Corrected entry: After the Major shoots the General, the General spins and you can see where the bullet exited the back of the coat. When the Sheriff puts the coat on there is no bullet hole.

Corrected entry: Hunt cannot use metal air tanks to enter the server because they would be detected. It would be perfectly possible to use low pressure plastic ones - they wouldn't hold much, but enough for a few minutes.
Correction: Low pressure diving equipment would still utilise some metal components.
Even a lemonade bottle would still hold a lungful of air.

Corrected entry: One of Immortan Joe's wives is climbing around the side/rear of the war rig and touches the exhaust pipes below the shields with no reaction. No doubt, this would be too hot to touch. (00:59:00)
Correction: The bottom of the exhaust is covered in a bandage type wrap, a thermal material - this is the bit she grabs, the rest is covered by the exhaust shield.

Corrected entry: Just before the Indominus Rex ambush, in one shot the Asset Containment Unit trooper Meyers is equipped with a taser-rifle. In the next, she's equipped with a cattle prod. This happens at least twice. (00:46:10)
Correction: She only has a cattle prod.

Corrected entry: Glass wears the bear fur that is taken from the dead grizzly the entire movie. That is not possible because fur has to be tanned first. For this, the expedition had neither the time nor the materials. Otherwise, the fur would rot, especially considering the surroundings and conditions that Glass is put through.
Correction: It is never suggested that the fur he is wearing is that of the bear that attacked him, as the protagonists were all trappers in the pelts (fur) trade, it can be assumed that the fur he is wearing is one that they had been carrying the whole film which had already been treated.

Corrected entry: Tom Hanks has his overcoat stolen, but he has it back on later in the scene. Then he is back at his apartment asking for an overcoat.
Correction: Back in his room, he is not wearing a coat. He is wrapped in a blanket.

Corrected entry: During the montage where Watney is preparing the potatoes, there is a shot outside in his suit where he attaches a cable or hose to the MAV outside the habitat. You can see the large engines of the MAV above Watney's head and the letters "MAV" on the leg of the vehicle, as well as the remains of the wrecked Rover 1 next to it, right where Martinez left it. By this point in the story, the MAV has already departed the Ares III site. This is supposed to be the MDV - the Mars descent vehicle - and Watney refers to the MDV when he discusses where to get the hydrazine - but it is the bottom of the MAV that is shown.
Correction: The MAV is a two stage vehicle. It has a descent stage, used to bring it down to the Martian surface. Atop the descent stage is the ascent stage which would take the crew back into orbit. When launching the ascent stage, the descent stage serves as a launch pad and is left behind. For historical reference you only need to compare to the LEM's from the Apollo moon missions, which also had a descent stage and ascent stage. When Armstrong and Aldrin first descended to the moon, they burned most of the fuel in the descent stage. As such Watney likely scavenged the remaining fuel from both the MDV and the descent stage/launch platform of the MAV.

Corrected entry: When the car blows up, Drac and the gang must use Blobby as a way of transportation. Since Drac is a bat, why didn't he just fly the gang back?
Correction: Because when he becomes a bat, he is a bat. Even the biggest bat could not carry everyone.

Corrected entry: Paxton and his partner showing up in that family's back yard to tase and arrest Scott makes absolutely no sense. Firstly, they were following the helicopter. Apparently, they suspected there was someone in it they want to apprehend, but did they even know who or why. Remember, they know nothing about the shrink-tech at this point, and they just decided to leave the chaos at PymTech to follow it. Secondly, they decided that the briefcase, which they had somehow noticed fall out of the 'copter, was more important than whoever they were following in the 'copter (at night, no less). Thirdly, having decided the briefcase was more important, they somehow tracked it as it fell and went immediately to its exact landing point. It's difficult if not impossible to do something like that in broad daylight, let alone night time.
Correction: This is just a bunch of assumptions that all can happen. For your first point, PymTech had just imploded, so they would be following the helicopter for an explanation of what happened, considering there was nothing they needed to do at PymTech since the emergency services were there. For your second point, they followed the briefcase (which they probably did notice), because the helicopter was spiralling out of control and was going to crash, so they thought they might grab the only possible evidence they have to find out what happened at PymTech, as anything else would be destroyed in the crash. And for the third one, they had the general area of where the briefcase fell, so they just needed to follow the screams.

