Alex Shaw: I gotta get my girl.
Merced: We can not stop the ship.
Alex Shaw: Then we have to slow it down.
Merced: What are you gonna do, are you gonna let the air outta our tires?
Alex: Go faster.
Maurice: Give me one good reason.
Alex: If you don't, I'll push you off the boat.
Maurice: That's a good reason.
Annie Porter: Jack, he was never the romantic type. For our anniversary he gives me pepper spray. pepper spray. I think it's perfume. I end up in the emergency room.
Annie Porter: I've been in worse situations than this, and panic does not help, trust me.
Annie Porter: I'll swear, I'm never leaving the house again.
Answer: Annie is a reckless driver. The way she drives during her test certainly fits with the description she gives in the first film of why her license was revoked. She only says "speeding" when asked why her license was revoked but excessive speeding and reckless driving go hand in hand. It is doubtful that anyone who has had their license revoked for speeding tickets would be an otherwise safe and responsible driver.
Not everyone that speeds is reckless. The driving scene in Speed 2 is excessively bad.