Corrected entry: After Dom and Brian crash the Prince's car through the wall, they come to a stop. Next shot shows the elevator door opening and Shaw walks out. How did Shaw know that the team was in Abu Dhabi and for that matter what building plus what floor they were on?

Corrected entry: When Bing Bong fades away in the memory dump and says his final words, his eyes change from green to pink.
Correction: There were GIFsets at the time that showed grey eyes instead of green due to them being filmed in a theater. His eyes are green in the real film.

Corrected entry: Christian Grey gives a speech during a Anastasia's university graduation ceremony. During the speech the podium he speaks at reads "Vancouver" on it, rather than Seattle, which is where the movie is based. This reflects the fact that the ceremony hall used in this shot is located at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver BC. Despite this the filmmakers try to hide the real location of the scene elsewhere by placing a Washington State flagpole on the stage.
Correction: The school that Ana goes to is in Vancouver, WA (not Canada). Ana and Kate move to Seattle, WA after the graduation.
No they move before the graduation. I've seen this movie multiple times and I know this is true.
They do so in the movie. In the book, they move after graduation. Doesn't change the fact that they went to Washington State University in Vancouver, Wa.
Pay attention to the interior and the events occurring. During the montage of Ana going over the contract, her and Kate are in the process of moving. After the "was this nice?" scene, Ana and Kate are in their new place before they graduated, and before Ana's first experience in the Red Room.

Corrected entry: The Sharpe's dilapidated mansion has had a huge hole in the roofing for some time that allows snow and rain to fall through into the foyer. However, there is no sign whatsoever of any water damage to the interior. The floors and furniture look completely unaffected by being exposed to the weather when they should be stained, warped, or buckled.
Correction: The water damage is prevalent and easily visible throughout the entire house.

Corrected entry: When the helicopter crashes at the end Kyle says Pops is probably at the bottom of the lake, then Pops walks in - not only is he bone dry but shows no signs of being in any sort of crash. After all he did hit the spinning rotor blades that should have left some damage.
Correction: Reese says Pops "probably" ends up at the bottom of the lake. We actually see the fuselage of the helicopter floating in the lake after the crash, so Pops most likely got out of the helicopter before it sank. Also, Pops does not hit the rotor blades on the second helicopter, he crashes through the side of the second helicopter and disables it from within.

Corrected entry: The minions emerge from the sewers to find themselves on Abbey Road while The Beatles are having their photo taken, but the picture of The Beatles walking on Abbey Road was actually taken in 1969, one year after this movie takes place.
Correction: That is not the Abbey Road shoot the minions gatecrash - it isn't even Abbey Road. None of the Beatles wore pinstripes during the shoot, and the fourth man (who stamps the manhole cover shut) is clean shaven - George had a full beard at the time. The famous white Volkswagen isn't there and the extensive parkland and huge trees on either side of Abbey Road have disappeared, replaced with houses and shops. There are four white lines on the road where the minions appear, six on the Abbey Road crossing. There is no manhole cover anywhere near the Abbey Road crossing.

Corrected entry: Earlier in the movie Athena and Casey steal a truck and the back window gets smashed out in the process. Later, Athena returns in the truck and the back window is pristine.
Correction: The truck Athena returns in is a completely different truck.

Corrected entry: Duck hunt was front and center in this movie but was not released until '84.
Correction: Duck Hunt was only release on the NES platform in 1984. However, it was part of Nintendo's Laser Clay Shooting System and released in 1976.

Corrected entry: Pig (the cat) is referred to as "he" throughout the movie, but is a calico. All calico cats are female.
Correction: Calico cats almost always are female, not always.
Correction: Male calico cats are rare but they do exist.

Corrected entry: In the scene near the end of the movie where Justin, Chuy and Carmen are standing on the cliff secretly looking at the "bad guys" in the truck down in the valley, Justin tells Carmen to go back for help. Right after she leaves, Chuy's phone rings very loudly so the "bad guys" can hear it. If Chuy has a phone and it rings, it obviously has service. He could have just called 911 and gotten help without Carmen having to ride back to get help.
Correction: Chuy was surprised that his phone was ringing. Obviously he didn't realise he had service or that the phone even worked considering they were in the middle of nowhere near the border of Mexico and they had also just swam across a river.

Corrected entry: After he is shot by his father she is sitting next to him in a red dress, then they are in the car to the hospital and she has a dress with flowers and totally different hair.
Correction: Jess wears a floral dress with a red cardigan. In the car on way to the hospital the cardigan is removed.

