Audio problem: When Andrew's mother grabs Melanie's hand and realizes that Melanie has a ring, she say something to Andrew and at the same time Melanie says, "If it's all the same to you I would like to keep it..." Then his mom says, "You're Engaged?" Melanie is in the corner mouthing "quiet" but you don't hear it till the next shot. (00:12:40)

Audio problem: When Kevin turns around from the monitor and sees Prescott for the first time, he screams and then it cuts to a different shot a bit too early, cutting the scream off too early as well.

Audio problem: In the scene in the foster home playground where Tracy Reynolds tells Calvin that he is going to adopt him, Calvin has tears (or sweat) running down his face, then the tears are gone and then they return again. However, at no time during or after the adoption conversation (or anywhere in the film for that matter) does Calvin shed any tears. They are likely from an earlier scene that was deleted.

Audio problem: Near the end, Dennis Farina is sitting in his car outside Homespital. He says something out loud, however, from the side-view of his face as well as the reflection in the rear-view mirror, it is visible that his lips do not match.

Audio problem: When Danny is singing at the club, it is obvious that he is lip syncing as his mouth is just slightly ahead or behind the words. When the song finishes there is about 1 to 2 seconds of vocals after Danny has stopped singing altogether.

Audio problem: When UB is running through the things that have been done by "The Man", in the Chief's office (ie. NBA 3-point shot, Spike Lee), after UB says "So the entertainment industry really is out to get Spike Lee", he says "Is that right?" but if you watch UB's mouth, he is not saying this line.

Audio problem: When the girls are digging up the box, Lucy says, "Me either" as she is bending down, but if you look closely her lips are not moving.

Audio problem: During the scene where the girl is talking to Pluto in the club, he tells her that he was the one that saved her father's life. She responds with "Thanks Dad" but her lips don't even move.

Audio problem: When Det. Middlestat is searching the body of Stephen Bracken she says something to the effect of, "He has no wallet, we will need to get his finger prints", buy her lips do not move at all until the last word or 2 of the sentence.

Audio problem: When Hal Moore is looking at the strong guy through the binoculars during training, the guy's mouth doesn't match what he is saying.

Audio problem: In the scene where Van goes to Gwen's house and meets her parents, Richard introduces Van to the doctors in the room. When he introduces Dr. Beaverman, the shot changes and Richard says "OB/GYN" and his mouth doesn't move. (00:42:40)

Audio problem: At the beginning of the baseball game you see some action with a voice-over of George and Lucy. However, they are visible in the background and not saying anything. (00:50:15)

Audio problem: When Enders kills White Horse, he first tries to shoot him with his .45 and you can hear the hammer falling on an empty chamber. But if you look at Enders' pistol the slide is locked to the rear and there is no way the hammer could have fallen on the empty chamber. This also occurs earlier in the scene when Ox is trying to shoot the Japanese.

Audio problem: When the ship is being pulled into the black hole, Captain Amelia says "Hold onto your life lines gents. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." You can see her mouth is moving differently to what she is saying.

Audio problem: In the scene where April is putting the wax on Jessica's face, April makes some sort of laughing/exhaling noise. Her mouth opens slightly but not enough to make the noise.

Audio problem: After Frida comes back to New York City from visiting her mother, she greets Diego. In the far shot her lips don't move at all.

Audio problem: When John Anderton's wife throws John's eyeball (stored in a clear plastic bag) onto Tim Blake Nelson's pipe organ, an ongoing organ note is heard, implying that the weight of the eyeball is depressing a key or two. We then see a shot of the eyeball resting on the organ's keys, none of which are depressed. (02:01:20)

Audio problem: When Costner finds his baby, The native lady hands it to him - you can hear the baby cooing happily, but if you look closely at the baby's face you will see that she is crying.

Audio problem: In the mountain battle scene when Xander is in the airplane, he says: "Get me along that tower." His lips don't match with what he says, indicating this line was added during post-production.

Audio problem: When Richard and Justin are talking you hear Richard say "forensic stuff" but you can tell he actually says "forensic shit" by reading his lips. (01:06:00)