Colonel Hayes Hodges: I'll make you a deal. If you can tell me right now what the life expectancy was for second lieutenant dropped into a hot LZ in Vietnam in 1968, I'll tell you everything I remember about Ca Lu.
Major Mark Biggs: One week.
Colonel Hayes Hodges: Negative. Sixteen minutes. Sixteen fucking minutes. That's all I remember about Ca Lu.
Joe: Once, there was only silence, and not a speck of hope in sight. And every tiny bubble burst on its journey towards the light. But the spark of creation will flicker again, it's a brand new era... about to begin.
Cliff Buxton: Do you know what I thought when this first came up?
Glenn Latham: What, your pipe?
Cliff Buxton: No. The moon mission.
Glenn Latham: You beauty?
Cliff Buxton: I thought, imagine stuffing that up. Isn't that odd?
Glenn Latham: What?
Cliff Buxton: Well, that I was more scared than excited.
Glenn Latham: I don't think that's odd. I feel like that all the time.
Renato Amoroso: Signora Malena, a more capable person than me... wrote that the only true love is unrequited love. Now I understand why. It's been so long since you last came out of your house. But the longer we are apart, the stronger my love becomes.
Chloe Steele: I have exams, I have to go.
Rayford Steele: And I have a flight. It's called a job. Welcome to the real world.
Jim McConnell: They're us. We're them.
Kathryn: Two's company. Three's a fuck load of fun.
Lou Mozell: You know, that I actually met a girl by the name of Moo Goo Gai Pan? That was her last name. Her first name was Freida. Freida Moo Goo Gai Pan. She was half-Jewish, half-Chinese. A lot of people called her the Ori-Yenta.
Lee Krasner: You're not just randomly putting paint on the canvas, you're painting something. You can't abstract from nothing, you can only abstract from life, from nature.
Jackson Pollock: I am nature.
Dawn Cottrell: It's my body and I'll cut where I want.
Roseanne: You're such a weirdo. I don't even know why I listen to you.
Vincent: Because your heart knows I can see it.