Question: Where did the money come from that was sent to David Gale's wife?

Question: I read that Evan Rachel Wood's character, Tracy, is supposed to be Nikki Reed at the age when she was having the experiences that Tracy went through. Was the character Evie based on a girl that Nikki knew in real life?
Answer: Evie was based off several people in Nikki Reed's life.

Question: What kind of power did each of the four friends have? Pete can locate things, but what about the other besides reading people's minds?
Answer: Each of the 4 main characters; Jonsie, Pete, Beaver and Henry could communicate with one another telepathically. In addition to this power, Jonie also possessed a photographic memory. Pete could find or locate things. Henry could read other people's minds. Beaver had premonitions or some sort of sixth sense. He made a phonecall to Jonsie, knowing something was wrong and wrote ssdd on the phone booth.

Question: Does Kiera Nightly's character ever split up with her husband and go to his best friend? They show her with the husband at the end of the movie, but it seemed to me that she really loved the best friend. I was sure she would choose him over her husband.
Answer: No, Keira Knightley's character is not in love with the best friend; her kiss is one of compassion and affection, not love. Richard Curtis mentions this on the DVD commentary - he says something about Juliet being the sort of girl who would be used to men falling for her and treating them gently and kindly, which is what she does here.

Question: Why did the Warden slap Mr. Sir in the face with her rattle snake venom?

Question: Will someone explain to me navigation. I have never heard of "Sou Sou West" or "Sou East by East."
Answer: There are four major directions (North, South, East and West), four minor (North East, south east, south west and north west) and 16 sub directions. Among these are South South West and South east by East. South South West is between South West and South and South East by East is between south east and east.

Question: At the end of the movie when Walt is singing the song Summertime, is he lip syncing? If so, who is the singer? I know this song has been covered by any number of people over the years, but this particular rendition was popular in the 60's or 70's. Does anyone know who the singer was?
Chosen answer: Greg Kinnear is singing himself - DVD commentary.

Question: I could not figure out why Red borrowed $20.00. Could someone fill me in?
Answer: Red asked for $10 because he needed to see a dentist, and Howard gave him $20.

Question: Why wasn't Dale arrested after he hit the officer's sister and beat up two other people?
Chosen answer: If she arrested Dale, her sister (Dale's gf) would be upset. But mostly, it's a small town where they all know each other, and that's just how things work.
Answer: Plus The sister would have denied it. She said she fell down and just like Kurt added it's a small town plus he already had people on his side when he jumped on the family at the dinner. Plus his girlfriend jumped in mom face because Dale was mad at husband.

Question: Do Charlotte and Bob end up sleeping together? While the obvious answer is no, when they are going up the elevator the night before Bob is leaving, notice the jacket he is wearing. It's the same jacket that Charlotte gives to him the next morning which he says she "stole" from him. While it doesn't necessarily say they did, they obviously did something together after the elevator scene.
Answer: If they did, it was never said or seen during the duration of the movie. Usually if this happens, it means the event did not occur.

Question: Why was the detective tortured? I don't get it. Who is the girl that brings the detective to Verone?
Chosen answer: The detective was tortured because Verone needed a window of time without any police presence and the detective refused to allow it. The girl is just some random hottie that works for Verone.

Question: When Baxter and his men ride into town, he brings 8 hired guns with him for a total of 9; but when the fight starts, there are only 8. Baxter and 4 men confront Charlie and Boss, in the street, and 3 go round behind the buildings. What happened to the 9th man?
Answer: I believe he is the one being chased by the townfolks, after the gunfight is over.
Answer: The man you see being shot at in the end was the man who ran off once the sheriff had the kid, and Baxter was going to kill him. So, just before the shooting started again, this man ran off away from Baxter. What you see the townsfolk shooting at is this man who ran off just before the end, where Baxter and the sheriff had the boy and were counting down.
Answer: I noticed this as well. The person shot at the end of the film is the same man that was with the sheriff when they were held in the jail. He was a deputy and did not ride in with the land baron.

Question: In the trailer for Radio (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0316465/trailers-screenplay-E18624-314), at the 1:23 point, some very distinctive music begins. This same music was used in one of the trailers for Forrest Gump. Is there a connection between the two?
Chosen answer: Probably not. Many trailers re-use distinctive music from older trailers they are not related to.

Question: I just loved the music. Can anyone tell me whether there's a soundtrack or anything, or who are the main performing artists?
Answer: There is a soundtrack to the movie which has two oscar nominations for best original song and a nomination for original score - go to amazon.com to find out the artist info.

Question: It was revealed at the end what Rachel Weiss and John Cusack had planned all along, why did they ask Dustin Hoffman for 10 million? They never intended for him to lose, they were out to get Gene Hackman and the gun makers.
Chosen answer: Hackman's team was closely monitoring what Hoffman was doing in regards to the tampering, as evidenced by their taping of his conversation with Weiss when he decides not to pay. Cusack and Weiss probably anticipated this so were forced to offer the deal to Hoffman to keep up the illusion.
Answer: The short answer is because the viewers did not yet know their intentions so, from the viewers point of view, they should be asking both sides for money. Also, even though it was revealed much later they were on the side of the planting, it doesn't mean they were not greedy, and they would have taken money from either side or both sides.

Question: One of the mistakes for this film is "In the scene when Ben Kingsley is called a traitor by the woman, at the far right of some shots, you can see the right side (viewer's left) of a man moving slightly." - can anyone make this more specific. Who is calling Ben Kingsley a traitor? His wife, or Jennifer Connoley. Could anyone supply a timecode for this, as I'd like to see it.
Chosen answer: I believe the post is refering to when Ben Kingsley's wife is yelling at him after the cop first threatens them with deportation. But his wife calls him a coward, not a traitor, and there is no one in the scene except for the 3 family members (I've gone through the scene several times in slow motion).

Question: Kendall was really part of 8. This is evident as he was rescued by Pike but went along with the story that he was rescued by Dunbar. Also, that Dunbar was in interrogation but knowing it was really Pike. He also uses the phrase, get your story right. He drew an 8 to indicate that he was part of the organization. He was rescued by Pike because he was part of 8.
Answer: First of all, what's the question? Second, Kendall was indicating that Section 8 was involved because they had the reputation of being a renegade outfit, to deter the fact the he was part of the drug smuggling gang that was operating within the military base.
Answer: The money was from the magazine that paid Gale for his story.
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