Jake Green: The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.

Dean Whiting: In this town, you're innocent until you're investigated.

Guard: Talk. Talk, speak.
Paxton: What the fuck do you want me to say?
Guard: American.

Katherine: It's not unusual for a child to create an imaginary friend.

Audrey Billings: You said if I needed anything.
Frank Martin: I can't.
Audrey Billings: Why, because of who I am?
Frank Martin: Because of who I am.

Shane Wolfe: Rule number one: never be too eager to rush your opponent.

Charles Schine: Please, just take the money.
Philippe LaRoche: Chuck, I already took your money. You see this? This was your money, and I took it. Now it's mine.

Ben Mitchell: How much do you want for this?
Mick Taylor: I'm not gonna charge ya, you stupid bastard. Did you hear that?"How much"! Ha ha ha.

Badawi: You'll die with me.
Mike Rogo: Not today.

Tobin Keller: You lose somebody, you lose somebody. I don't wanna lose two somebodies.

George: Houses don't kill people. People kill people.

Bernie Callo: I need to speak with you.
Quentin Conners: Well that's where you run out of luck. Because I don't need to speak with you.