Detective Fowler: If this woman's such a God-damned Saint, how did she end up raising four total fuck-ups?
Lt. Green: Miss Evelyn cycled hundreds of kids out of the foster program and into permanent homes. In 30 years she only came across four lost causes. Four delinquents so far gone she couldn't find anyone to take them in. So she did. Trust me, Fowler, these kids are congressmen compared to what they would've been.

Pestilence: Get off me, you damn hallucination.

Audrey Billings: You said if I needed anything.
Frank Martin: I can't.
Audrey Billings: Why, because of who I am?
Frank Martin: Because of who I am.

Shane Wolfe: Rule number one: never be too eager to rush your opponent.

Badawi: You'll die with me.
Mike Rogo: Not today.

Vladimir: My companion seems to be missing. I do not know what has become of him.

Sonia Rand: I don't have time for stupid idiots.
Travis Ryer: Well, why don't you make some time. How about we stop with the insults, because it is starting to get on my nerves.
Sonia Rand: You think I devoted my career to designing an amusement park ride for rich men to compensate for their little willies by shooting prehistoric animals, is that what you really think?
Travis Ryer: No, what I think is that if you were a guy, someone would have probably knocked you on your ass a long time ago.

Jeff Talley: Joe! Only God gets to decide who lives and who dies.

Kham: Where the hell is my elephant?