Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, the boy checks his calender and crosses of the final box in August, meaning that it would be September. However, when he goes outside, all the leaves are orange and brown. A little early for the leaves to be changing. (00:04:00)

Factual error: When Michael Douglas and the girl have just taken off in the plane, someone shoots at them with a machine gun. But the person is behind the aircraft, not at the side and so it would be impossible for the bullets to crack the side window.

Factual error: In the scene where the kids are viewing the cupcake baking, there is a sign in the corner reading "laugh". The sign is facing towards the chef, when it should be facing the crowd. (00:31:40)

Factual error: Middleburg,VA is actually a little over 40 miles outside of Washington DC, not 20 miles. (00:06:25)

Factual error: There's a mistake when Charlie is reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to the kids. Right after reading "I do not like them here or there, I do not like them anywhere.", he shows them a picture of that character holding a fist and says "He was gonna punch Sam I am". The picture he showed them is not on the same page as that line in the book "Green Eggs and Ham". It only comes in about ten pages later.

Factual error: When Alex first meets Emma, he claims the law firm of Van Buren, Polk, etc. is in the Prudential Tower. Yet, in the last scene where he is trying to win Emma back, you can see the Prudential Tower outside the window of the office they are in (to the right of the John Hancock tower).

Factual error: In Steve Martin's office, when Steve is showing Eugene Levy the woman he thinks he has a date with, Steve is using an Apple Powerbook on his office desk. It cuts to a shot of the two of them looking at the screen, and then a second shot from across the desk. The Powerbook is still on the desk with the top open, but it is not turned on. When a Powerbook is powered on, the white apple on the top cover glows (even in a well lit room). The apple is not glowing.

Factual error: This mistake happens in the scene where Nigel and the babies are trapped in the bathysphere underwater, and Nigel is on the radio, chatting with Marianne. Nigel reports: "Well, one little girl is rather pouty, and someone needs a diaper change." However, it has been pointed out in episodes of 'The Wild Thornberries' that Nigel is from England. Even though Rugrats Go Wild was produced in the United States, Nigel should've used the word 'nappy' instead of 'diaper'. (01:08:35)

Factual error: When they paint the van with spray paint, look at the box of paint cans, they do not match all the colors on the van, also, there is a smooth shine on the van, but if you just painted it with spray paint it would be rough. Also, if you painted an entire van with spray paint in 10 seconds it would not have anytime to dry, but when you look at the van it is perfectly dry.

Factual error: When the man from the Mayor's office bought Mays's car from the auction, the car still had the same tags that Mays had on it. The tags should have been changed. (00:13:35)

Factual error: When Jake is giving Anna (in Tess' body) a ride on his motorcycle, you hear what sounds like a gearshift. However, Jake never pulls in the clutch or lets off the gas. If he would shift without doing this, the shift would never sound as nice as it did.

Factual error: When Charlotte visits Kyoto she arrives by Shinkansen (bullet train) and walks along the platform past the end of the train as if she was leaving the station. The exits at Kyoto Shinkansen platforms are in the middle and not at the end. At the end of the platform is a barrier to prevent you walking down onto the train tracks. (01:14:05)

Factual error: The audition scene for Erica's play would never take place in the theatre. Auditions and rehearsals are held in rehearsal halls, not the theatre. Yet they show the sets already built and installed, lighting and effects in place, and they reference the costumes being ready. This does not happen until the show is close to opening.

Factual error: Even though it is a women's event, one would assume that the rythmic floor routine (performed by Frank with the ribbon) would still have been judged by the same scoring means. In which case, they wouldn't have passed since the ribbon touches Frank's body and the floor a number of times which causes point deductions each time that happens.

Factual error: Children must be 15 or older to ride Amtrak alone. Mark is not 15.

Factual error: Delta Nu is not actually in any college in California. The actual Delta Nu sorority exists at Dickinson College, founded in 1971 following a split from the Chi Omega women's fraternity.

Factual error: As the bus crashes, the destinations spewed out from the destination panel are towns from Devon (England). These include: Newton Abbot, Paignton zoo and Torquay. (00:25:10)

Factual error: The Los Angeles Police Department no longer has an Internal Affairs division. The division is known as the Bureau of Professional Standards and is subject to civilian oversight - meaning the roughshod treatment Gavilan was receiving at their hands would have been checked at minimum by a civilian review board. That having been said, Gavilan's behavior should have gotten him in trouble regardless of whether or not someone in the department was out to get him.

Factual error: When Stanley runs after Zero who is lost and finds him passed out, Zero offers Stanley "sploosh" which we deduce is rotten peaches from Sam's boat which they are taking shelter in. Had the peaches survived both the descent to the bottom of the lake after Sam was killed AND the effects of time, they would be extremely fermented and would be alcoholic. Stanley and especially Zero, would be drunk and would surely dehydrate to death or at least not be able to climb "God's Thumb" coherently.