Lee Krasner: You're not just randomly putting paint on the canvas, you're painting something. You can't abstract from nothing, you can only abstract from life, from nature.
Jackson Pollock: I am nature.

Matthew: Isn't American cheese appropriately named? You know, it's fake and processed, just like America.

Alice Bowman: You are the first, you are the only person I've met who knows what they're talking about! So I am begging you, I am totally begging you to help me out on this.
Terry Thorne: You asked me not to bullshit you?
Alice Bowman: Right.
Terry Thorne: I've gotta plane to catch.

Harvey: Where are you going?
Mickey: To a place called "None of Your Business."

John Grady Cole: I guess the country lasts forever, people ain't but for a little while.

Dr. Anton Rudolph: You have no idea what you're up against.
Bart Parker: You don't know my men.
Dr. Anton Rudolph: This is not some garden snake you're going after. We are talking about a perfect killing machine. A 129-foot all-terrain vehicle capable of speeds exceeding 50 miles an hour with skin that can deflect an antitank round, enhanced night vision and a voracious appetite for human flesh. It will slaughter your men before they have a chance to blink.

Max Kerkerian: Supercop scared of a little pooch? Son of a bitch.

Minnie Mogul: I can't sign a contract that will help three ruthless villains take over the world. I just can't.
Fearless Leader, Boris, and Natasha: Why not?
Minnie: My pen's out of ink.

Buddy Amaral: It's not brave if you're not scared.

Dawn Cottrell: It's my body and I'll cut where I want.

Joan Vollmer: So, do they have ruins down in Guatemala?
William S. Burroughs: It's all ruins. Or it all will be, given enough time.
Joan Vollmer: Ah, just like people.
William S. Burroughs: Yes. But people decay more promptly than Mayan temples.

Pinhead: It's all a puzzle, isn't it, Joseph? Like a game of chess, perhaps. The pieces move, apparently aimlessly, but always towards one single objective: to kill the king. But who is the king in this game, Joseph? That is the question you must ask yourself.