Trivia: Adam Sandler is also the executive producer of the film.

Trivia: The word 'tetragrammatron' has some very interesting origins which render the film either profound or pretentious, depending on your point of view. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A3477909 for a full explanation.

Trivia: In the novel, Clarissa walks past a street where they are shooting a movie starring Meryl Streep. In the movie, Meryl Streep plays Clarissa.

Trivia: In the beginning, after Jason gets off the train, there is a shot of Jason outside at night looking up a snow-covered street with some footprints in the snow leading away from him. These footprints belong to director Doug Liman. (00:10:29)

Trivia: It's said that Van has been in college for 7 years. This is a nod to a line from John Belushi in "Animal House," when he says, "Seven years of my life for nothing."

Trivia: Many of Frida's paintings are in the movie in an artistic way. The end up looking like real life in a doorway or a window. This is so that they look framed. One example is a painting of Frida sitting with her cut hair and scissors.

Trivia: In the scene where Warren Schmidt falls asleep in the bath, his posture is exactly like Marat in the painting 'Death of Marat', by J.L. David. You can take a look at the original at http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/david/marat.jpg.html.

Trivia: The outside of the arena where the Knights play is the Staples Center, but the inside of the arena is the Great Western Forum, two places where the Los Angeles NBA team Plays.

Trivia: When the movie shows that Joe is selling his house, there's a real estate sign. Notice carefully it says, "Curtiss Real Estate", this is named after the person at the credits "In Loving Memory of Katherine Ann Curtiss." (01:38:40)

Trivia: In the scene right after Eddie Murphy gets in a fight with Owen Wilson and Eddie gets arrested, Owen is walking in an industrial area. While he is walking a "stray" dog runs behind him. I personally know that this dog belongs to the director.

Trivia: On the artwork for the widescreen DVD disc and the insert, Picard is shown wearing his old uniform from "The Next Generation," instead of the uniform he wore in this movie.

Trivia: After Hal Moore calls for "Broken Arrow" the shots of the A6 Intruders taking off from the aircraft carrier are taken from Flight Of The Intruder.

Trivia: Dizzy/Gil (Qualls) is taken to the new school by the police in the van. This scene is identical to the scene in Con-Air when Garland (Steve Buscemi) is taken to the plane.

Trivia: When the two cops bust in on Busta Rhymes and his accomplice, his own music is playing in the background.

Trivia: The house at the marina is the same house used in the movie "The Island". They escape from the underground bunker and trace their (clone) host(s), Lincoln Six Echos, who lives in the identical house at the marina. Look at the staircase. (01:30:30)

Trivia: The NBC tour guide tells her tour group that her favorite NBC star is Rosemary Clooney, aunt of the movie's director, George Clooney.

Trivia: In the movie Barry buys lots of Healthy Choice pudding to get the frequent flier miles. In real life Healthy Choice had this actual promotion and there was a news story about a man who bought a lot of the pudding and got enough free miles to fly his family on quite a few trips to other countries.