Best comedy movie quotes of 2004

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More Chasing Liberty quotes
The Girl Next Door picture

Ferrari: I know I lost my virginity at prom. How about you? When did you lose your virginity?
April: When I was ten.
Ferrari: Okay, moving on.

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Unfabulous picture

Addie Singer: Ever since Ben's Bar Mitzvah, he's been trying to make everything a right of passage.

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More Kung Fu Hustle quotes
The Big Bounce picture

Nancy Hayes: I dropped out of high school, took a trip to Hollywood, went broke, came home, and hostessed at a strip club.
Jack Ryan: Everybody hostesses, nobody strips.

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What the #$*! Do We Know!? picture

Ramtha: Do I think you're bad? I don't think you're bad. Do I think you're good? I don't think you're good either. I think you're God.

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Club Dread picture

Sam: Nobody ever suspects the fun police.

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Palindromes picture

Mark Wiener: People always end up the way they started out. No one ever changes. They think they do, but they don't. If you're the depressed type now, that's the way you'll always be. If you're the mindless, happy type, that's the way you'll be when you grow up. You might lose some weight, your face might clear up, get a body tan, a breast enlargement, a sex change - makes no difference. Essentially... from in front, or from behind... whether you're thirteen or fifty, you'll always be the same.

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Jersey Girl picture

Girl #1: My mom and dad are very religious. At night I hear them scream "Jesus".

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Fahrenheit 9/11 picture

Young African American male in Michigan: And I was watchin' TV one day, 'and they're showin' like some of the buildings and areas that had been hit by bombs and things like that, and while I watchin' I got to thinkin' like', "There's parts of Flint that look like that, and we ain't been in a war."

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Wimbledon picture

Carl Colt: [Enters betting shop.] Twenty pounds to win, Ajay Bhatt.
Vijay: Hold on, isn't he playing your brother?
Bookmaker: You should be ashamed of yourself.
Carl Colt: Yeah, but curiously, I'm not.

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Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen picture

Lola: Here's what I learned: when you're happy, the whole world's New York. And that dreams are important. Someday, when you're not even looking, they find you.
Lola: It was the first time I realised that absolute reality could be so much more fun than fantasy.

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Shall We Dance picture

Scott: "To catch a husband is an art. To hold him is a job." - Simone de Beauvoir.

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Decoys picture

Luke: That's it, ladies, show me your navels.

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Zenon: Zee Three picture

Zenon Kar: That's ridiculous. You're not old until you hit 30.
Proto Zoa: I'm 31.

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Stuck in the Suburbs picture

Jordan Cahill: You can't blame the location, you can only blame yourself. The suburbs are just a state of mind.

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Bride and Prejudice picture

Lalita Bakshi: You should be stirring your husband's dinner not trouble.

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Garden State picture

Sam: This is your one opportunity to do something that no one has ever done before and that no one will copy throughout human existence. And if nothing else, you will be remembered as the one guy who ever did this. This one thing.

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More She Hate Me quotes
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London picture

Helicopter Pilot: I just love the smell of summer camp in the evening.

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