Corrected entry: The airplane shown taking the young Maria and her husband from Vienna to Cologne is a Douglas DC-3, an American product which would not have been used in Germany at that time. The Fuhrer would not have permitted it! German airlines would have used the trimotor Ju 52.
Correction: This is completely wrong. Lufthansa did operate DC3s during this time.

Corrected entry: Ben's daughter from Diondra would have to be 28 years old as he was in prison for that long. The actress playing the daughter is a lot younger.
Correction: Diondra's daughter is Crystal, who is played by Denise Williamson. At the time of the film, she would have been 29 or 30 years old.

Corrected entry: As Cinderella and the prince are leaving the home, her stepmother is standing on the staircase watching them. In the close-up there is a sconce with three candles on the wall to the stepmother's right. In the long shot the sconce and candles have vanished.
Correction: The second shot of Cinderella's stepmother is taken from beside the stairway - note the painting at the top of the stairs and the candle sconce at the bottom of the stairs, with three vertical rows of the wall's floral design between the painting and sconce. However, the first (and third) shot of Cinderella's stepmother is taken from the foyer - part of the stairway wall is blocked from view by the arched doorway, and viewers can only see two rows of the vertical floral design on the wall past the painting, so the sconce is just not visible from this angle.

Corrected entry: Bond gets into M's Jaguar XJ through the left hand rear door, but within minutes, Q is alone in the back seat, while Bond is in the left front seat.

Corrected entry: When Tris, Tobias and Caleb flee from Eric and troops they escape by running across train tracks, placing an oncoming train between themselves and the shooting troops. However in a shot of the group preparing to board the train, bullets can be seen impacting the side of the carriages all around them...but the firing troops are on the other side of the train.
Correction: They bullets aren't impacting the side of the train Tris and company are on, the bullets are going through the train and hitting the inside wall, sparking out of the holes in the train. We know this because we see barrels inside the train leaking and the factionless tell the group they damaged their goods.

Corrected entry: When the Avengers are defending the core, Ultron flies in and starts fighting Vision in real time, but pay attention to the left side of the screen: Iron Man is flying by in slow-motion. (01:56:25)
Correction: All the action on the ground is slow motion, Cap, Scarlet Witch's red power, the robots, not just Iron Man. So there's nothing to indicate it was real-time. It could have been done to show Ultron's speed, or just a style choice.

Corrected entry: The arrow sticking out of Coin's chest in the overhead shot of her lying dead is obviously larger in diameter than the arrow fired by Katniss.
Correction: No, it's the same sized arrow.

Corrected entry: When Spongebob defeats Burger Beard and tells Squidward that they are going to return to the Krusty Krab, he writes down on the paper "And our heros return to the Krusty Krab." Squidward yells as all of them are teleported back to the Krusty Krab. Spongebob says "I left a little surprise, under your shirt." Squidward pulls up his shirt to see he still has his rock hard abs. How did Squidward keep his rock hard abs if Spongebob didn't write it down on the page?
Correction: What happens is, SpongeBob writes down that they return to the Krusty Krab and then Squidward is the only one shown teleporting back to the Krusty Krab - whilst the others teleport back off-screen. As SpongeBob was not shown on-screen as they were being teleported back, this could very well mean he quickly wrote that Squidward kept his rock hard abs whilst they were being teleported back to the Krusty Krab.

Corrected entry: At end of the film Caleb tries to access the shutdown through the computer but the power cut stops him. Only Ava can manually trigger power-cuts by placing her hand on her wall charger and she was gone - she has no ability to do delayed or timed cuts.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, Chief Ray Gaines is desperately trying to save his daughter, Blake, from rising water inside a building. The water engulfs them both at the exact same moment, and Ray watches helplessly as Blake immediately drowns without struggle in only 22 seconds. However, virtually anyone can hold his breath much longer than that, up to two minutes or more. In fact, Ray continues holding his breath for an additional 30 seconds under continuous physical exertion as he retrieves Blake's body and swims to the surface.
Correction: Many people, especially when panicked, will actually pass out during their first breath. Blake could have easily gone into shock as well. So it's not unheard of for someone to drown in under 30 seconds, although they may still be alive and can be revived. But this was not the case with Blake.

Corrected entry: After Rey saves BB-8 from the net on Jakku she leaves a perfectly good net behind - odd choice for someone who scavenges for a living.
Correction: It's actually a different coat. The General is wearing a frock coat and his great coat can be seen hanging up. The general's jacket he puts on is different.