Regina: I hate to be the bitch but are we gonna play or what?
Tom: Aw Regina, you love to be the bitch.

Carl Denham: There are thousands of actresses out of work in this city. Somewhere out there is a woman born to play this role... A woman who will journey into the heart of the unknown... Toward a fateful meeting that changes everything.

John Bell: You were always a sound sleeper.

Mike McCormick: Can you fish out of this boat.
Harry Volpi: Caught more fish than John the Baptist?
Mike McCormick: Who's John the Baptist?
Harry Volpi: Something tells me this kid spends a little too much time at the boat garage.

Jonathan Rivers: Do I know you?
Raymond Price: My name is Raymond Price.
Jonathan Rivers: Are you following me?
Raymond Price: It's about your wife, Mr. Rivers. I've been receiving messages from her from the other side.
Jonathan Rivers: From what other side?
Raymond Price: Jonathan, your wife is dead.

Bateman: Personally, I'd much rather regret something I'd done rather than something I was too afraid to do.

Sylvia: You're crazy and you're dangerous and my biggest nightmare is you with a fucking badge.

Walter Abrams: I will match my dysfunctional childhood and Tony's against yours, any day of the week.
Walter Abrams: My father, five foot, arms like this... he had a cock like a Hebrew National.
Walter Abrams: I even looked at him the wrong way... he smacked across the room like Jake LaMotta.
Walter Abrams: By the time I was five, he yelled at me so much, I thought my name was Asshole.