Question: The first time Sarah goes out clubbing with Chenille, they run into some other girls from their school. One of them is Nikki, who gets mean and says that she's 'not walking on eggshells just because someone brought the Brady Bunch to the N*gro club'. Chenille gets offended and yells "Nikki, you did not just call me a N*gro." How is the term N*gro offensive? Or were they just not allowed to say ni**err in this movie? (Perhaps to preserve the rating?) Someone please help - this has been driving me nuts.
Answer: "N*gro" was the PC term in the 60's. While by no means vulgar, it has mostly fallen out of use and some people are offended by it.
Answer: If you are talking about when they break up and ignore eachother at school, its 'Crazy' by Kacy and Jo Jo.