Question: Does Maui need to eat and drink to survive? If so, how did he survive for so long on a desert island; especially when there's no signs he had any tools for fishing or a way of creating fresh water? If not, why did he seek out food when Moana showed up? Also, it's heavily implied that Maui urinates, which probably means that he drank something, but why would he if he doesn't need food or water?
Question: Why did Arthur tell Aurora that Jim woke her up even though he promised to keep it a secret?
Answer: Being that Arthur is an android, he takes everything that is said literally and without analyzing it. Once Jim and Aurora began their romantic relationship, Aurora casually mentioned to Arthur that she and Jim have "no secrets" from one another, which Jim, without realizing the context or the consequences, confirmed. Arthur then interpreted it to mean that Aurora knew Jim had intentionally awakened her from the sleeping pod.
Answer: Because the ship had been malfunctioning due to collision with the asteroid it had effected Arthur as he is part of the vessel. This shows something is wrong with the ship as previously indicated, Arthur's sudden change of behaviour being integral to what is going on.
Question: Where do Bridget's shoes go after King Gristle puts the skates on her feet?
Answer: Under the bed.
Question: When Judy starts her mission to find Mr. Otterton and finds Nick with his partner, Finnick, she manages to hustle the fox, get him to confess his crimes on a voice recorder, and forces him to assist her on her mission before she decides to arrest him. Finnick laughs at Nick's humiliation and walks away. Why does Judy let Finnick off the hook despite the fact he was involved in Nick's scams?
Chosen answer: Finnick didn't say anything that could be used against him and she had no proof that he was delinquent on his taxes, as he said, "She hustled you good!"
Finnick was involved in all of Nick's scams so shouldn't he have been charged as an accessory and therefore also forced to help Judy?
Nick's crime was not paying taxes. Judy had no evidence that Finnick was guilty in any tax evasion or that he even participated in earlier scams.
Question: Deadpool spends his whole movie killing dozens of people trying to find Francis. But did anyone else know that his real name was Francis, or just knew him as Ajax?
Answer: No and I think that was the joke. He was angry at that whole system so taking out everyone who worked for Francis was probably just him warming up for Francis. What possibly proves this is when he finally gets to 'Agent Smith' he actually asks "where is your boss?" He doesn't say Francis to him.
Question: Hunter, as a stork, and Toady, as a pigeon, are both birds of flight. So why don't they use their wings to fly? Why would they need to use a helicopter (Hunter) and flying machine (Toady)?
Chosen answer: For the same reason people take cars even though they can walk. It's faster and doesn't require using up your energy.
Question: When Tarzan and Jane first meet and they're sitting on a tree branch looking at each other - it looks like Jane's feet are going in the wrong direction (anatomically impossible direction). Did anyone notice this?
Answer: Her feet are oriented correctly the entire time.
Answer: Those are his feet, she's on his lap. You don't see her feet.
Question: In the post-credit scene, The Tank gang are seen still trapped in their now algae-covered plastic bags as they reach California. Since this movie takes place a year after "Finding Nemo" (2003), how did these fish survive without eating anything for a whole year?
Answer: Algae on the inside of the bag?
Then what about being able to breathe or not being eaten?
Question: What is the "terrible accident" that happened to Felecie's mentor? Did it have anything to do with the woman she works for?
Answer: When she was younger she was an extremely famous talented dancer, one day she was doing a show and it was just her on stage. The stage engulfed in flames, and she was seriously injured and could no longer dance.
Answer: She fell while dancing.
Question: How could the Erumpent the size of a whale escape out of Newt's case without Newt around, without his help (magic)? Can Erumpents shrink themselves like Occamies?
Answer: This might actually be a valid mistake. The exit of the suitcase is depicted as being inside a hut, at the ceiling. A savanna creature like that would not even consider that to be a route it might be able to take, because that requires (sorry for the pun) out-of-the-box thinking.
Perhaps that would be true for a non-magical creature; however, there are numerous references in the Wizarding World canon to magical creatures have human-like cognitive abilities (Kneazles are one prominent example), so perhaps Erumpents fall into the same category.
I agree under normal circumstances the creature wouldn't try to escape. However, as Newt pointed out, this creature was in mating season and was looking for a partner; which is why she went to the zoo as there were the closest creatures she sensed to herself. Animals going out of their natural habitat when they sense a potential mating partner is a natural survival instinct real animals do. As real animals do this, it makes sense this creature would do the same thing as a real animal.
As said elsewhere, the exit is depicted as in the ceiling. Erumpets aren't displaying any intelligence beyond that of a bull or rhinoceros. Climbing out through a roof hatch is not in their behavioral patterns, mating season or not. A bull won't climb a ladder, no matter how many cows are on the roof.
Question: When Chekov and Kirk step into their escape pods while on the Enterprise there are wearing their yellow uniforms, but when arriving on the planet they step out of the escape pods and are now wearing a completely different outfit. All of the other crew that used escape pods have not changed outfits. Where did they get the new clothes from?
Chosen answer: The outfits were in the escape pods they escaped in. The other crew members didn't change outfits because they were all captured and were unable to. Chekov and Kirk were not captured and were also the only crew on board who successfully escaped in the designated escape pods, so logically they would be the only people wearing different outfits.
Question: How did The Red Queen shrink The Mad Hatter's family into the size of ants?
