Nick Vanderpark: Spray some on my butt cause I just shit my pants.

Alan Tracy: Hey, Dad. That stuff the Hood said, about you leaving him to die. He was lying, right?
Jeff Tracy: No. See, you can't save everyone, Alan. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love, someone you'd give your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone.
Alan Tracy: What was Mom like?
Jeff Tracy: She was a lot like you.

Flor Moreno: Is what you want for yourself to become someone very different than me?

Mrs. Peatree: Are you kidding me? We conduct a nationwide manhunt for you and you're boning the suspect? Did you think this was a joke?"Let's divert federal resources and man hours so I can have my collegiate lesbian fling in style."
Amy: I was doing research.
Mrs. Peatree: I'll bet.

Ralph Walker: Father Hibbert.
Father George Hibbert: What is it Mr. Walker?
Ralph Walker: Producing a miracle is possible?
Father George Hibbert: Like flying to the moon is possible, but it's never going to happen.

Stacy: If we were the share our lives together, why didn't we share our lives together. I know you don't have to tell me everything Derek, but why wouldn't you want too? Unless there is someone else you are waiting for.

Roxy Ryan: Come on you can poopy, just a little one.

Flynn Carsen: She may have been in cahoots with Wilde all along! Cahoots... I've been cahooted.

Fat Albert: You can't let fear keep you from caring about someone, because, caring about someone... is wonderful! A person you think about, and they think about you, and you both know you're thinking of each other... and it's just fantastic to know that there is somebody out there in the world thinking about you.

Julia Lambert: I've decided to retire and let myself go. I'll have potatoes for lunch and potatoes for dinner and beer. God, I love beer! And treacle pudding and cherry tart and cream, cream, cream, cream, cream, cream... as god is my judge, I'll never eat a lettuce leaf again.

Pastor Dan Parker: I'm a sexy man of God, and I know it.

Uncle Max: I flinched, when I should have scurried.