Aqua: When do I get to see the "Sagrada Familia"?
Chanel: When you learn how to pronounce it right.
Sam: I'm slightly tone deaf, but Matt's always said if I wasn't tone deaf, I'd have a very good voice.
Tanzie Marchetta: You caught me. I guess that, like, makes you my hero.
Carl Peterson: You get your first ten-speed bike, and suddenly you're Lance Armstrong.
Dupree: Let's leave Lance out of this. Guy's done more with one testicle than you and I could do with three.
Phone Computer: Welcome to AOL Time Warner Taco Bell US Government Long Distance. Please say the name of the person you wish to call.
Rita: Upgrayedd.
Phone Computer: There are 9,726 listings for "Upgrayedd." Please deposit $2,000 to begin connection.
Walter Nichols: We're going on a ship, and ships don't sink.
Audrey Parker-Nichols: What about the Titanic?
Walter Nichols: That was just a movie.
Audrey Parker-Nichols: Yeah, based on a true story.
Walter Nichols: Really?
Henry: You fucker.
Angus Oldfield: Actually it was a sperm sample.
Henry: You wanker.
Park Hie-bong: In a word... her birth was an accident, and so was her death. Old people have always said... that an animal which kills a human... should be torn limb from limb. That it's a human's duty to do so. Until I slit that beast's stomach... and at least find Hyun-seo's body... I'll never leave this world in peace.