Cal Hockley: You're going to him? To be a whore to a gutter rat?!
Rose: I'd rather be his whore than your wife.

Secretary: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

Fairy Godmother: Cinderella, if you really love him, why don't you let him know?
Cinderella: How can I? Look at me.
Fairy Godmother: Do you really think he fell in love with your fancy gown and your pretty braids?
Cinderella: I don't know anymore. And if you hadn't helped me...
Fairy Godmother: You didn't need my help. You just thought you did. Believe in yourself, Cinderella, and trust him to love you as you really are.

Simon Templar: Do you know what the worst part about being you is?
Ivan Tretiak: What.
Simon Templar: Pretending to be so bad in bed.
Ivan Tretiak: You son of the bitch.

Humbert: I missed you. I missed you a lot.
Lolita: Well I haven't missed you. In fact, I've been revoltingly unfaithful to you. But it doesn't matter, because you don't care about me anymore anyway.
Humbert: What makes you think I don't care about you?
Lolita: Well you haven't kissed me yet, have you?

Debi Newberry: You're a psychopath.
Martin Blank: No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for money. It's a job... That didn't come out right.

Alex Whitman: Where are you going?
Isabel Fuentes: You're not my favorite person right now.
Alex Whitman: Yeah, well, you either.

Guido: I forgot to tell you.
Dora: Go ahead.
Guido: You can't imagine how much I feel like making love to you. But I'll never tell anyone, especially not you. They'd have to torture me to make me say it.
Dora: Say what?
Guido: That I want to make love to you - not just once, but over and over again! But I'll never tell you that. I'd have to be crazy to tell you. I'd even make love to you now... right here for the rest of my life.

Korben Dallas: Finger, I was just on my way over to see you, when this big fare fell in my lap. You know, one of these really big fares that you just can't resist?
Finger: Ah. How big?
Korben Dallas: 5"9', blue eyes, long legs, great skin. You know, perfect.
Finger: Uh-hu, I see. And this perfect fare, she got a name?
Korben Dallas: Yeah. Leeloo.

Jerry Fletcher: A good conspiracy is unprovable. I mean, if you can prove it, it means they screwed up somewhere along the line.

Alyssa: Can men fuck each other?
Banky Edwards: Are you asking for my permission?

Seth Warner: I am not crazy. I know the difference between bad luck and divine inspiration.