Corrected entry: When Reed repairs the cash machine in the foreign country, he has nearly a week of stubble, or close to that. When he gets back home, he's clean shaven.
Correction: After watching this scene, Reed (who has contorted his face to disguise himself at the register) does not have stubble, and certainly not a week's worth. There are shadows that may look like stubble, but then we watch him change back to his regular face in the car, and any growth remains the same.
I don't buy it. Reed's facial hair repeatedly disappears/reappears during the movie. It is due to the movie re-shoots. It is even mentioned on Wikipedia.
Regardless of mistakes in other scenes, this particular scene shows no evidence of a mistake.

Corrected entry: The stage at worlds is flat when the Bellas start singing but when they sing flashlight there are stage steps in the background for the Bella Generation to stand on.
Correction: When it went dark stagehands put them there for the past Bellas to stand on.

Corrected entry: When a person dies in one location and the body is moved to another location, the decomposition process, such as lividity, will show that the body has been moved. So therefore, it would been very easy for the police to determine that she was not murdered in his bed.
Correction: Lenore was kidnapped at the gas station, not killed there. She could have been knocked out and then killed while she was unconscious, after having her planted in Bryan's apartment.

Corrected entry: During the Task force tunnel raid, not a single person is wearing hearing protection. Delta Force, nor CIA nor FBI would be running an operation with naked ears. Also a Delta operator gives Emily Blunt a hard time by saying something like "stay in the back, keep your safeties on, don't shoot any of my guys", um, really? She is a SWAT qualified veteran FBI field Agent. I highly doubt a Delta Operator would say something so unprofessional to a Team member.
Correction: It is made clear that he does not respect her, and that her purpose is only to make the task force legitimate. It is not a mistake that he was condescending. Additionally, they may well have been wearing in-ear plugs to protect from the sound of firearms.

Corrected entry: When Snoopy cleans off the soot that he has got on him he leaves some around his eyes, However after it cuts to Fifi fixing her airplane the soot around Snoopy's eyes disappears.
Correction: There was plenty of of time during this scene sequence for Snoopy to quickly wipe off the excess soot off his face.

Corrected entry: When Mark is waiting for Maddie and Anna while they are talking outside the school, he can see them through the mirror but the angle of the car and mirror are in the wrong position.
Correction: He's parked far enough ahead and to the right of the school and he's looking through his driver's side mirror so he can see to the left of him. There's nothing about the position of his car that wouldn't allow him to see them.

Corrected entry: Ellis says he'll take Jenny out to dinner tomorrow. When they meet, he shows her the remains of a buried ship from the gold rush days. Then, when Ellis says they should eat, Jenny says she can't because she only gets an hour for lunch. Lunch? What happened to dinner?
Correction: Ellis didn't ask Jenny for dinner, he asked to take her out tomorrow, to somewhere she had never been before; and that was during the day - lunchtime. But, to be fair, we didn't know it was lunch until Jenny said she only got an hour for lunch and all that time had been taken up, seeing the boat.

Corrected entry: When Johnny and Samantha are running into ComiCon to find Ted, Samantha has black flat shoes on, whereas in the scene before this she had on khaki colored heels.
Correction: The previous scene was John and Sam at the fountain when he got the call from Ted. She was wearing her black flats then. However, she had plenty of time to change out of her nice (and probably uncomfortable) dress heels and into comfortable and easier to walk in flats since after the lawyer visit, Ted had time to get to ComiCon, get tickets to go inside, and run from Donny. She had a big enough purse to fit a pair of shoes, or had time to go back to the car. She's also seeing wearing the same flats at the hospital.

Corrected entry: Quinn gets her legs run over by a car. She is told that any overt exertion on her part will make her legs permanently irreparable. When she is possessed, the entity makes her smash her legs on posts to open up the cast around them, and when it tries to make her walk her legs are observed snapping. After the demonic problems of the film are resolved, the demon's actions in her body don't appear to have done any damage.
Correction: We never actually see what happens to Quinn's legs after being saved. After she breaks the casts, she spends literally the rest of the film confined to a chair. So we don't know whether or not she suffered permanent damage based on what happened.
Correction: Shaw is an expert tracker and "a shadow" "capable of slipping in and out of places without being detected" all this just shows he is tracking the team and following them.