Fools Rush In

Fools Rush In (1997)


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Movie Quote Quiz

Alex Whitman: Where are you going?
Isabel Fuentes: You're not my favorite person right now.
Alex Whitman: Yeah, well, you either.

Donna, Construction Secretary: Hey Alex, there's a woman on line 1. She says she's your wife.
Jeff: Hey Donna, the only wife around here is my ex and I am not in.
Alex Whitman: Ask if I can call her back. Oh, and get her phone number.

Great Grandma: You will never know love unless you surrender to it.

Priest on Street: There are signs everywhere.

Isabel Fuentes: It was a sign, Alex.
Alex Whitman: Of what?
Isabel Fuentes: That the baby would be Catholic.
Alex Whitman: Oh, well, then it's a good thing you weren't stopped in front of an ihop.

Amalia: You left Alex with your brothers?
Isabel Fuentes: And Chuy.
Amalia: Oh, I better light another candle.

Alex Whitman: Isabel, don't jump.
Isabel Fuentes: I'm not going to kill myself, stupid. But if you come any closer, I'll throw your ass over.

Isabel Fuentes: It was a sign.
Amalia: Of course, it was. God was telling him to quit that job and stay here with you.
Isabel Fuentes: No, I mean it was like a real sign with neon and stuff.

Tracey Burnham: Jeff, hon, would you get us some ice?.. And while you're at it put some scotch in it.

Isabel Fuentes: I pee really fast. I live with five brothers, three cousins and only one bathroom. Believe me - I can pee faster than anyone in the world.

Alex Whitman: They're great. I had no idea that families talked at dinner.

Isabel Fuentes: Alex, this is Chuy.
Alex Whitman: Chuy, hi. I'm Luke Skywalker.

Dam Policeman Delivering Baby: These contractions are right on top of each other.
Alex Whitman: Did you hear that? He said these contractions are right on top of each ot her.
Isabel Fuentes: I'm not deaf - I'm in labor.

Alex Whitman: Wait a minute! You snuck out on me, and I never heard from you again. And now you just show up, tell me you're pregnant, and I'm supposed to know exactly what to do? Well, I'm sorry, but I don't know, exactly, what to do.
Isabel Fuentes: That's the first good thing you've said all night.

Great Grandma: It is not your faith that has betrayed you. It is your fear.

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the movie when Alex is waiting for Isabel on the bridge, Isabel sees Alex and hits the breaks. Her foot is shown stepping on the pedal and her polish color is a light color. Later when the two are in the ambulance, her toe nails are painted bright red. (01:38:28)

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Chosen answer: The music is Danke Schoen by Wane Newton - definitely not the music from Aladdin. It sounds close though. I have little kids and I've heard the song from Aladdin more than I want to.

Actually, the instrumental cue right before Newton sings his song, and many times throughout the film, is a rip off Aladdin cue. It's the exact melody from when Aladdin sings "Would they see a poor boy, no siree." It's exact, and sticks out obviously.

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