Answer: She probably forced them to drink "Pishalver" which is the potion that will make one shrink.
Question: When Dr. Strange gets into the accident near the beginning of the film, why didn't his car's airbag deploy? Wouldn't such an expensive car have all kinds of standard safety features?
Chosen answer: The airbag did deploy. However, the deployment occurred when the car first crashed and we see the accident from the outside, so we can't see it. Once we get a shot of the interior, you can see the airbag is sticking out from the steering wheel, but (unlike what some movies would show you) airbags deflate very rapidly after a crash, so you may have missed it.
But if the airbags did deploy, then why did he have such major injuries? Wouldn't the airbags have made what happened to his hands less severe?
I don't think so. I watched it again recently and I think I saw the car's speedometer crush his hands while they were still on the steering wheel, while the airbag deploys from the centre of the steering wheel, nowhere near his hands.
Often in real life, when air bags deploy from the steering wheel, they force the hands off the steering wheel resulting in the hands hitting the windshield. Damage to hands, wrists, and lower arms are common.
Question: 3 questions: Was the planet Krennic goes to to talk to Vader supposed to be Mustafar? If so, why would Vader want to go there of all places? Lastly, what was the reason Krennic went to visit Vader?
Answer: Yes, Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group confirmed Vader's palace was on Mustafar. Gary Whitta who wrote the story, suggested that he lived there because "he wants to punish himself" for turning to the dark side. Krennic visits Vader because he wants him to arrange a personal audience with the Emperor and cut Tarkin out of the equation.
Question: What happened to Psylocke after the movie? Would you say this indicates an appearance in another upcoming X-Men film?
Answer: Psylocke is purposefully shown literally just walking away after the dust has settled. She could very well show up in another film somewhere along the line but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.
Question: Dikembe Umbutu stated that his country had been fighting the aliens from the only City Destroyer that landed for nearly 10 years. However, it's stated later in the movie that the surviving aliens were in a catatonic state after the destruction of the mothership, and woke up when their queen arrived 20 years later. So were some aliens not psychically affected by the loss of the mothership's queen and continued a ground war?
Answer: General Adams was only referring to the aliens in the Area 51 prison as having been in a catatonic state for 20 years, not all of the aliens that survived after the mothership was destroyed. Presumably, the aliens in the prison came from the City Destroyer that crashed near Area 51, but the aliens Dikembe fought came from the landed Destroyer, and with their ship intact (and given the fact that it was trying to drill to the core) those aliens retained more of a will to fight.
I don't buy that. After man kind fought the aliens the fiercest war it had known, it let an alien unit go on fighting an African militia for 10 years without providing help? I would imagine if at the end of the war there were still aliens with fighting spirit, world armies would be all over them.
There is a novel authorized by the filmmakers called "Independence Day: Crucible" that takes place between both movies. It explains that Dikembe's father fought a ground war against the aliens from the landed destroyer, all the while stubbornly refusing help from the outside world.
Question: Who is it that Bruce sees in his dream/vision while waiting for the file to be decrypted? It seems like it might be the Flash, given his time/dimension-travelling powers, but it doesn't look like Ezra Miller and seems to be wearing some sort of armour.
Chosen answer: It is Flash. He is wearing armour because of whatever has transpired in the future. He often wears an armoured suit in dire circumstances in the comics.
Also, if you look at the bottom of the image frame you can just make out the Flash icon on his chest piece.
Question: In the very last scene, we see Michael Shannon in shackles (presumably in a federal prison) with electroencephalographic sensors attached to his forehead and scalp, oddly gazing at the sunrise as two prison guards flank him. In the very last shot of the film, a closeup of his face, we see his eyes faintly glow for a split-second as he smiles a very slight smile. Question: Is the film implying that Alton is in otherworldly contact with his father, or that his father absorbed some of Alton's otherworldly power; or is it implying that, being the boy's biological father, he was the source of Alton's power? In any event, this may never be revealed, because the film barely made back one-third of its $18 million production budget, making the probability of a sequel highly unlikely.
Answer: I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I got the impression that he was communicating with Alton like he had done when Alton ran from the truck. I also thought his smile was perhaps in reaction to what Alton told him and/or the two were making fun of (mocking) the use of electrodes because they knew the electrodes would not have any effect on him.
P.S. Plenty of lousy movies have had sequels, so it is possible there could be a "Midnight Special 2".
Not necessarily holding my breath.
A sequel doesn't seem likely. Hope you weren't holding your breath waiting for an answer to your question.
Question: How is Emma sitting on the horse and cart when she is lighter than air? I have watched the movie a few times and cannot see anything like a belt around her waist, but any other time she is sitting, she has been seen buckled down.
Chosen answer: At several points throughout the film, there are instances where her powers of air are used only as a plot device, so the extent of her powers is somewhat unknown. Therefore, it is possible she is able to make herself sit on the cart without floating, but other times isn't.
Answer: This is a movie mistake because when she's at dinner, she has to wear a buckle to hold her down. And I don't see why she wouldn't be wearing one on the carriage too.
Chosen answer: There's a sign he had tools for sculpting a statue of himself from solid stone, though we never see the sculpting tools. Given the fact that he wants food and isn't dead, it's safe to assume he also had some tools available for fishing.
Phixius ★