Best movie mistakes of 2014

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Get on Up picture

Continuity mistake: Ben Bart passed away earlier in the film but can be seen dancing on stage with the character Gertrude, at a James Brown concert where he is performing "I Got Soul (Super Bad) ". (01:46:00)

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Suggested correction: During that sequence, they intercut James in his gold jumpsuit, with long hanging-down hair, and James in a black-and-white checked vest, doing the same song. In the black-and-white vest era, Ben Bart is still alive, so the dancing could have been from that era.

While that does seem to be the case, it should be pointed out that Ben Bart died in 1968, but the song James Brown is singing, "Super Bad", was recorded in 1970.


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Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day picture Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day mistake picture

Character mistake: When Mr. Rogue is spinning the globe to assign countries to the students he spins for Albert Morio, and he puts his finger just west of North America and says "Lebanon." Lebanon is in Asia, slightly northeast of Egypt and we can see Egypt on the globe on the other side of where his finger is at. He's nowhere near Lebanon.


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Foxcatcher picture

Factual error: The helicopter flown is a Bell 407. The movie is set in '88 and the first flight of this type was 1994.

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Extraterrestrial picture

Revealing mistake: At the end when April and Kyle are killed, they are thrown in a hole back first. When they are shown, they are neatly positioned beside each other. April even has her knees bent up and Kyle has his arm around her waist meaning they obviously positioned themselves for the final shot.

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The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story picture

Factual error: In a first season scene that takes place at The Max, Kelly Kapowski is wearing sandals; Kelly never wore sandals on the show until the 3rd season at the beach club.

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Neighbors picture

Continuity mistake: When Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, and his friend are talking to the fraternity brother to have him wear glasses to get evidence of their hazing, Rose Byrne sticks her fingers in the whipped cream of the guy's sundae and licks her finger. In the shot from behind, she sticks her index finger into the whipped cream. But she licks it off her middle finger.

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A Long Way Down picture

Factual error: When Jess meets her father and Martin on the embankment it is twenty to five in the afternoon, however this is between New Years Day and Valentines Day - it would be dark at this time of day in these months.

Liam D

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What We Do in the Shadows picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene after Petyr's death, Deacon is standing in front of a table and the window directly above the table is shown. At that point, you can see a boom mike being yanked out of sight. I know this is supposed to be a docudrama, but this is the only place equipment is shown in the entire movie.


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Suggested correction: You said it yourself, it's the boom mic of the documentary crew. They make no attempts to hide the fact that it's a documentary.

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Cold in July picture

Continuity mistake: Ben shoots the last bottle used as a target on top of the red drum. After that, he reloads his gun while chatting with his two partners, and magically, multiple jars and bottles appear on top of the drum so he can continue practising. (01:18:25)


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More The Captive mistakes
Love & Mercy picture

Factual error: Brian Wilson's panic attack on the airplane takes place circa 1964. However, the interior of the plane had distinctive sculpted doors on the overhead bins, a style first introduced in 1983 on the Boeing 757.

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The Salvation picture

Continuity mistake: The sheriff wears his badge over his left side, which is traditional. As he is approaching on horse in the final scene of the movie it is still on his left side. Then for a few seconds in one shot his badge is on the right. (01:23:10)

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Kill Me Three Times picture

Continuity mistake: When the car with Alice goes over the cliff, and when she then exits, she is wearing shoes. When she awakens and begins climbing (and afterward), she has none.

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Pride picture

Factual error: About 20 minutes in, the group find a Welsh miners' group in the phone book. The character who is making the call speaks the first two digits of the phone number: "0, 1,..." The movie is set in 1984, when the dialling code for that district was "0639" In that year, "01" was the code for London, not Wales.


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Appleseed Alpha picture

Plot hole: The main plot of the film involves Iris and Olson's mission: Destroying the Mobile Fortress 000. But Iris is a special gynoid. Her primary function is to activate the Mobile Fortress. The antagonist of this film could unleash calamity if he had Iris and the fortress. So, which idiot has sent Iris on this mission? The logical course was to send a demolition team, or better yet, send no-one at all. Anything is better than sending the activation key outside the safety of the Olympus.


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JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time picture JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After cutting through Black Manta's gun, Aquaman then slams Manta in the face with his trident and knocks him down. As he is twirling his trident in victory, you can see his belt and its design. But then it cuts to a close up of Aquaman and suddenly his belt changes in design with the bar in the middle disappearing and the black of his pants extending further up onto his orange shirt in the belt area. (00:03:50)

Quantom X

More JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time mistakes
The Legend of Hercules picture

Continuity mistake: Hercules and Tarak are sitting together talking and Hercules pulls out the necklace that his lover gave him as he reassures Tarak that he will get them to Greece. In one shot he is looking down at it in his hands, then the next shot his head is suddenly leaning back against Tarak. (00:37:45)

Quantom X

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Backcountry picture

Factual error: Writer/director Adam MacDonald boasted that he studied black bear predatory behavior and black bear attacks on humans for years in preparation for making this film, because he wanted to depict a black bear attack in as factual and as authentic a manner as possible. But, at the most crucial point in this film (when the black bear actually does attack Alex and Jenn), factual accuracy goes out the window. As Alex and Jenn cower in terror, the bear lunges into their tent and bites into Alex's leg; whereupon, Jenn fires a can of bear spray (a stifling pepper-based chemical) point-blank into the animal's face. The startled bear retreats for a moment, but then lunges into the tent again, dragging Alex outside and killing him; thereafter, the bear continues pursuing Jenn for the remainder of the film. However, according to years of extensive study by the University of Calgary, no bear has ever attacked a human after the animal was sprayed with bear spray, much less resumed an attack, as depicted in this film. To date, the success rate of defensive bear spray is 100%. So, the factual accuracy of "Backcountry" was abandoned for the sake of cheap thrills.

Charles Austin Miller

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The Judge picture

Continuity mistake: The Judge and son are standing by the side of the road and there's a black bag on the ground between them. When they leave there is no bag on the ground.

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