Sam: I believe in you more than the prospect of any treasure.
Bates: He found the Zephyr. Maybe we'll meet up in Never-Never Land. 'Cause I heard the tooth fairy was gonna be there.
Amanda: Whatever happened to finders keepers, losers weepers.
Bryce: The guy who owned this place got hit with 44 counts of racketeering and money laundering. Our firm represented him. This is how he floated the bill.
Jared: You gotta be kidding me.
Bryce: Boat problem? No problem. Boat and skis come with the crib.
Jared: We get the boat?
Bryce: You know how Daddy does it.
Jared: We get the boat?
Bryce: We get the boat.
Jared: We get the boat! We get the boat.
Amanda: Don't look at me. I'll stay here and suck on my thumb, while you guys go play Pirates of the Caribbean.
Sam: Ask yourself, What do you want in life that money will get you?