Toby Wong: Are you okay?
Malik Brody: Okay? okay? I'm in one piece, motherfucker, but okay's something I ain't been since we met.
Andy McDermott: Great. Come to Paris and check out les drains.
Rose: Where do you like to stay?
Jack Lawrence: My house, but it's in Los Angeles.
Otis: Can you get me to a hospital? I think I broke my ass.
Maggie: I don't want him back, I just want him vaporized, extinguished! When I'm done with him, he'll be just a twitching little stain on the floor.
Jimmy Nova: Wanna know what a cockroach is called in Algeria?
Montello Hungry: Why the fuck would someone want to know that?
Raif Bentley: You know, I'm not a violent man but I really do think I'm going to have to kill someone here.
Murray: One wish per customer and no wishes for more wishes. They plugged that loophole up years ago. In past years there were abuses.