Molly: My daddy doesn't think she's in heaven.
Corrina Washington: Well, that's probably just because your daddy is so jealous of the angels. He's so jealous, he can't even stand to think about those angels who get to play with your mommy all day long. And he's hurting just like you're hurting, and you're going to hurt for a long time. Every day it'll get a little better, but you'll always miss your mommy, and that's okay.

Ty Cobb: Baseball is a red blooded sport for red blooded men. It's no pink tea, and molly-coddles had better stay out... It's a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest.

Kitty Potter: This is fucking fruitcake time. I mean - is that fashion, is it? I mean is there a message out there? I mean you got lot of naked people wandering around here.

Yvonne Biasi: Who wants ice cream on their pie? Who wants pie?

Pauline Parker: I felt thoroughly depressed and even quite seriously considered committing suicide. Life seemed so much not worth the living and death such an easy way out.
Honorah Parker Rieper: Love, you can still write to each other.
Pauline Parker: Anger against Mother boiled up inside me, as it is she who is one of the main obstacles in my path. Suddenly a means of ridding myself of this obstacle occurred to me. If she were to die.

Ludwig van Beethoven: It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer.

Meredith Johnson: Let's get down to business.

Doug Chesnic: Don't you see? If he is involved, then her life is worthless, you understand? They had to fucking kill her.

Dorothy Parker: I'll wear my heart on my sleeve like a wet, red stain.

Tony Hoyle: Let the law take these guys down. You know, sometimes the law works.
Paul Kersey: And sometimes it doesn't! These people, they steal, they murder, they destroy people's lives and they get away with it! They have alibis, money, lawyers, power. They have everything.

Billy: I stole cars at school. Take them over at break. Leave it parked outside the gates and at the end of the day I was the only kid to drive home. I was a fucking hero.

Paula: We shouldn't be watching this.
Jerry: Why not? I think she's beautiful.
Paula: Mmm-hmmm.
Jerry: You think I'm planning to abuse the doctor-patient relationship.
Paula: Are you?
Jerry: No. Just because I think she's beautiful doesn't mean I want to have sex with her. I mean, I think you're beautiful, but.
Paula: Thanks.
Jerry: No, wait. I didn't mean... I'm sorry.
Paula: It's ok, I'm a big girl.

Vincent Eastman: So, Richard, huh?
Sally Eastman: Who?
Vincent Eastman: Richard! Pancakes in the shape of animals, Richard.
Sally Eastman: He's a friend of the family.
Vincent Eastman: Does she eat them at least?
Sally Eastman: Not usually.

Red Bean's Mother: You ate my chicken ass, now I'm going to eat your ass.