buy that. After man kind fought the aliens the fiercest war it had known, it let an alien unit go on fighting an African militia for 10 years without providing help? I would imagine if at the end of the war there were still aliens with fighting spirit, world armies would be all over them.
There is a novel authorized by the filmmakers called "Independence Day: Crucible" that takes place between both movies. It explains that Dikembe's father fought a ground war against the aliens from the landed destroyer, all the while stubbornly refusing help from the outside world.
Question: When Edward Snowden obtains the MicroSD card after downloading all the data, he and Patrick Haynes (who's fully aware what he's up to) start communicating via sign language before he leaves to avoid their conversation being recorded. Does anyone know what they are saying to each other?
Chosen answer: The scene is captioned as follows - Snowden: "I might not see you again." Haynes: "You 'gonna leave me here...with Captain America? Thanks a lot." Snowden: "NSA may come after you." Haynes: "I don't know what you're talking about. [walks away.]" I should note that my profession is that of an American Sign Language interpreter. From my observation, they are signing pretty much correctly, if not artfully. The only difference is that what the movie translates as "I don't know what you're talking about" would probably be more accurately stated as, "I don't understand your comment." And there really isn't a sign used for "gonna'." Hayes just says, "you're leaving me here with him? Captain America!"
Thank you!
Question: Who is it that Bruce sees in his dream/vision while waiting for the file to be decrypted? It seems like it might be the Flash, given his time/dimension-travelling powers, but it doesn't look like Ezra Miller and seems to be wearing some sort of armour.
Chosen answer: It is Flash. He is wearing armour because of whatever has transpired in the future. He often wears an armoured suit in dire circumstances in the comics.
Also, if you look at the bottom of the image frame you can just make out the Flash icon on his chest piece.
Question: I have a few questions about the different groups in the film. 1. I looked up 17th Feb, or February 17th Martyr's Brigade, on Wikipedia, and I noticed that an ally that was listed on Wiki was Ansar-Al-Sharia. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Ansar-Al-Sharia the current ISIS/ISIL that we're fighting today? 2. Was the group the soldiers were fighting in the film ISIS? 3. Who was the group of soldiers that saved them all at the end of the film?
Answer: Ansar-Al-Sharia isn't ISIS; it was disbanded in 2017. The group the soldiers were fighting weren't ISIS, they were February 17th Martyr's Brigade. The soldiers at the end were Tripoli GRS reinforcements.
Question: Why are the officers wearing dress blues in the beginning of the movie? The replacement commander of the 110th has a chest full of ribbons...The black military police officer at the command center. Everyday military officers would be wearing Class A's or fatigues.
Answer: Although it's technically a mistake, it is common in films to show military officers in dress uniforms with medals and ribbons to show that particular soldiers are important. A layperson may not know military uniform protocols but they can certainly tell that dress uniforms with a lot of medals signifies high rank at a glance.
Answer: It is almost certainly playing on the trope that clowns (and comedians) often have issues with anger or depression, although they are assumed to be happy and fun.
Sierra1 ★