Cece: Grandma saved souls. Murderers, sadists. The most vile men. She milked them of evil.
Eden Sinclair: What was in that suitcase, Cece?
Cece: Every soul that she ever milked was inside that suitcase. So if those snakes got set free, and they killed Ray, the evil of countless souls are inside him right now, possesing his body.

Pinhead: When you attempted to live beyond death, you entered into my domain.
Winter: Oh my God.
Pinhead: You should be very careful what you wish for. It just might come true.

Æon Flux: You cloned her.
Trevor Goodchild: I cloned everybody.

Julian Noble: I'm as serious as an erection problem.

Nick Castle: Holy shit.

David Owens: Just because I have a dead, Mexican hooker in my room doesn't mean I went to Mexico.

Charlie Arglist: It's Christmas, Dennis. It's God's birthday.

Kristin Richards: You may not remember.
Elena Sandoval: But you'll never forget.

Claremont Williams: It's very simple. The, DMV is the de facto conduit for all humanity, and every human being that we track down has a record in the DMV database. Whether it be LAPD, Social Services, the Credit Bureau, or the FBI, they all use the DMV's database as their hub. So, we have people on the inside who feed us the information.
Ed: And who would know it? The gatekeepers of humanity turn out to be a bunch of sassy black women.

Rachel Keller: All I ever tried to do for him was the right thing. It only ever made things worse.
Max Rourke: Then it wasn't the right thing, was it?

The Penguin: Agh! Dead guys don't do that.
Dracula: Not dead... UN-dead.
The Penguin: I think I need to UN-wet my pants.

Georges Laurent: Isn't it lonely, if you can't go out?
Georges' Mom: Why? Are you less lonely because you can sit in the garden? Do you feel less lonely in the metro than at home? Well then! Anyway, I have my family friend... with remote control. Whenever they annoy me, I just shut them up.

Aline Cedrac: I thought you were dead, asshole.

Sonia Rand: I don't have time for stupid idiots.
Travis Ryer: Well, why don't you make some time. How about we stop with the insults, because it is starting to get on my nerves.
Sonia Rand: You think I devoted my career to designing an amusement park ride for rich men to compensate for their little willies by shooting prehistoric animals, is that what you really think?
Travis Ryer: No, what I think is that if you were a guy, someone would have probably knocked you on your ass a long time ago.