Corrected entry: The movie claims that the main Gorg is the last one but there is a scene where the Gorg ships are chasing the Boov...who was in the ships if the main Gorg was the last one?
Corrected entry: Pig (the cat) is referred to as "he" throughout the movie, but is a calico. All calico cats are female.
Correction: Calico cats almost always are female, not always.
Correction: Male calico cats are rare but they do exist.
Correction: Later, in the movie after Oh, Tip, and Pig crash after the fleet of Gorg ships chase the Boovs, they see one that crashed in the same area as their car and when approach it Oh states/says in relief, "It is just a drone." So if that one was just a drone it's possible all of them were drones too, since the Gorg Commander/father had no army to fight with so, this could mean that the Gorg Commander created countless Gorg drones due to being the last one so he could protect his children and not fight alone.