Best movie mistakes of 2014

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Mumfie's Quest: The Movie picture

Continuity mistake: At the Queen of Night's party in her garden, Bristle's outfit and appearance change, and the inkwell disappears. (01:42:05 - 01:43:00)

Jillian Tyrie

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In the Blood picture

Continuity mistake: Treat Williams is drinking a brown liquid from a glass (scotch?) while accusing Gina Carano of having something to do with his son's disappearance. Shortly afterwards, the liquid is a different color and the glass is much more full. (00:41:40 - 00:42:40)


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Lap Dance picture

Continuity mistake: Kevin Shepherd pulls over in front of her fiancee's dad. It's still a wide angle, but you can see distinctly both her and his left arm stretched forward; she is looking at her engagement ring, he has his hand on the steering wheel. Before the camera cuts away though, he lowers his arm; it is not acknowledged in the new shot, where both have still their left arm forward. (00:03:35)


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Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! picture

Plot hole: When Mr. Shepherd arrives at the school he learn Joseph's (the student's) name but loses his memory. When they are telling him the nativity story Shepherd says "this Joseph" when referring to the student, but he shouldn't remember it.

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Robot Overlords picture

Continuity mistake: When the kids are looking at the Stonehenge-type structures, the younger boy calls for everybody to come and see the hidden message. From the shot in front of the boy you can tell from his body position he's sitting up, however in the next shot from overhead, the boy is now lying down on the rock.

Neil Jones

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Some Kind of Beautiful picture

Continuity mistake: Salma Hayek gets rid of her broken shoe with a single basketball throw into the garbage bin - including the part of the shoe that was still on the counter. (00:06:35)


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Inherent Vice picture

Continuity mistake: During the early part of the movie, the left rear door of Doc's car is dented. For the rest of the movie, the dent is gone.

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Mythica: A Quest for Heroes picture

Revealing mistake: Crawling through a fire cave you can see propane bottles in the background several times.

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Good People picture

Plot hole: Tom told I.D. Halden, "My grandmother passed a few years ago and we inherited the family house." If there was a mortgage, who was paying it for a couple years? And if the house was inherited, there would not be a landlord, they would not be paying "rent", and owners do not get served with an eviction notice. (There was no mention of a legitimate reason, such as unpaid taxes.) There's a failure to discern home ownership (with a mortgage) from renting a house (which is not "inherited").


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Suggested correction: It seems to be that it is about two different houses, the rented one they already live in, and the inherited one which is renovated.

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X Moor picture

Continuity mistake: As the jeep with the killer goes over the cliff and smashes face down you can see nobody is in the jeep as it disintegrates the front part. (01:14:00)


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Asthma picture Asthma mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene of the first meeting between Gus and Ruby, Krysten Ritter's hair moves back and forth (behind or in front of her left shoulder) between shots multiple times (most obvious example: when he offers her a drink). (00:12:45 - 00:14:35)


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The Town That Dreaded Sundown picture

Continuity mistake: Roy is on his back at one point, seemingly knocked out. A shot later he's suddenly on his stomach before regaining consciousness.


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The Hooligan Factory picture

Continuity mistake: When Dex sees "his" son for the first time, the kid in close-ups is playing with the toy that dangles from above, and there's a toy football by him. In the wider angles none of the above is happening. (00:38:40)


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She's Funny That Way picture

Continuity mistake: Judge Pendergast calls the daughter of his therapist, who reacts with typical New York aplomb. During the scene, the same extras continue to walk back and forth with no logic, sometimes coming twice from the same direction, even. Most egregious example the blonde with a ponytail and sunglasses on top of her head. She is behind Jennifer Aniston in the opening shot and appears at least 4 times (possibly more but there's another blonde too -unless it's the same one who occasionally removed the glasses) and walks away from Aniston and Forte two times in a row. (00:17:40)


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Her Evil Twin picture

Revealing mistake: At the end the sides of the grave (which Jack just had dug by spade) are too perfect. Only an excavator could get such neat sides.

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As the Gods Will picture

Continuity mistake: The students' 3rd game is Kagome with 4 Kokeshi dolls. The pink doll starts to the right of the first student to play, the dolls move in a circle around him, she passes in front of him and by the end of the shot she is near his left. The Kokeshi dolls all move backwards between shots and the pink doll passes in front of the student again. After this, she takes 7 seconds to move about 100° despite nobody slowing down and she took that amount of time to move about 170°.

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Outcast picture

Continuity mistake: When the monk hands to the King the seal, he's holding it in different ways between shots (his right index is on the front of the seal in close-up, together with the middle in the next). (00:11:05)


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The Rewrite picture

Continuity mistake: When Hugh Grant writes "Protagonist" on the board, the writing changes depending on the shot, most noticeably the G - sometimes it looks a bit like a backwards question mark, other times it's so slanted it looks more like an S.

Jon Sandys

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